Get rid of McDonald's in the Parks

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
IcicleM said:
you like to supersize your meal? I mean, come on... @_@

Supersize Me, along with other political documentaries like Bowling For Columbine are all movies that show you that complete negative side of the situation, .

Its funny how despite being a millionare Micheal Bour dressess badly to give himself that man of the people image.

All these film makers have agenda, and tust me none of it is for our benefit.


New Member
The Super-Size Me movie may have had an agenda and I'm sure we could sit and argue long and hard about the faults, farce and fiction in the movie...but there is no smoke without fire...a lot of what was said is impossible to dis-prove.

And as for the Super-Size option being solely choice, what other options do they present you with at the counter? Apart from these 'delicious' maize 'fries'? It's offered because they'd prefer you to take it...not in order to make you fat or unhealthy, but to line their pockets!

Having said that, it's down to 'you' to pick and choose you're own diet. McD's can't be blamed for everything!


Well-Known Member
Super Size Me: Anyone who believes that crock of horse manure is an IDIOT!!! Did McDonalds force this guy to go there for 30 days? NO!!! It was his choice to do so. While it may be true that fast food is somewhat to blame, it is YOUR FINAL CHOICE to go out and eat it. What IDIOT/DUMBA$$/MORON/NIMROD do you know that eats nothing but McDonalds? I sure don't know anyone like that. I LOVE McDonalds, but I'm not as stupid as the guy who made that crap movie!!! :hurl:

Any idiot off the street can tell you: You eat nothing but McDonalds, you are gonna mess up your body and life!!!

BTW, if you don't want to see a FRY STAND (they aren't full fledged McDonalds... except the one in EPCOT.), go another way. :brick: :brick: :brick:


New Member
I dont understand why some are saying that having the Mcdonald's fry stands take away from the magic, or whatever it is. It's not like there are giant arche's and Ronald McDonald is running around. They do a great job at blending them into their surroundings. Personally I never eat fast food, but when I am on vacation I give myself a little treat. Since Mcdonald's french fries just happen to be my favorite, I am extremly happy they are in the parks. The only gripe I have with the Mcdonald's fries are, they started putting the Fat and Calories on the Fry boxes :eek: I was happier not knowing that, out of site, out of mind.


Well-Known Member
At least it's somewhat unobtrusive

The fry stand in Frontierland, as I recall, has the appearance of a western wagon, and doesn't have a huge pair of golden arches. For that I am grateful.

McD's french fries are just so ordinary and I think WDW is above that.

Frito Lay sponsorship as well as Coke is huge in WDW, but Frito Lay strikes me as western in theme ala Frito Kid from years ago.
If you've never heard the Frito Kid and Klondike music/sounds they used to play as background music in Frontierland at the food stand in DL, it's pretty funny in a marketing sort of way. I have it as an MP3. If anyone's interested, send me a PM. I feel sorry for the poor souls who had to listen to it for hours on end, but it is kind of catchy.

Coke is just Coke and always will be.

Personally, I think RC branded sodas(Royal Crown)would be great at WDW. They put out a much better cola and it would be great to have something unique at WDW as well as some other flavors. Take a look

You know how some folks will travel for a Dole Whip or a turkey leg?
I think the same could be done with the beverages at WDW if they had something that stood out.

No, I don't work for RC or any of their related companies.:lol:


New Member
don't get me on that supersize me crap.

oh and by the way, 99% of McDonald's no longer offers supersize. believe it or not, it wasn't orer as often as everyone thinks. (i know. i worked drive thru for 5 years). i NEVER offered it, why? BECAUSE NO ONE BOUGHT IT!!!!

Lewis Black said it best: "What is good for one person isn't for the next." My sister used to eat meat, she became vegetarian. she is now unable to eat meat and if she tries she gets sick. my brother used to eat oatmeal, i could never touch it, made me sick. that supersize me crud was a "look at what happens when you radically change your diet to an extreme." if i ate nothing but coa-coa puffs for a month there'd be problems.

as for the original topic: McDonald's are going nowhere. theya ren't going to leave unless Disney deems it worthy to replace the food carts and such.

live your life. eat what you want and quit you're whining...


