Getting to MNSSHP....


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I need some opinions on how I should go about getting ready for the MNSSHP and getting there.
Here is my situation... I have reservations at Mama Melrose on Oct 17 at 5:20 (already made these before I found out we would be attending the party).
So I am figuring we will be out of there by 6:30 - 6:45 give or take a few minutes.
We are attending the party this same evening.
We are really wanting to dress up for the event so here lies my problem.
Is there a bus that will take you directly from Hollywood Studios to MK or do i need to head back to a resort (we are staying at POP). And if we take a bus directly I guess i will just have to change in the bathroom.:lookaroun
What does everyone think would be the best way for me to get to the party dressed and ready in a reasonable amount of time?
Thanks in advance!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just thinking out loud here.
I don't think there is a bus that goes directly. You could take the boat to a EPCOT area resort and take the MK bus from there.
You could boat to Epcot, walk through it and take the monorail to MK as the scenic route.
A cab would be the fastest option though.

I would show up to Mama's at 4:45 and try to get out early. Then I would take the boat to the Swan/Dolphin. I would change in their lobby bathroom and take the resort bus to MK from there.


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I had never really thought of the cab option... i have never taken a cab anywhere... around how much would that cost?

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Yes, take the bus to the TTC and then the monorail. Bring your costumes in a backpack and use a locker at DHS to store them by day and another locker (save your receipt) at MK to store your street clothes after you change. We changed in the bathrooms at MK and even put on face makeup without a problem.


We've used the cabs often, just to optimize time and get dining reservations we want. You'll proabably pay about $10 to go from DHS to MK, and there are always cabs waiting by the buses. But then you have the costume change issue. I would take the bus back to POP, get changed and hop a cab to MK or cab to pop, bus to MK. Just see how long the wait is for the buses at each place. I'll be there for the MNSSHP that night too! We're doing a girls vacation instead of a bahlorette party for my best friend. See you there!


Well-Known Member
If you get out of DHS @ 6:45 and head back to Pop, you will not get to MK until near 8PM. I would just cancel the dinner reservation and eat somewhere else. See if you can get dinner at LTT, Tony's, O'Hana's, Cali Grill.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
If you get out of DHS @ 6:45 and head back to Pop, you will not get to MK until near 8PM. I would just cancel the dinner reservation and eat somewhere else. See if you can get dinner at LTT, Tony's, O'Hana's, Cali Grill.

I'd have to agree. Mama Melrose is good but its not fantastic, in my opinion its not worth missing any of the Halloween party for. I'd cancel the reservation and pick up some counter service at the resort food court then fill up on candy at the party. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
If you get out of DHS @ 6:45 and head back to Pop, you will not get to MK until near 8PM. I would just cancel the dinner reservation and eat somewhere else. See if you can get dinner at LTT, Tony's, O'Hana's, Cali Grill.

Another vote for this option, not only would you be pushed for time and then having to make travel arangement to get to MK. Cancel the reservations, and save that ticket you would waste for a partial day in DHS. Lounge around the resort, eat a late lunch, change and head to MK around 4 to get in for MNSSHP. Many CS places are open during the party and if you get hungry just grab something then. I think this would be the quickest and easiest way.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone for all the different options.

I am gonna look into possibly canceling our dining reservation at Mama's or just taking a cab over to MK.

So many decisions.....:p

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