Getting something special through the airport


My fiance and I have been engaged for a couple months now, but I wanted to surprise her with the ring while we are in the world.

My question is, how do I get the ring through security at the airport without her noticing? What are the odds that a security guard will want to pull it out of my bag? I don't want her to see it on accident, and need to keep it on my carry-on so that I have it for our dinner that evening.

Anyone out there that has had to do this?



Well-Known Member
My fiance and I have been engaged for a couple months now, but I wanted to surprise her with the ring while we are in the world.

My question is, how do I get the ring through security at the airport without her noticing? What are the odds that a security guard will want to pull it out of my bag? I don't want her to see it on accident, and need to keep it on my carry-on so that I have it for our dinner that evening.

Anyone out there that has had to do this?


Go after her and hand it to the security person and whisper to them about it. That's my only guess. Either that or take the ring out of the box and put it in your wallet. Then place your wallet in the bin that goes through the xray and then put the wallet back in your pocket. Later you can always put it back in the box.

By the way, Conrats! :wave:
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Original Poster
oooh, I think I like the wallet idea. that might just work
Thanks!! :wave:

also, I just realized there is a special forum for proposal and wedding stuff. I guess I should have listed this thread there. Sorry! :shrug:
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New Member
Sorry if this is obvious, but just make sure it's not gift-wrapped cause TSA will tear into that like kids on Christmas morning... Otherwise I would think that if it was just in your carryon there'd be no problem; I'd be surprised if TSA would want to remove/inspect it...
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New Member
Just let security know that it is a gift if they ask about it, they will make sure she doesn't see it. If they have to look at it, ask for a private screening, away from everyone.
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Ella's Mommy

Active Member
I hate to be a skeptic and not the think the best of people but I am going to have to go with the poster above and say dont but in in your suitcase. That would be a devestating lose. Its like thousands of dollars flushed down the crapper. My father-in-law works for Delta and always tells me when I travel not to put anything really valuable in checked suitcases.I would definately try the wallet thing. Any moron is gonna know what your trying to do. The whispering might catch your fiances attention. Well anyway have an AWESOME trip and Congrats:wave:
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Naturally Grumpy
DEFINITELY keep in in carry on. Do not wrap it. There should be no questions, but just in case, stay behind your finance in line in case any questions are asked.
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kirst_al UK

My fiance and I have been engaged for a couple months now, but I wanted to surprise her with the ring while we are in the world.

My question is, how do I get the ring through security at the airport without her noticing? What are the odds that a security guard will want to pull it out of my bag? I don't want her to see it on accident, and need to keep it on my carry-on so that I have it for our dinner that evening.

Anyone out there that has had to do this?


It'll be now fiance managed and he brought the ring all the way from the UK!!

He tells me he hid it in his sunglasses case of which he also had in his hand luggage !! I asked what he would've done if they had come across it whilst i was there he said he would just explain as discretly as poss :) !!
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Original Poster
As I stated in my original post, I will definately NOT put it in checked luggage. We arrive at around 11am and are heading straight to the parks after checking in to the resort. We have dinner ressies for 5pm, and I want to do it at dinner.
Not to mention the fact that I wouldn't trust anything valuable to make it through checked luggage! :lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
I took a ring through security to propose and there wasn't enough metal in my ring to set off the detector. I just had it in my pocket.
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Well-Known Member
As a woman I regularly travel with some jewelry (necklaces and rings) in my carry on and it has never been inspected! But I agree that anything valuable should never go into checked baggage!
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santa's surpriz

New Member
Ever seen Meet the Fockers w. Ben Stiller?? Checked baggage is a no no. Worst case, you could propose at the security gate. I would approach the nicest friendliest security guard at the airport. If you have friends or relatives near Orlando, you could mail in advance and meet up with them. If you have necklace or chain of some sort you might try wearing it under your shirt. It will be close to your heart.

Congrats in advance, you are quite the romantic!
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Carrying it in your pocket, or on you, would be fine, provided it's not a titanium, steel, or other unusual metal. As some one who wears 9 fingers worth of silver rings through security, with ear-rings, and at least one necklace, one little ring isn't going to set the scanners off if it is in your pocket.

I really like the wallet idea - that way it won't fall out of your pockets or get lost with the spare change you need to put in the tray.

Best of luck, and congratulations :)
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
You can always make a scene, so that they carry you off to one of those cordoned off areas for a full body cavity search. Kind of extreme, but it'll definitely throw your fiancee off the track. :ROFLOL:

Seriously, tuck it in the corner of your wallet, and put your wallet through the x-ray machine. Too small to be noticed by your fiancee if she's even looking. Once you're through the checkpoint, go to the bathroom, take it out of your wallet and put in a small cloth bag you kept in your pants pocket (which won't set off any alarms).
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The Mom

Premium Member
As a woman I regularly travel with some jewelry (necklaces and rings) in my carry on and it has never been inspected! But I agree that anything valuable should never go into checked baggage!

Same here; the screeners are used to seeing jewelry in carry-ons. On x-ray, a ring looks like...a ring. :lol: Just distract her so she doesn't see the scan.
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