It's very difficult to shoehorn into a category, it has elements from so many different types of rides. It reminded me most of Indiana Jones at Disneyland, but that's still not a great description of it. It has screen based and huge sets mixed so well its hard to tell when they begin/end, including points where they project (like the Disaster preshow or Haunted Mansion ballroom) video elements into the huge sets (hologram like). So it really doesn't compare to Spiderman/Transformers in that sense.
The car is similar to Mummy, but it's not 100% the same. The car can move it's direction it faces around on the track as it moves. (Gentle spinning/tilting) It's not very intense though, tamer than Mummy for sure, and Forbidden Journey, and much less likely to get you motion sick than either.
There are big set pieces moving too in spots (I think on the big kuka arms), so sometimes its hard to tell what is real and what is projected. And toward the end your vehicle actually goes INTO the screen.
It's barely a rollercoaster as the only part that glides down is near the beginning and a small bit toward the middle, most of it is powered.
This one is really in it's own new category of ride. What's Gringott's like? Gringotts.