Morning Steph!
Well, Jack woke up at 6:30 and while I was feeding him, Em woke up as well. That's about an hour early for her, but she's a real morning person anyway (Grant and I, not so much). So she needs to find an outfit for the day (poor thing...she should NOT have to be scrounging for clothes) and since all the clean laundry is in our room, she had to come in and turn on the light. Well, Grant freaked...he started yelling about why did this have to be done now, when usually we don't get up until 7:30 and on and on (he's one of those who once he gets started he has a hard time stopping) and just generally making everyone feel bad about themselves (except Jack...he didn't seem to notice). I mean, I think it's great that Em is a morning person and wanted to get a jump on the day...and here he goes yelling and setting a fine example. I swear I could kill him.
Anywho, Em is over it but I'm still steamed. He apologized to her which I guess makes him the big man and I suppose I could learn a lesson from 7 year olds about forgiveness but I need a little more time to calm down.
Phew...that was a vent. Thanks for listening!