getting all the reservations you want..


Well-Known Member
Well I booked all our dinning reservations in April, got all the times I prefered , but now we figured it'd be nice to try La Cellier at Epcot...Ya, started calling yesterday for anything in September 16- 23..for either lunch or dinner...Nothing ...So I called this morning ....yeah ..nothing...I know at that time there is the free dinning(which we don't appy for ,we're dvc'ers) >>My question is Does it really happen or has anyone had any real luck with calling every day and A space magically appears???....Thanks for any feedback...

57 more days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, it would be easy to get a reservation say around 3 then if you tried to do a walk up at 4 or 5. Most people do not eat that early and I would think they could accomodate people at 3 or so, maybe even 2 ish. But then again with the dining plan etc people are probably taking those early times because they cant get a 5 or 6 slot....hmmmm.
Anyway, you could just try, it doesnt hurt to try. Pass by there around 3 and see if you can get sat. Who knows.

We had 3:30 ADRs and the place was packed. There were lines waiting to get in as they were changing over to dinner. We heard them saying there were no open spots for months.
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Well-Known Member
Truthfully, there is no place to eat at WDW that is worth that much effort!!!

Many posters here like LeCellier, but come on...seriously...unless you are just doing it for the "thrill of the hunt", there's lots of better meals to be had with much less trouble!

I found it underwhelming and over rated. Plus, we last dined there when CASH was all the rage and I left feeling we did not get our money's worth. Don't fall for the hype! If you walk by and there's a table available, give it a shot. Otherwise, I certainly wouln't be getting up early to call about it (OR ANY PLACE!) every day!

If I may ask...what do you have scheduled for that time now?


This is how I feel about Cinderella's Royal Table. To each his own I suppose.
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Well-Known Member
We made our ADR reservations a week and a half weeks before free dinning was released, so roughly 5 1/2 months before our arrival, just shy of 180 days. We got everything we wanted, including our pick of times for Le Cellier on 9/8 but had issues with Coral Reef on 9/14... we were only able to get a 4:30p time slot.

For our January trip, we booked late (end of November) and didn't make out ADRs till mid-December. We booked Chef Mickeys, Dinner at CRT, and Hollywood Play & Vine with no issues.

Even though we've been lucky, I hate this set up. If we had a conflict with an ADR for this trip, theres no way during Free Dinning Period could we find something else... and it's a month and half before our arrival... that's crazy!

What I'm also realizing is that people are in fact "double booking" ADRs which I can't stand. Some families will book 2 ADRs for the same time slot and another for a later time... then not show up for two of them. :mad:

I would call as often as possibe, especially around the 45day mark of your trip, as well as while your down there. There is always the possibility of walk-ins and I've heard several accounts of people having success with is, especially during off peak times.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
We made our ADR reservations a week and a half weeks before free dinning was released, so roughly 5 1/2 months before our arrival, just shy of 180 days. We got everything we wanted, including our pick of times for Le Cellier on 9/8 but had issues with Coral Reef on 9/14... we were only able to get a 4:30p time slot.

For our January trip, we booked late (end of November) and didn't make out ADRs till mid-December. We booked Chef Mickeys, Dinner at CRT, and Hollywood Play & Vine with no issues.

Even though we've been lucky, I hate this set up. If we had a conflict with an ADR for this trip, theres no way during Free Dinning Period could we find something else... and it's a month and half before our arrival... that's crazy!

What I'm also realizing is that people are in fact "double booking" ADRs which I can't stand. Some families will book 2 ADRs for the same time slot and another for a later time... then not show up for two of them. :mad:

I would call as often as possibe, especially around the 45day mark of your trip, as well as while your down there. There is always the possibility of walk-ins and I've heard several accounts of people having success with is, especially during off peak times.
There is now software in place to prevent this but it will take several months for the existing double bookings to clear out.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Hello, sorry for a little bit of a thread drift and this is only my opinion but I am from Canada and I was really disappointed with the whole Le Cellier experiance and will not return so there will be more reservations open for those who really enjoy it. Please don't get me wrong I am really glad that everyone likes it so much but this was my experiance there. First off I may be the only one that thinks like this but our food here tastes nothing like it does at Le Cellier. I went to try the cheddar cheese soup that I have heard many people talk about and I had to pass it on to my husband. I guess it was just too fancy for us. The service was not all that friendly and the waitresses were dressed in some kind of flannel shirts and some type of hide skirts which I guess shows history perhaps??? Then the souvieners were either wooden keychains or husky dogs:confused:. I guess I just expected to see more of what its like at home. To me it came accross that Canada is filled with only Huskeys and lumberjacks! I think Canada is a beautiful place to live and call home but I don't know it was just not what I expected at all. I hope nobody takes any offence to my comments because that is not what I intended. Just my opinion and curious if anyone else feels this way? :wave:
I live in Ottawa and if you go into tourist souvenir shops here those are exactly what they sell. :lol: And then we joke about Americans that drive up to the border in July with skis strapped to their car roof and ask where the snow is... :rolleyes:

As for the food at Le Cellier, if you're eating in a "fine dining" restaurant in any major centre in Canada the food [and the prices] are the same sorts of things. The vast majority of Canadians don't eat like that every day [most only rarely if ever]. I am fortunate enough to be able to eat out at very nice restaurants and can say Le Cellier is as good as the best of them. I've always had very friendly, attentive service there [we go at least once every trip], I'm hoping your experiences were anomalous.

