Trip Report Go west they said. The weather is so perfect you'll never want to leave they said.

Greetings to all my Disney-fied, Pixie Dust-fried friends! Yep, it's that time again...moving on to the next adventure. This time we finally went west for our glorious (or not-so-glorious?) return to Disney parks.

The particulars:

Who? Me, Tracey (DH, @Sweetpee's Sugar Daddy), Chandler (DS18, @casutton96), & Brian (DS16)

What? Disneyland Resort family vacation

Where? Disneyland Hotel / Disneyland / California

When? April 26, 2104 - May 3, 2014

I'm not feeling extra wordy at the moment (rare, I know) so let's get started....


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I love how emptied out the park is after these post-closing rides. And Carsland begs to be photographed over and over again.

Flo's carhop closing up shop.

Cozy at the Cozy Cone.

Of course we made our way out through the Grand Californian entrance again. This allowed us to cross through Condor Flats again.

My guys.

On our way through DtD we stopped into Vault 28 to pick me up a tank top to wear tomorrow. We were back in our room getting ready for bed by 9:30. I think I like these Disneyland days, heat or not. :inlove:


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Friday, May 2, 2014 - That final bittersweet day.

We went to sleep plenty early last night so there wasn't a bit of problem waking up early for our final Disneyland day. In fact, I woke up at 5:45. :jawdrop: It was a gorgeous morning. Finally we could see our mountains again.

Everyone was dressed and out the door at about 6:50. We actually had to wait for Tangaroa Terrace to open up for breakfast at 7:00. We ate and made our way over to DCA for the early morning hour today. Yep, it's truly early this day. Regular park opening was going to be 9:00 vs. the 10:00 we'd had during the week. That meant early hour started at 8:00.

Sad but exciting to make that last morning stroll through DtD.

We made it into DCA around 7:40-ish. I love these guys and I love the Storyteller's statue.

"We are just getting started."

We've been here. Happy memories now.

We stood over by the rope waiting for 8:00. The crowds were swelling around us. The excitement was like electricity in the air. So much anxious energy just waiting to get into Carsland. I killed the time taking some more pictures.

You can see the Carsland sign waaaaay down there. The rope and crowd of people waiting are just to the left of the frame.

The security and other CMs near the rope were telling everyone that Radiator Springs Racers wasn't up yet. Last night after our final ride while I was waiting to get our picture loaded to my Photopass+ card the cashier CM was also talking to 2 plain-clothes guys who were holding a stack of what looked like cartridges or something. She was trying to get in touch with a supervisor or something to announce these guys were here. Apparently they were tech guys there to "run updates". My bet is this explains why the Racers weren't up yet. Didn't matter much to us, though. That's not our intended destination. ;)

I tried to take a selfie of the family while we waited but I'm kinda clumsy. The security lady nearby saw me and came over to offer to take our picture. Okee-dokee!




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Still trying to entertain myself in those last moments I started a little Instagram video but then the rope dropped while I was filming and we started walking.

The majority of the crowd still made the turn into Carsland while we continued onwards. The boys took off from us to go jump in the standby line for California Screaming. Tracey and I took our time getting over there.

The jets and other mechanics for World of Color were raised up out of the water this morning. That was interesting.

Fun in the Sun for Everyone. Agreed!

Looking down the launch for Screamin'.

We went over to wait for the boys to get done with their ride on Screamin'. While we waited I took a pic of the mostly empty carousel.

It's a beautiful morning for some thrills.

Here they are. Chandler wants to send this in to Jahova, one of his favorite youtube/gamer guys he loves to listen to. It's a whole long story about how this whole "h4cked my g4mma" thing went down but it is pretty funny. You have to say it like it looks: huh-forked my guh-four-muh". Anywhoo, so the gamer guy put it on a tshirt and wants to see pics of random people in this shirt in crazy/weird/fun/cool places. This will be Chandler's contribution.

I wanted to ride, too! Tracey didn't feel like it so he kept the camera while the boys and I went for a ride. Tracey got some great pics of us. Here we are. Front 2 rows. All set for launch.

This is the moment it started to go!

Great capture from a distance!

The on-ride photo. So fun!

