'll be a woman...NOW!


jmaxwell007 said:
hmmmmmm..... little debbie snack cake while playing PS2 or an apple and some bike riding in the driveway. i used to get introuble if we wouldnt go out and play as children...... now kids just sit inside all day. yes it is sad

Exactly! When I was young, we used to leave the house after morning cartoons on Saturday and not return until dinner. Dinner usually was a sandwich and chips. Then back outside until suppertime (yeah...suppertime--I grew up in the south. :) )

There was little to do in the house. Outside was the freedom of 45 acres on which to play.


New Member
lite menu should cost less

instead of just one price, there should be three.

one standard price and menu
one childrens small and sellect menu for kids
one lite or calorie counter menu. (yes have some meats and starches). this would be new slection with smaller postions, and health food.

but in sitdowns where they have this they change the same as adult. this is just wrong and cheap of disney. disney should promote healthy eating by lessen the price. and say they are helping america fight obesity.


New Member
DisneyChik17 said:
I hate when they don't want to let you order off the kids menu. We were at Outback on day and I ordered the chicken tenders off the kids menu, no problem. Well, it turns out they charge you if you are not a "kid". It was no big deal, like $2 but they didn't tell us. Yeah, I know, $2, but it's the principal of it, just tell us. At least Disney doesn't do that.

They charged you as an adult and you got the same amount of food as a child? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....that's not fair! At the school where I work, they charge the kids $1.50 for their lunches, and if a teacher wants a cafeteria lunch they pay $3.00 for the same amount of food! And seriously, that includes like three chicken nuggets, some milk, and an apple! Rip off! ....and cafeteria food is gross....but, sometimes I forget to pack my own lunch. Anyway......I know you're okay with them charging you an extra two dollars....but, they really should have told you before they did!


Well-Known Member
DisKid said:

Have you done the Fantasmic Dinner package?? Same pricing (at least for Brown Derby).

It's incredibly rediculous.

As for the threads on the safety of children playing outside, I would say it definitely depends on where you live. If you're talking huge cities it wouldn't be good. But if you're talking small town in the middle of nowhere, it is a little safer.

Yep, we've done the Fantasmic package as well. Didn't care for seats too much, but at the time we were able to get a childs pricing (she was only 9).

Oh and WILLYTHELAB: go back & read the post again. I said a separate PRICE for teenagers, not a seperate menu. Welcome to the boards, you're sure to make a lot of friends by going after people who have been here for a while. :wave:


New Member
Number_6 said:
As Magic Maker pointed out, Disney feels that if you are big enough to go on all of the rides, then you are big enough to pay the adult prices.

I fail to see the logic in or the relation between this and menu prices. charge adult entry prices for 10 year olds. They do get to do a lot. I get that. No problem. But MOST (notice I said most, not all) 10-14 year olds do not eat like MOST adults. Some adults don't eat like MOST adults. ANYONE should be able to order off a "smaller portioned" menu if they want. I think it is very wrong of Disney to FORCE a 10 year old to order off the adult menu. Ok...I know they are not FORCED to......they just have to if they want to eat. I think they may see a drop in business at their table-service restaurants. If my daughter HAD to order off the adult menu at 10, we would have stuck to counter service. They can't stop me from ordering a kid's meal for my "kid." THey don't know how old she is.

And as was stated earlier, this just adds to the problem of the obesity problem in the US. I am overweight. I was overweight as a child due to a typical southern grandmother trying to solve everything with food and practically force-feeding me.....Remember this?....."You're not leaving the table until you clean your plate!" I NEVER did this to my daughter. I think it is cruel! Kids will not starve. You don't have to force them to eat. THey will eat when they get hungry. I resent my grandmother for doing that to me. I am fighting the battle to lose weight every day.

Raven66 said:
I was thinking the same thing. it because I disagreed with you??

the eyes were to keep a look out if you're in missouri.

because there's trouble a-brewing.

that's why you have to keep the kids in.

... i was having fun with the smilies.



New Member
where's the cutoff

i was truly not trying to insult anyone, but how can you honestly think they could do a seperate price tier for teenagers? what part of that group would be the cutoff? bottom line-what they did in lowering the age down from 12 was really wrong, but a teenager price tier is unrealistic.


Well-Known Member
willythelab said:
i was truly not trying to insult anyone, but how can you honestly think they could do a seperate price tier for teenagers? what part of that group would be the cutoff? bottom line-what they did in lowering the age down from 12 was really wrong, but a teenager price tier is unrealistic.

Yes I know its unrealistic. It was wishful thinking. Thats why I said it would only work for teenage girls. Parents of teenage boys (the ones that eat really healthy) would get a great bargain in the process. :lol:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Kadee said:
I fail to see the logic in or the relation between this and menu prices. charge adult entry prices for 10 year olds. They do get to do a lot. I get that. No problem. But MOST (notice I said most, not all) 10-14 year olds do not eat like MOST adults. Some adults don't eat like MOST adults. ANYONE should be able to order off a "smaller portioned" menu if they want. I think it is very wrong of Disney to FORCE a 10 year old to order off the adult menu. Ok...I know they are not FORCED to......they just have to if they want to eat. I think they may see a drop in business at their table-service restaurants. If my daughter HAD to order off the adult menu at 10, we would have stuck to counter service. They can't stop me from ordering a kid's meal for my "kid." THey don't know how old she is.

And as was stated earlier, this just adds to the problem of the obesity problem in the US. I am overweight. I was overweight as a child due to a typical southern grandmother trying to solve everything with food and practically force-feeding me.....Remember this?....."You're not leaving the table until you clean your plate!" I NEVER did this to my daughter. I think it is cruel! Kids will not starve. You don't have to force them to eat. THey will eat when they get hungry. I resent my grandmother for doing that to me. I am fighting the battle to lose weight every day.

But then there is the flip side, that some kids are human vacumn cleaners who seem to be able to eat twice their weight, whether it's because of a high metabolism or a love of all things food. I was a little heifer as a kid who routinely ate more than anyone else in my family, except maybe my dad (and I think we were probably neck and neck in that department, too).

Perhaps the best solution is to install a scale in the front door of every restaurant. Your entire party is weighed coming in AND going out, and you pay a flat fee per pound (you're allowed to urinate before the final weigh-in, in case you drank a lot of soda, but "number two-sies" results in a 10-dollar penalty) :lol:

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