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Why should I care I others are taking pictures or with what or using what camera orientation? This is just like the silly ants about people texting or playing smartphone games while in line. Why should I care? Next, we are going to get all upset because some families sit down together for their evening meals while others don't. Not my family, not my concern.
For me it can be a bit of a distraction trying to watch a fireworks show and someone in front of me decides to take a picture with his big, clunky iPad!
Agreed 100%. It's one thing if you REALLY know what you're doing (I'm looking at you marni1971 ), but most people are taking sub-par videos or blurry photos that distract from the overall enjoyment anyway. I want to say to people at WDW all the time: "Guess what? there's a better video/picture of this than the one you're taking. Try google dot com, you'll find amazing things. put it down and enjoy it!!) I literally stood behind a dude who clicked his camera every 3 seconds while watching Wishes...the guy didn't actually WATCH it, just took a billion pictures!! UGH!
to be fair, maybe he's a regular who's already seen it lots of times so it didn't really matter to him

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