TSMM didn't open up yet. I so could've used a cool-down after that run on Screamin'. The G's are getting harder and harder to bounce right back from. But, since we're already back here in Paradise Pier it's time to conquer another hurdle. Normally the big ferris wheel is named "Mickey's Fun Wheel". But, if you choose to ride in the swinging gondolas on the wheel it's different. The name is now "Mickey's Death Wheel" or "Mickey's Wheel of Death". :hilarious: Laugh if you will but it's a thing. Go to youtube and search those key words. You'll have a blast watching people flip out. I know before our trip I sure spent plenty of time giggling and laughing at the videos.

Oh sure, the gondola is all bright and cheery. Don't be fooled. This is where the deaths happen. :eek:

It was truly a stretch to talk Chandler into even doing this. He's really afraid of heights. So the wheel gradually goes up as other passengers get loaded into other gondolas after yours. Eventually the thing moves to the point that the thing tips and starts rolling and swinging on the rails. That is the most unnerving feeling ever! It's like someone is slowly pulling your seat out from under you waaaaaay up in the air! The first time it happened I didn't catch it on video. I was totally freaked. It occured to me after that first swing that I better chill out or Chandler is going to die of a heart attack. So the next swing I wanted to capture Chandler & me but I was distracted and only got me. I'm trying NOT to freak out because I don't want to scare Chandler anymore than I thought he already was plus I'm babbling trying to do my mom-thing and be all "it's okay" but I was not okay. Just watch and enjoy. Mickey's Death Wheel.

Brian was dying laughing at me. I kept trying to calm Chandler down but Chandler hadn't uttered a sound. He hadn't even moved. He was totally frozen next to me like a rock. Brian kept saying, "Chandler's not freaking out! You are!" :hilarious::facepalm:

After the first few swings I got used to it and got better at watching the wheels that the gondola were suspended from. I could tell when it was about to happen so it wasn't as scary.


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I was trying to get a picture of the exposed mechanical stuff and park below but the stupid camera focused on the gondola cage instead.

This is Chandler's "You soooooo owe me an Oswald sundae for this" look.

The peanut gallery who laughed at me.

Remember I said I should've taken some time to cool down from the roller coaster? Weeeeeell, the other thing is that swinging can make people motion sick. There's barf bags in little side pockets in the gondolas. After the first 3 swings that motion was starting to bother me, too. I spent those last few swings really focusing out on the horizon, breathing, and trying not to spew. :hungover:

Eventually it ended. Thank God. I survived the Death Wheel. I'd prob'ly do it again but not right after California Screamin'. :cool:

Such a fun area!

The boys wanted to ride the roller coaster again before regular park opening so we told them to meet us over at the Wharf. While we were walking over we met the incoming regular park opening guests rushing in. We strolled at a leisurely pace relaxing together. So pretty.

Fun little photo op.

I didn't get to do the bakery tour this trip but I went into the cafe to get a fresh loaf of sourdough. I'd read so much about it, I had to try it. Plus, I figured maybe eating some bread would further help settle my stomach back down.

You can buy Mickey-shaped loaves or Lightning McQueen loaves in addition to the traditional shapes.

You knew I was going for the Mickey!



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The boys eventually met back up with us where we were sitting in the shade relaxing & snacking. Next up, more Soarin'!

We soooo love this queue. Next time we go back we will likely go inside just to walk along the walls and admire all the pictures and displays. When we went in the first time I was in search of this extraordinary lady. I adore her and her legacy.

Anyone know who that is? Ever hear of the Happy Bottom Riding Club? Yep, that's Pancho Barnes!

The guy in the picture on the left. That's Burt Rutan. Tracey mentioned that he met him once a looooong time ago. Tracey has met and flown with lots of people with his grandfather when he was growing up. His grandfather was an Army Air Corps/Air Force test pilot. When Tracey was a squirt his grandfather was a private pilot instructor. He flew with his WooWoo all the time.

The line was steady moving so I couldn't take more pictures. I wish I had.

We really wanted an ice cream from Clarabelle's but it wasn't open yet. Not until 11:30 I think it was? It was only about 10:00 so we decided to hop on over to DL to see what's shaking over there and make sure to do something very important.

Geez, but I sure am hungry for a smackerel of something sweet...


Let's leave today behind because today is our last day.

On our way...

This is where we need to go today!

The Pirate's Lair!

It sure was heating up and the sun wasn't helping. The pictures look so beautiful, tho.

I wish the sailing ship Columbia was out today. Tracey needs to ride it again. That's one of the only things he remembers from his visit when he was a kid.

When we got to the island we told Brian to show us the way. He's our explorer. This is one of the things he wanted to do most. There he goes.

Oooooh...nice view...

