Having what is termed 2 Millenial kids, one with a Millenial Husband and having numerous employees who fall into the "millenial" category, I would respectfully disagree that they wont go to Disney. Most I deal with see Disney as a great trip because as someone said, they put a lot of weight on experience over belongings. They plan their money and plan their trips. The idea that planning out so far is bad for them is crazy. If anything it is more in their wheelhouse. They like the age of go online , put it together, be done and then go when its time. Will they eventually see a Stock crash or a housing bubble burst? Of course. Things are cyclical. It will be interesting to see how they prepared and how they react. For now, based on my observations of ones I deal with regularly and looking around the parks when I go. Disney isnt having any issues attracting them and the prices being charged are not scaring them away. Do they need to clean the parks up, make better decisions on attractions, resorts, restaurants? Absolutely, but, I do think they are working on that and Disney will be just fine. And this addition of FP purchasing actually fits them even more because they can plan more efficiently. I, like many, think this goes over well, and will be expanded in the future. Probably sooner rather than later.