Re: M:S Review
Originally posted by Ryan
I will surely go on it again, but I think after two or three times, I'll be done with this ride. I mean how many times can you spin on a ride, and watch the same story line? Expecially if the wait time gets like Test Track?
Glad to hear you enjoyed the ride. It seems like everyone likes or loves this new ride, which I think is great to hear. However, I just wanted to comment on the repeat factor because I got an entire different feeling about it. Different people have different opinions and I hope you don't mind if I share mine
For me, MS is one of those rides I can't get enough of. I've done it 4 times and can't wait until August when I will be around to ride it again. Some things that make this a must-do and a must-repeat include: (1) There are 4 different positions you can have. Believe it or not, but it does change the experience since at least two of them have you pushing buttons during intense G-forces and at least one doesn't. Its a wierd feeling to make your arm move out during those forces (2) The detail in the ride capsules. Each time I rode it I saw and heard new things. Like the one imagineer said, its almost a "sensory overload". There is no way anyone can take everything in on 1 or 2 or even 3 times. For instance, watch the small video monitors between the seats. They show lift-off from the outside as you would see when a real spacecraft takes off during launch. It also shows you a flight path and probably more since most of the time I was glued to looking at the "main monitor". Also, even though only two buttons are involved during the actual ride, you have to play around a little. A lot of the side buttons do things. Some switches turn lights on and off on the control panel. Other buttons when pressed make a series of sounds. In fact, the sound they make changes with each time you press them. Its fun to be doing other things during the ride when not being told to
(3) The experience is unlike anything anywhere else. It is completely unique making it a must-ride for me. TOT is still one of my all-time favorite thrill rides, but MS is close to pushing it down to #2 simply because of its uniqueness factor. You can't go anywhere else and feel and experience something like MS. However, you can go other places and be shot up and down, although admitingly nowhere as neat and as amazingly themed as TOT.
I do agree though that it might not be a double E. As far as thrill ride E tickets go, yea, it may be a double EE in my book. But, for me, the best E tickets will always be Pirates and HM.