Well-Known Member
Hey Jo
And see, that's the thing. We have other friends who have been trying and trying and have really been struggling with fertility. It's hard not to feel guilty when sharing the news w/ them.
We're hoping for a healthy.But we will be finding out. Please, I read the last page of a book first, there's no way I could wait with this. :lol:
As someone who knows what it is like to have friends and sisters all get pregnant over and over again after all we went through with Maggie..I can tell you that they will be happy for you ..

I was so thrilled every single time..was it sad knowing that we may not ever have a baby?..of course but how can you be upset or angry when someone you love is having a little blessing..

No need to feel guilty..and as for having it happen so fast with no problems..well that makes me very happy for you guys..I know just how hard and rough it was to get to Miss Maggie and I would not wish that on anyone.
Enjoy every single all goes by so fast!