It is too rich for some people, but it is definitely comparable to what I'm used to eating when I go out.

I certainly don't take offence, everybody has opinions and just because I like it doesn't make it good, just good to me. Oh, and I absolutely LOVE the Cheddar soup! :slurp:
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Well-Known Member
I would recommend try calling exactly 45 days before your departure. The reason is because around this time people have called to cancel/change their ADRs. For whatever reason if you cannot get in, than I would recommend arriving at Le Cellier early (at opening) to check if they have any time available for seating for that day...if not I would check for another day that you'll be in Epcot.
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New Member
This is more thread drift, but.... If you wonder whether or not the dining plan is a good value for you, think about the fact that Disney continues to offer it and many TS places are always booked. Even if it looks great on paper (it would have cost us $150 if we paid for this ourselves) it is obviously making Disney a TON of money.
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Before our visit in May I called EVERY day to get a reservation At Le Cellier (my sister and brother-in-law kept talking about and I had to know how it was to eat there). We totally struck out, but the day that we wanted to go I called and they had a reservation at 6:15 so we got in.

It happens...keep the faith and keep calling.

PS - We are going back in November, and that is where we are having our Thanksgiving dinner since we are not too big on turkey (You shouldn't eat your mascot...GO HOKIES!). I called on July 1st to get in on November 22nd...It is crazy!!!
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New Member
I live in Ottawa and if you go into tourist souvenir shops here those are exactly what they sell. :lol: And then we joke about Americans that drive up to the border in July with skis strapped to their car roof and ask where the snow is... :rolleyes:

As for the food at Le Cellier, if you're eating in a "fine dining" restaurant in any major centre in Canada the food [and the prices] are the same sorts of things. The vast majority of Canadians don't eat like that every day [most only rarely if ever]. I am fortunate enough to be able to eat out at very nice restaurants and can say Le Cellier is as good as the best of them. I've always had very friendly, attentive service there [we go at least once every trip], I'm hoping your experiences were anomalous.

It is too rich for some people, but it is definitely comparable to what I'm used to eating when I go out.

I certainly don't take offence, everybody has opinions and just because I like it doesn't make it good, just good to me. Oh, and I absolutely LOVE the Cheddar soup! :slurp:

Well its actually really nice to know that there are parts of Canada that it resembles. It just isn't this part I We have been to fine dining restaurants around here but still not very similar. Anyways thanks for input and opinions. My husband enjoyed the Cheddar Soup as well. I guess it is themed more of the bigger centres in Canada. It sure is nice to hear how everyone enjoys it so much, it gets such great reviews!:wave:
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New Member
This is almost depressing to hear... I am going to have my AP starting next month and it stinks to learn that I may not be able to eat at the restaurant of my choice unless I book months in advance, which won't happen because I am a law student and can't make that kind of commitment.

Disney should do some sort of walk up program where maybe X amount of tables are given out day of and you arrive at the restaurant at a certain time. Or maybe if you don't have dining plan you can do that? Or they could like save X amount of seats for the AP and seasonal passholders. I'm not saying many tables, maybe even less than 5-10, and if they don't go, I am sure someone else would want one!
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Active Member
This is almost depressing to hear... I am going to have my AP starting next month and it stinks to learn that I may not be able to eat at the restaurant of my choice unless I book months in advance, which won't happen because I am a law student and can't make that kind of commitment.

Disney should do some sort of walk up program where maybe X amount of tables are given out day of and you arrive at the restaurant at a certain time. Or maybe if you don't have dining plan you can do that? Or they could like save X amount of seats for the AP and seasonal passholders. I'm not saying many tables, maybe even less than 5-10, and if they don't go, I am sure someone else would want one!

I totally agree. That would be a good idea.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I totally agree. That would be a good idea.

