Getting sick in WDW


New Member
When we visited WDW in daughter got VERY sick with something the doctors said was a "virus"......then nearly every time a family member visits WDW (which is about once every 2 months) least one of them gets either a bad head cold or a "virus"....does anyone else seem to think this is more than coincidence....I've been told before by an cast member in an unamed restaurant in the MK to NOT drink the water...but I really just wonder if maybe he was serious. I am toying with the idea of planning a trip for 2005, but I am a bit leary because the last time a family member visited WDW....she got sick the day she was coming home and ended up in the hospital 2 days later with a rare sort of virus that almost left her paralyzed....I love WDW (although I've only been once) and I really want my son to be able to enjoy it as his sister did when she don't think I'm bashing WDW....I'm just a bit nervous is all!...What do you think...coincidence or not??


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
The secret is that I breathe through my ears. It's like living in a wind tunnel , but it fools all the germs hanging around my nose ;) you Q-Tip your nose instead of your ears? :animwink:

My DW always seems to get sick during any vacation, and it's most likely for the reasons already posted. She became ill in the middle of our honeymoon after stressing about our wedding with very little sleep (not to mention all of the "outside influence" she was getting during the planning stage but that's another story), and wasn't eating properly.
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I've actually had the opposite experience. Was horribly sick, hospitalized, etc. before I left, got to Disney and immediately felt better and had a great week, went back home and got sick again (pregnancy related sickness though).

I rarely ever get colds or anything like that. Other than morning sickness I've probably only had an illness 3 times in the last 10 years.
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Well-Known Member
In one of my many Disney trips back in 2001 or 2002, my family and I stayed at Disney's Port Orleans. We were there for about 5 days. Anyways, on Day 3, I wound up with a temperature of 102. Needless to say, my parents cut the vacation short.

When we got home 3 hours later, my temp was down to 99. Believe me, the ride home was miserable. After we got home and settled in, my temp was gone.

Unfortunately, I relapsed two days later and after the relapse, I was fine. Come to think of it, that wouldn't be the first time I got sick at that resort. When it was called "Dixie Landings", we stayed there in 1998 and I had similar symptoms. However, I had a fever for about 6 hrs and after that, it was just a cold. Needless to say, I managed.

Anyways, I can stay at any other resort and not worry about getting a cold/flu.

But, I think when you're in a crowd of people your chances of getting sick go through the roof. Just make sure you wash your hands and drink your OJ. :)
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Gail Hayden

New Member
I drink the water at Disney, I don't wash my hands every hour, I use the AC, I fly down, drive a rental car, don't sleep worth beans, smoke like crazy, eat well, and NEVER get sick. Oh, wait, I did have the flu 2 years ago, at home. First time for the flu in my very long life.
Change in weather, lack of sleep, poor eating habits do not make you sick, they lower your immune system and allow the germs to take over. People NOT staying home when they are sick is what causes you to get sick.
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Well-Known Member
Last trip was the only one I haven't gotten a severe sunburn/rash... and Robin Hood's always been playin at the clinic outside WDW near DD every single visit!
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hakunamatata said:
More than likely its a result of being in close contact with multiple exposure events. (i.e. you are in contact with thousands of people who touch, sneeze, cought, etc on thousands of public objects.) Using hand sanitizer regularly, especially before meals or touching your nose, mouth, or ears, will cut down on this.

On the same note, most colds/sinus problems that occur right after, or on a trip are the result of the mold spores that build up in the AC system of your hotel room. You are in a confined space for approx 10 hours, recirculating air that likely has allot of mold spores. This kicks the allergies in high gear. Being proactive and taking a anti histimene (sp) the night before and the first couple of nights there usually gets you through the trip.

Please note that this is free advice and I am not a doctore. Please dont sue me...... :D :D :D
You're NOT A DOCTOR? Well considering you can not even spell the word DOCTOR!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!! That was pretty much a dead give away!!!!!

Anyway, your post is a very good observation!!!!! I never thought of that!!!! That does make sense though because every time I go to WDW my allergies act up (which usually never happens)!!!!!!

Actually, the last trip to WDW I had to spend a half of day taking a nap because I think I got a slight case of sun poisening.
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Gail Hayden

New Member
gobuckeye@wdw said:
You're NOT A DOCTOR? Well considering you can not even spell the word DOCTOR!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!! That was pretty much a dead give away!!!!!

Anyway, your post is a very good observation!!!!! I never thought of that!!!! That does make sense though because every time I go to WDW my allergies act up (which usually never happens)!!!!!!

Actually, the last trip to WDW I had to spend a half of day taking a nap because I think I got a slight case of sun poisening.
Hmmm, my favorite college student picking on other people's spelling errors.

sun poisening
I think I like this spelling better: poisoning :)
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Well-Known Member
I always do fine at WDW, but I do take some precautions :

1) When I get in the room, I use lysol wipes on any surface I am going to touch (including the remote control and the table) - takes about two and a half minutes

2) I always wear slippers in the room (never barefoot)

3) In the parks I bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer (about $1) and use it any time I've touched something extensively that is "public" (like the guns at AstroBlasters), or am going to eat, etc. I probably use it 10 times a day.