Last edited:


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I like that W. Turner is the Prioprietor of the blacksmith shop.

So pretty here.

When you pumped these things water squirted out from the boat next to the dock.

My prisoners!

When you turned this wheel thing.... raised this treasure chest and skeleton out of the water.

Cave exploration!

Pirate forts!

I wish we could've gone in this fort. It was closed.

Not the backside of water.

It was heating up pretty good so we cut our time on Pirate's Lair a little short. Passing thru a gift shop in Frontierland, I guess the Merchantile(?) these 2 pals were hanging out in a display case.



One Little Spark...

I like that W. Turner is the Prioprietor of the blacksmith shop.

So pretty here.

When you pumped these things water squirted out from the boat next to the dock.

My prisoners!

When you turned this wheel thing.... raised this treasure chest and skeleton out of the water.

Cave exploration!

Pirate forts!

I wish we could've gone in this fort. It was closed.

Not the backside of water.

It was heating up pretty good so we cut our time on Pirate's Lair a little short. Passing thru a gift shop in Frontierland, I guess the Merchantile(?) these 2 pals were hanging out in a display case.

This is what I'm gonna listen to as I read your tome!



One Little Spark...
Sorry so chatty, but I don't care to form this in one post...LOVING the trip report so far, btw.

I missed the Mickey on the shower . NICE CATCH!

I didn't have the same experience with the showers...must have been all the adult drinks from Trader Sam's...


One Little Spark...
Saturday, April 26 - Westward HO!

I got up and moving at about 5:00 a.m. We left the house on time, picked up Tracey's brother (he was dropping us at the airport & keeping our Tahoe), checked our furry-girl in at the local Pet Paradise at 7:15ish, managed airport security at Houston Hobby, and had a seat at our gate by 8:30 in SouthWest's cushy chairs with the charging stations.

Instagram shot! Yes, girls, I was rockin' my ' cowboy boots!

OH! In case you're an Instagram freak like me, feel free to look me up under the same username I go by here.

Our flight left on-time and was uneventful by most standards. Tracey & I watched "The Family" (Robert DeNiro & Michelle Pfieffer) on my iPad via an iTunes rental which passed the time perfectly. Such a funny movie! Two thumbs up here. As we neared our destination the views of the desert and mountains really blew me & the boys away. You see, the furthest west the boys & I had ever been was San Antonio, Texas. We've never seen deserts. We've never seen mountains other than the Great Smoky Mountains which are more wooded mountains than rocky ones. It was captivating to physically see what we'd only ever seen in pictures or in movies or tv. It was really cool! I was a bit nervous with how bumpy the ride was as we came in on final approach to John Wayne Orange County Airport. I had a solid grip on Tracey's hand, much to his amusement. For all the bumping around we did, the dipping back & forth, I thought the pilot did an excellent job floating us out and setting us down smoothly. Way to go Southwest pilot! :happy:

We opted to grab a taxi from the airport to the Disneyland Hotel. It was a wash when you paid the various shuttle fees x4 vs. go grab a taxi and go straight to our destination without other stops. It was a no-brainer, really.

We arrived at the Disneyland Hotel & got all checked in by 12:30. Our room was ready, too! WooHOO!!! Fantasy tower, 10th floor. Bring it.

We all ran into the room and did laps checking it all out. I did my inaugural lap then grabbed the camera to start shooting the room before we settled in.

There's a full-length mirror on the bathroom door. Thank you, Disney! Mirror shot for @HollyBelle! I so loved this new sundress with my boots.

Step inside the bathroom. The closed door is just out of frame on the right. Good size vanity. Worked well for us.

The lights on either side of the vanity were awesome.

I loved the square sink. Not the easiest thing to capture but the water knobs are cut in the silhouette of Mickey.

Another Mickey silhouette in the water control . Also, if you look closely the words are written in Walt script. Details. ((I will say, the water temperatur was really weird because when you adjusted it to the right temp coming out of the tub spigot then turned on the shower, the shower temp would be waaaaaay hotter than it should've been. I eventually got smart & compensated by setting the water to ice-cold so the shower would be warm. Not before I took a few showers running in & out of the water screeching "OuchOuchOuch", tho. :rolleyes:))

Just outside the bathroom (the bathroom door is just out of frame to the left) is a handy little vanity/prep area. Very convenient for multiple people to be getting ready to go.

Adjacent to the vanity/prep area is a nice size closet. No, we weren't concierge. Every room has 2 robes, a safe, and a pack-n-play in the closet.

