Yeah this is the problem with how monorails are operated today. The key to making it a fast and convenient service is to keep the station times as short as possible. Any experienced pilot will tell you faster cycle times don't come from driving fast but getting in and out of stations quickly and having all the other drivers on the beam doing the same thing. When trains wait in stations to get that last guest other trains then have to hold for clearance. At peak performance the resort line can easily run with less than 15 minute cycles. While guests might get cut off and told to wait for the next train they also have the benefit of being able to get to their destination in around 10 minutes or less.
yeah but the problem is guests don't understand that concept. You could point to the monorail waiting to come in and they'd still wanna get on the one that's in the station, even though it'll be to their benefit to get on the next one for the reasons you mentioned. It's the same way in watercraft.