These seem to have kept me bug-free while at WDW. It may seem a bit obsessive to some, but it's just good common sense to me. It only takes a minute or two, and will protect you from picking up the left-behind bugs contained in boogers of the little buggers who visit WDW. :)

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Well-Known Member
When I went in August 1994, I had what I thought was a cold in WDW. I flew home in AGONY. I went to the Doctor the next day and he told me I had a Double Ear infection...OUCH! :cry:

Then in 2002, I ate at the Sci-Fi and had the All-American burger. Let's say I didn't enjoy myself that evening. I'm sure WDW is infested with Germs just due to the amount of people who go through each day from so many different states and countries.

Just gotta make sure you wash your hands WITH SOAP after every trip to the bathroom and you should probably be okay...or least it may slow the progression of the germs.

Next WDW trip: Hopefully July!!! :) :)
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New Member
AEfx said:
I always do fine at WDW, but I do take some precautions :

1) When I get in the room, I use lysol wipes on any surface I am going to touch (including the remote control and the table) - takes about two and a half minutes

2) I always wear slippers in the room (never barefoot)

3) In the parks I bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer (about $1) and use it any time I've touched something extensively that is "public" (like the guns at AstroBlasters), or am going to eat, etc. I probably use it 10 times a day.

These seem to have kept me bug-free while at WDW. It may seem a bit obsessive to some, but it's just good common sense to me. It only takes a minute or two, and will protect you from picking up the left-behind bugs contained in boogers of the little buggers who visit WDW. :)

Yeah, it just seems a little obsessive. I have done nearly the exact opposite of what you mentioned above (no lysol wipes, always walk barefoot in the room [hey if I can do that in my dorm room and not get sick, WDW seems like the cleanest place ever], and not only do I not wash my hands after going on Buzz, but I sometimes eat lunch), and in nearly 20 visits to WDW I have only gotten sick once (high fever and the like).

Now, I understand that your immune system is different from mine, and I'm not criticizing you for it, I was just struck on how different the cleanliness of two people can differ at a place like WDW. It all depends on what kind of experiences you have, I guess.

LudwigVonDrake said:
Then in 2002, I ate at the Sci-Fi and had the All-American burger. Let's say I didn't enjoy myself that evening. I'm sure WDW is infested with Germs just due to the amount of people who go through each day from so many different states and countries.
Maybe it was just the food you ate. :p
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hakunamatata said:
More than likely its a result of being in close contact with multiple exposure events. (i.e. you are in contact with thousands of people who touch, sneeze, cought, etc on thousands of public objects.) Using hand sanitizer regularly, especially before meals or touching your nose, mouth, or ears, will cut down on this.

I have also seen kids playing with the flapper on trash cans or leaning aganist them (like some of the ones in the que lines). It's unbelievable that I have never seen a parent tell a child to not play with them or lean on them. Yes, there are germs and nasty things every where, but that just seems to be asking for them.

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Well-Known Member
i have been to WDW 11 times and i only got sick once and that was the last time i went (april 8 - 16th 2004) and it was about time for my sinus infection that i get every april/may to hit and i think coming from cold massachusetts to warm florida had something to do with it. it didnt keep me from having fun though! the CM at the all star movies were so nice to me when i had to buy medicine and kleenex lol. but i lost my voice the last few days of the trip. my brother said as a joke i sounded like wheezy from toy story 2 and that i lost my squeaker so before we left i bought him a little stuffed wheezy that squeaks lol. anyhow, i dont think it has to do with Disney itself, but you have to also remember there are many kids around and with kids many times come germs. but i believe Disney keeps their parks very well kept and maybe its just the weather change or flying who knows.
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Active Member
Despite washing my hands continually (as advised ) on the Wonder last May, I still got a nasty sinus infection on my last day on the ship. My problem was probably due to the AC in the room. That was the only time I've been sick at WDW in the 30 years + I've visited.
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Well-Known Member
i personally have never gotten really sick while visiting WDW, my brother however would manage to have a scratchy throat and almost loose his voice. i wouild get a case of the sniffles, but it would pass.

i think the blasting cold (but lovely) A/C in the hotels, buses, and attractions mixed with the FL sun and humidity (if visiting in the warmer months) is a perfect recipie for a cold. i think thats how i got mine.
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I think they say "don't drink the water" because the little children(even adults) like to stick the mouths right on the water fountain. I see it all the time, I never like to drink the water from there, but I do drink it in the hotel rooms. I don't think I every gotten sick while down at WDW, my cousin did but I blame that on a lack of sleep and not washing his hands.
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