Well-Known Member
My whole point is many people in the US choose convenience over health. Plain and simple. My whole thing is Disney should offer more healthy options overall and not only offer fastfood type meals ala McDonalds.

I am not a vegetarian, far from it as a matter of fact, I eat meat on a regular basis, nothing is better than a well cooked steak. A couple years ago I chose to minimize my intake of fastfood and thuse stopped eating fast food burgers. As I said before I still eat red meat, but now when I eat a fastfood burger I get terribly sick and feel awful for a couple days afterwards.

If the stuff in Supersize me is a farce, then explain that away and explain some of the facts brought fourth in the movie. Not basing my whole opinion on that movie, but that is well known public document that shows a few of the facts about the fastfood industry. That movie was partly what kicked off the "healthier choice" menu at McDonalds.
Hell watch "Honey we're killing the kids" it shows the results of constant fastfood/junkfood and how it can afect the development of a child. I'm not closed minded but I feel many Americans take the "easy options" as in fast food, more often than they realize and its not really a good thing. I just wish healthier options were available and people took a smarter approach to nutrition.

Also you ask who in there right mind eats McDonalds 24/7. You would be surprised how many people in America actually do that. I work with a lady who used to live on fastfood alone mainly cause she hated to cook. She was 300lbs or so and in very bad health. But late last year she took the initiative to stop eating fastfood and took a more healthy approach to nutrition. She has since lost 60lbs+ and is doing great.

My whole point is the convenience of fastfood is a plague on this country. People forego a healthy home cooked meal for a quick combo meal from the local fastfood joint. Not saying that fastfood should not exist at all, but the exposure and availability of it should be minimized and/or people should be allowed other cheap healthy options. You say choice = responsibility, well you can't offer people 500 different cheap unhealthy options and then a small handful of more expensive healthy options and then blame a person for making the wrong choice, income plays a huge roll in personal nutrition as well. The blame rests equally on the food industry as well as the consumer.

I know this arguement has gone well outside the boundaries of WDW, but I feel passionately about this subject and would like to voice my opinion on it. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, especially you shoppingnut, I did not mean to offend, I only wanted to get my point across, however I may have been a bit agressive in my previous response to you and I'm sorry. :eek:

Taking this back on subject, IMO WDW should offer healthier food choices in the park and should start by removing the sales of McDonalds and other outside food vendors.

EDIT: BTW when I called WDW a safehaven, I meant a haven from the outside world and an escape from reality. Having a piece of that outside world stuck directly in the middle of WDW is among other things, a reminder of the outside world and not something I like to see when I'm in the happiest place on earth. Just my personal opinon.


Active Member
Thanks, Purple Dragon. The funny thing is that I don't eat McD's very often, if it is once every month or two that's about it and it usually comes down to the choice of eating that or nothing, so I figure it's probably better than nothing since if I did that the next morning I'd be sick. Of all the menu items, I do like their french fries and McFlurries. On my last trip to WDW I treated myself to a McFlurry (because I like soft ice cream) which is really not so different than someone having a dole whip. My idea of a well cooked steak is to have it more on the rare side, most people would consider it ready to walk off the plate, but that is the way I like it, my burgers too.

The unfortunate fact of life is that bad food is always less costly to buy, even in the supermarket the fresh veggies and better meats are more expensive than canned veggies or higher fat meats. I've watched Honey we're killing the kids, and I have to say the stuff that the nutritionist comes up with to eat, I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, come on tofu, beets, fish are you kidding me.

You say they should minimize access to FF, we are not a communist country, the government has involved itself and infringed far too much in my life, enough is enough of regulations etc. If I decide to eat donuts for dinner every night, does that mean that all the donut shops and Entemann's should be closed or not sold. You cannot save everyone from themselves and their bad decisions no matter what, that just the reality of it.