Standing just inside the entry door, the dressing area & bathroom are off to my right, here's the room.

The carved magical headboard.

What's "magical" about that, you ask? Well, like a complete idiot I didn't take a video of it. It lights up and plays 'A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes'. Here's a video of it, not mine. Credit goes to BloodredRose84 who was much smarter than me and captured it.

Yes. I woke my teenagers with this each morning. Every night before we went to sleep we played it again. I would totally have that in my bedroom at home. I would. Wouldn't you???



One Little Spark...
Opposite the 2 queen beds was the desk, tv, dresser, and fridge.

I can't believe I didn't get a picture of it but to the right of the tv/dresser/fridge piece there is a sofa that converts to a twin bed. There's also a few floor lamps by the window and a comfy chair. Then, there was our view! We booked a standard view but being on a high floor made it seem not so much like it was. Yes, we overlooked the front entry of the hotel & parking lot. But if you looked further out it was a full left to right view of mountains. If you looked right we could see Disneyland park.

The circle on the left is, I think, BTMRR. It could be Splash Mountain, tho. I'm not 100% sure. The circle on the right is definitely Matterhorn Mountain. Just outside the Matterhorn circle, look just to the lower left outside the red, and you'll see the top spire of Sleeping Beauty castle. Yep, it's not a giganto castle. More on that later. ;)

After looking around the room we all looked at each other and....Let's GO!!!!

One of the BEST things about Disneyland is how convenient everything is. It's all right there at your fingertips! No waiting for buses. No boats. Nope. It's just a short walk to get anywhere. That said, we walked out the back doors of the Fantasy tower, turned left, and walked under the Sorcerer's hat...and POOF! You're in Downtown Disney!

Spot on! Loving this!


One Little Spark...
You'd think the first family trip for Disney fans out west we'd be chomping at the bit to get into the parks. Oh no. I was smarter than that. Disneyland's parks are largely locals parks. On the weekends they're significantly more busy than weekdays. Besides, Disneyland isn't the only thing out west worth seeing. We had a few things we wanted to do. So, we rented an SUV from the Alamo car rental place that's right there in Downtown Disney and set off in search of adventure. And lunch. We were starving!

For lunch we zipped into an extremely packed California favorite that we've heard so many people rave about: In-N-Out Burger!

One of the things we were sure to try was the not-on-the-menu, highly touted "Animal Fries".

Californians, you may want to skip the final assessment part here. I don't want you to hate me. ;)

Either we went to a not-very-good In-N-Out location (that's plausible) or it's a lot of hype for nothing. The burgers were okay. Nothing exceptional. No mayo? Really? How do you eat a burger without mayo? Or fries? Now let us discuss the fries. How do you eat fries that have no taste? Or salt? The animal fries were edible because there was stuff on them to give them some taste but the fries themselves were like eating nothing. No taste. Tracey refused to eat his. Brian, not usually a fry guy anyway, wouldn't eat them. I ate a few then devoured the ones that had the animal goo on them. Chandler didn't eat many of the fries either. Verdict: In-N-Out isn't that great. ((Noteably, I tried Sprinkles cupcakes [they started out in CA & have a lot of hype] a few weeks before this trip and they weren't that swooft either.))

In-N-Out verdict reached unanimously, we proceeded on out to Huntington Beach. When I spotted this sign I had to take a few pictures. Pacific Coast Hwy! We were THERE! We saw this!!!! Not in pictures. Not on tv. Not in a movie. We SAW this!

As we headed south towards Newport I was totally taken with how different the surroundings were. Palm trees AND mountains in the distance. It was amaaaaaazing to me!

Then there were the super- exotic- Holy CRAP- cars we kept seeing. Not that big a deal to most people but when your 18 yro is a car guy, cars are a very veeeeery big deal. This one, he believes now, is a Rossion. I've never even heard of that one. LOL!

It bugged Chandler that he wasn't certain about this car. After much studying and searching he has discovered this is, in fact, a Factory Five GTM. Factory Five produces various kit-type cars. Their GTM model is considered a "supercar" and, when tested by Car & Driver in 2007, proved faster from 0-60 than some pretty big boys such as Porsche Carrera GT, Lamborghini Murcielago, and Ferrari Enzo. A video of this exact same car that we saw (license plates match) can be seen HERE.

