'll be a woman...NOW!

Magic Maker

New Member
Well I guess this is good for consistency sake. But I used to say to Guests, the reason we charge adult for 10 and over is because that's usually the age when kids can and will actually ride all the rides. Before then they are usually too short or too scared to go on everything.

Miss Bell

New Member
We had this sticker shock a couple of years ago. My daughter is 13 and very thin--rarely finishes a kid's portion. I have found that WDW is actually better than most places about letting her order off the kids menu or get a child's portion. She goes back and forth, at some places she orders off the adult menu, and others she asks for a kids menu. The only place they always charge her an adult price is at a buffet. Logically this is ridiculous, because there is no way she can even make a dent in what way pay for it, but since she technically is an adult by their standards, I can't really argue.


Well-Known Member
billybluenose said:
i think things are relatively the same as they've always been, if not safer.

it's just that the local news (which seems to be the same everywhere) scares everyone in to thinking that there are evil people everywhere looking to rip you off, invade your home, and steal your children.

today, every kid has a cell phone. it takes a matter of seconds for any parent to locate their child and vice versa. that was not the case even ten years ago.

I disagree. Things are not safer. We have more to worry about now then my parents did when I was a kid. My daughter who is 8 does not have a cell phone and will not. I don't believe children should have them. I just got my first cell phone a year ago. :lookaroun It used to be you could stop worrying when your kid was in school, but not anymore. It's a sad world we live in when there are people that pray upon children. I don't lock her in the house or anything, but I keep a very close eye on her.

Most of the time I buy an adult meal and share it with my DD. When we are at a buffet, she is on her own! :D


New Member
no offence but

in response to a seperate menu for teenagers, maybe they should just build you and your family a seperate park to meet all your needs and wants.


New Member
I'm 26 and when I was little it was the same, "Be home by dark". It's like you said now you can't even leave your child in the back yard without having to worry!!

which is sad....gotta love the obesity crisis in this country

I agree, times are changing and I think that 8 years old is a good age to cut off the price! Being a little cubbie my self I totally argee that this country has an obesity problem. If we didn't have this problem then they would cut it off a little older. Untill the number of "big americans" drop then it will just get young and young.


Active Member
Like the great depression, WW's and the Cold War, the "obesity crisis" will have us all reminiscing to our grand kids decade from now...

Sorry, but eating too much is never a crisis situation to me.


Active Member
i know that i don't eat much, i can finish a kids meal, but the adult ones are too big for me, i'm 14 and just over 120 lbs. but i still don't eat much, and when i do eat it dosen't seem proportonate to my size, i eat less than my younger cousins and i feel bad when i can't finish an adult meal, it make me fel like i'm wasting too much

i can't pass as a child, but why can't i just have a kids meal anyway?


Active Member
Gucci65 said:
Ordering from walkup service has never been a problem - sometimes we just share an adult meal.

My gripe is with the dinner packages. Your talking $35.00 per person for (ex.) Candlelight dinner package. Your talking $105 (3 adults) plus tax vs. $82.00 (2 adults & one child) plus tax. Yikes. :eek:

I'm sure the disney dining plan at $35.00 a day won't include the Candlelight package.

Other than that I will TRY to order her a kids meal OR just split an adult one with her - whatever she wants to do.

My main gripe was the Candlelight.......................


Have you done the Fantasmic Dinner package?? Same pricing (at least for Brown Derby).

It's incredibly rediculous.

As for the threads on the safety of children playing outside, I would say it definitely depends on where you live. If you're talking huge cities it wouldn't be good. But if you're talking small town in the middle of nowhere, it is a little safer.


Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
so far i forgotten about my 50, 100, and 150
maybe i'll remember when i reach 200:)

Don't worry I forgot mine too. I am really trying to watch so I know my 200th, hopefully I will remeber. Oh, Congrats!
quick, shine the bright light!

see, you split the thread into two seperate topics and the kids lose interest.

again: :hurl: to fight obesity
and: :lookaroun if you live in missouri



Active Member
Slightly o.t. here,

I can't believe that Disney can charge adult ticket prices for over 9's!!

Most parks/fairgrounds here in England charge child ticket prices untill the age of 16!


Well-Known Member
billybluenose said:
see, you split the thread into two seperate topics and the kids lose interest.

again: :hurl: to fight obesity
and: :lookaroun if you live in missouri


Wait, wha?

(I live in Missouri...)


Well-Known Member
PBarton said:
Slightly o.t. here,

I can't believe that Disney can charge adult ticket prices for over 9's!!

Most parks/fairgrounds here in England charge child ticket prices untill the age of 16!

As Magic Maker pointed out, Disney feels that if you are big enough to go on all of the rides, then you are big enough to pay the adult prices. If they waited until 16 to charge for adults, you can bet that some of older teens(up to 19) would be able to pass off as younger and get the cheaper tickets. But since the largest height requirement is, if I recall, the 52" to ride alone on Indy Speedway, followed by 51" inside of DisneyQuest for CyberSpace Mountain and Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters, the majority of 10 year olds are going to be at least that tall. Therefore, they can enjoy any of the attractions that the adults can enjoy, so having the price for adults start there does make sense.

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