Golden Oak - Living large in a new Disney home


Not old, just vintage.
Interesting indeed. I didn't realize that people had begun to move in already. :shrug: If I had known that people were living there I would have made an effort to meet these crazy rich people and see if they need a live-in babysitter, housekeeper, or teacher. :lookaroun

I am somewhat happy to hear sales are going better than expected but I am still very skeptical about this development ever having more than the initial 81 units. 450 seems like a very large number to me even if they aren't expecting to have it filled for another 10 years.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
If I win a lottery of more than 12 million....

I'm in! :king:

I figure I need enough to buy a reasonably nice house and decorate it to my liking. Then a whole lot left over to pay the property taxes, concierge fees, cleaning and grounds-keeping, maintenance and flights back to Canada to keep my health care valid. And of course, enough to afford dining and fun while I'm there!


Well-Known Member
I was email-interviewed for this article but must not have said anything quote-worthy :)

Probably too white bread, Kev ... we got to get you controversial. Media goes for the money quotes, my friend.:drevil:

I'd rather see a story side by side about the real estate disaster that is Celebration and what this all means for Disney, which has become largely a real estate/timeshare/hotel operator in FL with theme parks as ancillary businesses, not the core. THAT is a huge change from 20 years ago. And likely why so many of us have issues with the core product because we still (quite erroneously) believe it's the MK and EPCOT ... it isn't!

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Hell, I think Nick, Steve, you, myself, and at least 4 other people could all buy one of these houses, move in there, and still never see each other. :lol: 6600 sq. feet is a lot of house.

Can we call it West Egg and have big, giant, Great Gatsby-esque summer parties?


the real estate disaster that is Celebration

WDW1974, I am curious about your thoughts on Celebration. I drive through while on vacation and it seems like a nice area. Has the housing crash and home values dropping caused disaster or has the experience of living there been not what was expected?


Well-Known Member
WDW1974, I am curious about your thoughts on Celebration. I drive through while on vacation and it seems like a nice area. Has the housing crash and home values dropping caused disaster or has the experience of living there been not what was expected?

Add me to the list of those curious about the basis for your opinion that Celebration is a real estate disaster. We grabbed a cup of coffee and looked around Celebration at the tail end of a cruise this summer (on the way to the Boardwalk to spend a little time before we flew home). Celebration looked to me like a well-maintained community with a nice little retail area and a good mix of residential options.

Do you mean it did not work as a Disney-owned and maintained development? I suppose that may be true, but I don't really know a lot about that side of it.

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