We drove thru Newport Beach on the Pacific Coast Hwy. There were Holy CRAP car dealerships all over the place. Holy CRAP cars aplenty. I didn't take any pictures yet just because I was kinda wow'd by it all, too.

Then we arrived at our destination: Crystal Cove State Park.

We parked the truck and followed the boardwalk path.

And this was what was waiting for us. I kid you not, I was speechless. I've never seen anything like this with my own eyes. It was like being in a dream. Truly. I have always dreamed of seeing something like this and here I am. It's real.

Looking down from the end of the boardwalk path was this area of tide pools. Apparently we nailed-it for timing because the tide was out. Incredible.

I think these shots may go on Tracey's desk.

Monterey has better Pacific vistas. After living there, I want my ashes to be spread to the pacific and the morning tides...

Such a great view.

But, given your circumstances and history, I can see why this was amazing for you. Why? Because it is AMAZING! There's a reason people fall in love with the west coast, and I'm convinced this sort of vista is part of it!

Excellent choice for day 1! (still reading along)


One Little Spark... beautiful. If you get bored with this, I understand. I write my reports largely for my family. They'll enjoy seeing what I was so busy doing while we were there.
To be honest, the best trip reports are not written as "trip reports"...rather diaries.

I've thoroughly enjoyed yours over the years (and others).

I'm very happy to be following along with your experience. Thanks for posting and writing!


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There really wasn't much else we wanted to do in DL for now. Maybe later. On our way out along came a random fire engine loaded with friends! This is how they roll out west, folks. Random characters wandering about or rolling by en masse.

We still owed Chandler that Oswald sundae back at Clarabelle's (yes, we bribed our 18 yro son to ride the death wheel with ice cream:rolleyes: ). We made our way back to DCA. We were getting hungry and Clarabelle's wasn't quite open so we decided maybe some lunch first would be a good idea. As many times as we'd walked past Taste Pilots we needed to try it. The Flight Stuff! That's so punny!

Who cares what they serve. It looks. so. cool.

Again, Tracey can read this tomorrow and inform me what these planes are so I can edit.

Where great food IS rocket science! Works for me.

The lovely older lady who took our order was from Ireland! She was Adorable with a capital A! I could listen to her talk for hours. It's so interesting to me the way her accent sounded. Anywhoo, we used our room charge to pay which prompted her to ask for photo ID. (Thank you!) She saw we're from Texas and, citing recent news events, mentioned, "Oooh! Must be nice over there in Texas. All our businesses want to leave to go there." Tracey replied, "It's alright. I think they get a lot of tax reprieve in Texas vs. California." Without missing a beat this sweet little old lady chuckled back, "Less taxes and less liberal agenda, I'm sure." :hilarious::hilarious: Oh now I REALLY like her! Such a little spitfire! :inlove:

I have no idea what I ate. Prob'ly a salad because it was pretty dang hot out. I was facing the back where a family was sitting at a back corner table not too terribly far from where we were. It looked like a couple related younger families with smaller children including one miserable crying infant. The parents of the world know what I'm talkin' about, how you can hear a baby cry and tell it's a really young infant or newborn. So the baby was quite unhappy and I could hear the misery in it's cries. I watched as the baby was fed and burped. But then....this lady laid this infant on the table and changed it's diaper right there. In the restaurant. Tables full of people around them eating. :eek: I was kinda shocked. I know I changed a diaper or two on my lap in my time but I would find someplace discreet and I certainly would ~~never~~ change one on a table that someone else will be coming along to eat on later. That's totally disgusting. The baby was still miserable and crying. At this point my best guess is the baby had a mean diaper rash. What made me think that? Well, she kept it laying on the table sans diaper, raised it's legs up to expose well-you-know, and used a little pocket battery-operated fan to cool the baby's bare parts. :confused: In a restaurant full of people eating! On a table where other people will unsuspectingly come along and eat their lunch! :hungover::hungover: The wheels in my brain started turning as I suspiciously started looking at the table in front of me. Appetite gone. What are people thinking??? I realize things happen and babies get diaper rashes. My boys had such sensitive skin we battled it, too. But come on! There's baby care centers in the parks for this! Ugh! So, no pictures of the food and such because I was totally preoccupied/horrified.

Lunch properly consumed we needed to fulfill our promise to our "kid". For the record, I think when he's 40 years old he'll still be referred to as "kid". Tracey & Chandler grabbed their respective ice cream creations and found a nice booth for us. Brian & I hit up the Starbucks in the Fiddler & Fifer for an afternoon pick-me-up. While ordering I spotted a lovely chocolate raspberry cupcake that was calling my name. I couldn't just leave it! So, trenta iced skinny vanilla coffee w/9 splendas + a chocolate raspberry cupcake for me.