Grade "A" Funny...
PurpleDragon said:
Hell watch "Honey we're killing the kids" it shows the results of constant fastfood/junkfood and how it can afect the development of a child. I'm not closed minded but I feel many Americans take the "easy options" as in fast food, more often than they realize and its not really a good thing. I just wish healthier options were available and people took a smarter approach to nutrition.

The keyword in that paragraph is "constant." Again, personal responsibility. If you are a parent don't feed your kids garbage all the time. Don't let the kids feed themselves garbage either. Lay down some rules and enforce them for crying out loud.

PurpleDragon said:
Also you ask who in there right mind eats McDonalds 24/7. You would be surprised how many people in America actually do that. I work with a lady who used to live on fastfood alone mainly cause she hated to cook. She was 300lbs or so and in very bad health. But late last year she took the initiative to stop eating fastfood and took a more healthy approach to nutrition. She has since lost 60lbs+ and is doing great.

Not to use your own point against you but look at what you just said. The lady you work with made decisions to eat junkfood. Then she decided to eat a more healthy menu and her weight decreased. Amazing - someone chose (personal responsibilty) to eat one way and then another. The reaction of both decisions is her responsibilty.

PurpleDragon said:
My whole point is the convenience of fastfood is a plague on this country.

Not even close. If we have anything resembling a plague it is a plague of a whole generation of people who won't be held accountable for their actions, the choices they make, and desire someone to make things better without expending any actual effort. It's deplorable.

PurpleDragon said:
Not saying that fastfood should not exist at all, but the exposure and availability of it should be minimized and/or people should be allowed other cheap healthy options.

Explain please who in this country would enforce the reduction of availability of certain food options? The Government? Who then? And when this group does force certain forms of business to comply or shut down in a democracy then what do we have? Perhaps they shut down 10% of what you think should be reduced today but next year they take down 10% of something you disagree with.

This is a terribly slippery slope you are proposing. I dont think we want to had over the right to choose to anyone. Again, excercise your personal responsibility when making food choices and you shouldnt have any problems.

PurpleDragon said:
You say choice = responsibility, well you can't offer people 500 different cheap unhealthy options and then a small handful of more expensive healthy options and then blame a person for making the wrong choice, income plays a huge roll in personal nutrition as well. The blame rests equally on the food industry as well as the consumer.

I offer you a challenge. Work up a legitimate list for a week - one seven day period. Put down legitimate meals from fast food restaurants for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and reply with the total cost.

I bet you I can take the money someone would spend on a week of fast food, which you are indicating is cheaper therefore the only thing that some with low income can afford, and I will go to the grocery market and purchase a weeks worth of healthy, nutritious food. I have no doubt of it.

PurpleDragon said:
Taking this back on subject, IMO WDW should offer healthier food choices in the park and should start by removing the sales of McDonalds and other outside food vendors.

Again - once you get it started.....where does it stop. You can't put the genie back in the bottle my friend.

You mentioned in closing that you didn't mean to offend anyone and that you had strong personal views on this subject.

I likewise have strong views and I have not written this rebuttal to offend but to debate. I hope it is accepted in this manner.


They're just fries, folks...

Potato shreds deep fried for a minute, and served in a cardboard box.

They are not serving Big Macs, or McChickens, or any other type of burger.

Merely fries...the best seller of McD's

I am sure that Disney gets a hell of a lot of profits from McDonald's...

I, personally, love McDonald's french fries...and may get one while I am on vacation in Disney. But it's only because they taste good, and I like them, and I think they are a great food to eat while waiting in line to ride something...

The point is, McDonalds isn't exactly taking over Disney World, they're merely offering a product that the general public likes, and wants...

Don't discredit Disney for allowing the public to get something they want.


New Member
IcicleM said:
You WILL NOT immedietely die from eating one box of french fries from McDonald's.

You're right . . . you don't die immediately, just slowly over time.