I'm with you there...My friend is leaving the day before us 9/14, and I tried to tell her back in April to book her All her dining Ressie' she's trying and she can't get anything...It's pretty sad for all those who do get in on the free dining(as she has)..We've tried the plan in the past , got the free dining before we became passholders ,and we've found that yes it is nice ...having to make all the ressies in advance, at times was a pain especilly if your in one park and have breakfast , lunch or diiner in another....I like having a couple...Always Chef Mickeys's, Liberty Tree or crystal Palace, but usually that's enough anymore and it's bothersome . We aren't one of those families that has every moment of our day scheduled...we play it by ear, been there so many times with the kids we find this works best for us..Too many ressie's any it gets to much .Just my 2cents....
But I will try and try again to get in La Cellier...Can't hurt...
56 more days........till that hot Florida sun is shining on my face in the most magical place in the world!!!
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New Member
This is almost depressing to hear... I am going to have my AP starting next month and it stinks to learn that I may not be able to eat at the restaurant of my choice unless I book months in advance, which won't happen because I am a law student and can't make that kind of commitment.

This points to the basic problem with the Disney Dining Plan.

It takes away spontaneity and flexibility by causing guests to have to make ADR's and dining decisions way in advance.
For Disney, it helps keep the restaurants full.

I, for one, wish they would do away with the DDP and instead just offer room discounts.
Financially, however, it probably works out best for Disney to keep restaurants busy and, in doing so, share the bottom line cost with the restaurant operators rather than absorbing all of it themselves.
A room discount, by comparision, would come straight off the WDW profits bottom line.

Guests who get the DDP plan for free don't really realize that it's not free if, instead, they could have gotten a big discount on the room whenever Disney needs promotions to keep attendance at high levels.
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This points to the basic problem with the Disney Dining Plan.

It takes away spontaneity and flexibility by causing guests to have to make ADR's and dining decisions way in advance.
For Disney, it helps keep the restaurants full.

I, for one, wish they would do away with the DDP and instead just offer room discounts.
Financially, however, it probably works out best for Disney to keep restaurants busy and, in doing so, share the bottom line cost with the restaurant operators rather than absorbing all of it themselves.
A room discount, by comparision, would come straight off the WDW profits bottom line.

Guests who get the DDP plan for free don't really realize that it's not free if, instead, they could have gotten a big discount on the room whenever Disney needs promotions to keep attendance at high levels.
There is also a big marketing aspect to it as well. People see the word "free" and it grabs their attention regardless if it is true or not. Another advantage to the DDP, free or otherwise, is that it removes one of the biggest financial x factors from the price of a vacation. Calculating cost of a room and tickets is simple but budgeting for food can be a horrendously daunting task so much so that people will gravitate to vacations like cruises where your food is taken care of. People like the simplicity of their vacation costing a fixed ammount. The DDP fixed that issue and park attendance has increased.
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Well-Known Member
They really should put something together for walk-ups.

That being said, I LOVE the DDP, and after having used it, I wouldn't actually choose to stay on property any other way. I just appreciate that what I need is paid for when I get there. And I love making my reservations MONTHS in advance and try out different things while I'm there.
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Active Member
Disney should do some sort of walk up program where maybe X amount of tables are given out day of and you arrive at the restaurant at a certain time. Or maybe if you don't have dining plan you can do that? Or they could like save X amount of seats for the AP and seasonal passholders. I'm not saying many tables, maybe even less than 5-10, and if they don't go, I am sure someone else would want one!

You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I was reading a Disneyland guide and it said that they set aside a fixed number of tables everyday for walk-ups. It seems like this would be a smart thing for WDW to copy, that way you can still have a shot at getting to eat some where, even if you slacked off on your planing and waited 170 days instead of 180 to call and make your reservations.

I know.. Disneyland is for locals which is why they probably have this, the also don't have near the number of TS places, but still, it would help out the people who don't have a chance to plan ahead.
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New Member
WDW really needs to come up with some way to handle, for instance, first time WDW guests, who come to a big resort full of restaurants and then find out, to their surprise, that if they didn't make reservations months ago, then no dining spots are available, even if they have the dining plan.

Long sentence but I think I stated it correctly.

Also, sometimes experienced WDW visitors need to change reservations on short notice -- fat chance if everthing is already booked due to the DDP.

I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.

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New Member
I'm a local and always make reservations for lunch either the day before or that morning and I've always been able to get into the restaurant I wanted for lunch. At all times of the year. I usually eat counter serve for dinner. The menus are almost the same for lunch and dinner.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
WOOOOHOOOOO, I am so freakin..yes freakin excited..I just called and got 1:20 lunch ressie's at La Cellier....I can't believe it!!! I wanted to pull the CM through the phone and kiss her!!! I was so prepared to hear .." NO nothing at all for that week, lunch or dinner is compleatly full.".... And may I say the Cm that I spoke with was very , very nice herself, although I've never had anyone who was not personable while making ressie's, but every now and then you do get someone who asks what I call "extras".. how is the weather where you are, any birthdays, or I like the " wow you've been here quite a few times"...I like that one..sorry to drift I 'm just so excited....OK alright I'm done!!! Yes it never fails to try and try and every now and then people are nice enough to call and cancel their ressie's if their not going to use them rather than not showing up....

8 weeks from today....MNSSHP here we come!!!!
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