I didn't make it back to the table in time to catch a picture of Chandler's Oswald sundae. It came in one of the new Mickey's kitchen sink dishes which we still have. I dunno y'all. Have you seen these? I just don't think I can eat out of Mickey's drawers. That seems so fundamentally wrong and kinda gross. :cautious: Why couldn't they make a plastic mini sink with Mickey's arms/hands wrapped around it or something? Geez, next thing you know we'll be eating out of Mickey heads with the top lopped off like some sort of sticky sweet lobotomy. :facepalm:

We returned to our room just after noon and started the dreaded task of packing. A lovely 2.5 hour nap happened, too. I do so love napping. :inlove::inlove:


One Little Spark...
We went upstairs, unpacked, settled in, and decided to lay down for a wee bit of a nap. It was only 5:30 pm on the west coast but back home it was 7:30 and we'd been up since early. And without a whole lot of sleep. So we thought we'd catch a quicky hour or so.

Chandler woke us up 4 hours later at 9:30. :eek: He was apologetic, said he was very hungry but didn't know where the food was. I promise you Tracey & I would've slept straight thru to morning.

We ran down to the onsite counter service place, Tangaroa Terrace. We just made it before the 10:00 closing. We ordered our food then sat down to wait. It's counter service because you order at the counter but they give you a number to put on your number holder on the table. Then, they bring out the food to you. On real plates. With real cutlery. :jawdrop:

We were the only ones there and apologizing profusely to all the CMs at being the last inconvenience at the tail end of the night. We explained that we were jetlagged. I've never experienced THAT before. The CMs were so super duper nice going out of their way to make us feel at home. Not long after our food arrived the one lady who had been working the register came over to us to check on us. She also said she was about to close her register and wanted to be sure we had enough to eat before she did in case we might want something more.


Such service. Such kindness and consideration. No, we didn't want anything else but feeling cared for sure did make us feel right at home. :inlove::inlove::inlove:
Yes, just yes, I completely agree with my treatment at Disneyland.

Why WDW doesn't get it, I don't know...blame Meg maybe?


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This is what I'm gonna listen to as I read your tome!

That's such a happy perfect song. It always makes me think of all the bestest days of my life. So many to choose from. I'm such a lucky girl! :inlove:

You live in have you "never seen deserts?" :p

I live on the gulf side, not the desert side. :p

John Wayne is a great airport, so glad you all flew into there!

It is a great airport. Very easy to maneuver and the TSA agents on our outbound day were fun. How often does THAT happen???

As far as the bathroom shot...

1) Dat lens (on your camera)

2) Dat bathroom! (it's nice, isn't it?)

1) ??? It's whatever came with it. I thought briefly of buying another lens to try but I'm so lost on all the tech stuff. I'll just stick with what I have and go get my hair did instead.

2) I loved that bathroom! I want those sink & shower fixtures for my house!

Sorry so chatty, but I don't care to form this in one post...LOVING the trip report so far, btw.

I missed the Mickey on the shower . NICE CATCH!

I didn't have the same experience with the showers...must have been all the adult drinks from Trader Sam's...

No apologies necessary. Glad to have ya here, friend.

Isn't Trader Sam's the BEST?!

Thank you.

Spot on! Loving this!

Yay! Glad you're enjoying!


One Little Spark...
Oh I'm glad you're not offended! I was worried about that. No seasoning on things is quite foreign to us. We season the crap out of everything. It's how we eat. I was also really thrown by no mayo. The moment I heard it I had to really think about it because I don't even know what to do with that. LOL!

Thank you. I'm no photographer that's for sure. I have @fractal to thank for the camera recommend. It suits me perfectly. ;)

Thank you and I'm so glad you're going to join us again! Oh yes, the DL portion starts the next day bright and early. This was our first parks vacation in almost 3 years so it was a bit of an adjustment. Definitely glad we did it. There's a whole lotta magic in these west coast parks. And Walt's park. As a self-respecting Disney fan there's a certain homage that I felt I owed the park Walt built. So much history. It's like being in a holy place. Just you wait. ;)

Ooooooh Alaska! Now there's a trip on our bucket list, too! :cool:
We should plan a WDWmembers Alaska cruise! I'd bring the kid along if the dates worked!

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