I feel sorry for you if you think Super Size Me is a farce and choose to ignore the fact that trans fat is basically a poison to your body. If you choose to eat any trans fat (which McDonald's fries are full of), you are taking a health risk. I believe people should be responsible for their actions, but food companies could also help a lot by taking trans fat out of their foods.
HMGhost13 said:
as for the original topic: McDonald's are going nowhere. theya ren't going to leave unless Disney deems it worthy to replace the food carts and such.

Um, there isn't a single McDonald's inside a Walt Disney World Resort theme park. So, of course they "are going nowhere" because they don't exist in the first place.


New Member
JC03 said:
You're right . . . you don't die immediately, just slowly over time.

I feel sorry for you if you think Super Size Me is a farce and choose to ignore the fact that trans fat is basically a poison to your body. If you choose to eat any trans fat (which McDonald's fries are full of), you are taking a health risk. I believe people should be responsible for their actions, but food companies could also help a lot by taking trans fat out of their foods.


I can't stand it when fatties won't wake up and realize ANY fast food is bad for you. Sure, the salads at McDonalds would be healthy if you didn't eat the dressing, but if you're eating at McDonalds chances are you are going to use the dressing they provide, and then some. French fries are basically like cigarettes. The amount of saturated fat and trans fat in EVEN A SMALL portion is completely disproportionate to what the normal HEALTHY human should be having. As for Super Size Me being a farce, you are sadly mistaken. If you take the time to go over to McDonald's website, look at their nutritional menu, and check out the figures, you'll see some horrifying things. Someone said something like, "Of course his stomach reacted like that he was eating almost nothing but vegan beforehand," well, if your stomach is so accustomed to having crap in it, ie. fast food, that you don't feel a little woozy after munching down on a nice helping of fat and calories, then really, it is YOUR stomach that we should discuss. He was a healthy eater beforehand, his stomach simply reacted to the toxins found within the food.

It blows my mind how complacent people are with being overweight, unhealthy, and down right nasty. Our kids are getting fatter every year because mom and dad would rather give them "a little order of french fries" rather than seek out fruits, vegetables, or something healthier. Its irresponsible, reprehensible, and disgusting. There is nothing "okay" with the food at McDonalds, Wendys, Burger King, etc. It is all filth. America is fat because we are "ok" with it. I'm sorry but Im tired of seeing all the nasty fat sweaty people struggling to get around the park just because they're too cheap and lazy to get healthier food or work out. You can work out for 15-20 minutes a day and it would be better than nothing. This is just pathetic.


New Member
Just some quick numbers for you:

Those small order of fries you eat once aren't bad? Think again:

One small order of fries: 250 calories, 13g of fat (20% of your TOTAL for the day), 3.5g of trans fat (youre supposed to try and have less than 7 or 8 a day)

One medium order: 380, 20g, 5 trans

One big mac: 560, 30g, 1.5 trans (startingly, the big mac has LESS than a SMALL order of fries!)

quick comparison:

6 inch turkey sub from subway: 280 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, ZERO trans.

So as you can plainly see, you can get an entire sandwhich for LESS than a small order of french fries! If that doesn't blow your mind and make you think twice about your "one small order" then you need to go see a doctor and have your diet checked out. Quit living in a cave and eat healthy.


New Member
ganny said:
I apologize if this topic has run it's course before, and I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way, but I don't know if there is anything I hate about going to WDW other than seeing McDonald's fry stands.

Personaly, I think that they are good at the places from Disneyland! They may not be the best for you....but there are other things the same way! And you shouldn't start a pettition or whatever you are going to do because there are people that like it there...not saying that its my favorite place but, if your hungry and on the go, its great! There are so many people I know that are so stupid because of McDonalds, they thought that they were being cool like they are concerned (which they arent I know) about calories and their weight, but they sounded so stupid and immature. I just said "If you dont like McDonalds, then dont go!" as simple as that! They dont need to make it this huge deal!

So I feel you thread is a waste of time!

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