I am a huge fan of golfing around Disney World! I am actually headed down next weekend for an annual Disney golf outing with some friends! I personally do not like playing with rented clubs, the rental sets they give you are actually decent sets. But I am just more comfortable golfing with my own clubs. To each their own.
We actually just fly our clubs down....Put them in our golf club travel bags, put DME luggage tags on them and watch them arrive at the resort. We carry-on small suitcases for everything else. Depending on how long we go for, we will put all of our golf clothes in plastic bags then stuff those inside our golf travel bags to maximize space if it is a longer trip.
When traveling to the golf courses, just make sure you get a cab/uber that can take your clubs. Unless of course you rent a vehicle for your trip (we always do for our golf trips)...
I've golfed Palm and Mag many times both are great courses!
Enjoy your trip!!