George Lucas Mentions Star Tours Overhaul!


New Member
DarkMeasures said:
See. Jim Hill was right.

Those are vile disgusting words-please keep that filth off the website and away from the eyes of children. Spread enough seeds eventually somethings gonna grow. :zipit:


If this does happen and they decide to go with modern digital technology, I would love to see something along the lines of what they have done with ToT. By that I mean a random ride sequence. They could program the ride to randomly select a different destination each cycle. That way you never know what ride you will get. One time you go to Endor, another you go to Corusant, next time maybe Kashyyk or Naboo or whatever. That way it would stay fresh and not so redundent every time.


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Doubtful that any redo will be in the original trilogy. I'm guessing whatever is done will be from episode 3. Though both the pod racing from ep 1 and the Coruscant chase from ep 2 are possible.

Now the latter is an idea I could latch onto.

But if it has anything to do with Pod racing I swear I'll never ride it.

I have to say, on the assumption that Episode III will be good, that that was the worst 20 minutes in Star Wars history.

I'd rather have Bea Arthur reprising her singing role in the Star Wars Holiday Special than listen to that little turd's "Yipeee!" LOL.



New Member
This may be the cynical young idealist in me, but Mr. Lucas sure knows what he's doing.

He is about to release his last Star Wars film, meaning he will not ever see another instantaneous massive intake from the films, except in re-releases, which historically do not do as well as the original release.
However, Georgie-boy is re-releasing all of the Star Wars films in a few years, but in 3D. Now, what is a way to give roughly 20-30 million theme park goers a sneak peak at the new possibilities of the Star Wars franchise. Completely redo Star Tours and maybe show the public why they should fork over 15 bucks to see the films they've seen 20 times already, but now in 3D. This redo of Star Tours just makes complete financial sense for Lucas, as he can use it to his advantage whenever he wants in the near future, and of course Iger is kissing up to everyone so he'll let Lucas do whatever he wants.

Also, does George or his companies recieve any money for either making of contributing in making the new Star Tours films? Because that would be the perfect way to not only line his pockets of some insurance cash, but would also give his ILM people some work in what could possibly be a dry spell after "Episode 3" is finished. And with the way George has been treated by Disney for the last decade, you know he will charge a pretty penny (if he does charge I really don't know)...

Sorry for the ramble or the completely incoherent idea, but its 4 am, and its saturday night, and im in college....:p


New Member
Riding Star Tours in DL is one of my youngest DL memeories, I have no problem with the ride as it is, but I do agree that making random destinations would liven it up.

I don't know about this article though, it makes it seem like the Star Tours redo at Disney-MGM Studios is an after thought, like it is on the backburner after George Lucas gets some time away from the shows. If this is the case the redo could take forever.


Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
I'd rather have Bea Arthur reprising her singing role in the Star Wars Holiday Special than listen to that little turd's "Yipeee!" LOL.

That's one of those very disturbing it's so freakin' hilarious moments you can't help but love it.

"STAR WARS, STAR WARS" as good 'ole Bea belts out. :lol: :hurl: :lol: :hurl:


Well-Known Member
I may be in the minority but I'd rather they get rid of Star Tours completely & scrap the idea for Indy Jones Adv at MGM and use the area for a BRAND NEW type of Star Wars ride.

The Star Wars license is screaming for a IJA/high energy type of dark ride, there is almost endless amount of source material to use, the mind boggles at the thought.

Even if they update the film, it is still going to be a "motion simulator" which is lame any way you cut it IMNSHO.

Give me Wookie AA's!!!!!!


I would be more than happy if they just cleaned up the video/audio and left it as is. I like the original trilogy WAY more than the new stuff. I'm sure I will like a new ride from the new trilogy, however (even though it will probably have JarJar and that silly Watoo or something).
As far as Body Wars, I only ever rode that thing twice. The first time made me nauseous (which NEVER happened on Star Tours), and the second time left my shoulder hurting for two days (the thing just jerks you around too roughly).

On the Cranium Command front, why don't they just film a modern version with new stars? That thing is looking so dated, and modern kids have no idea who these cameo actors are.


AEfx said:
Now the latter is an idea I could latch onto.

But if it has anything to do with Pod racing I swear I'll never ride it.

I have to say, on the assumption that Episode III will be good, that that was the worst 20 minutes in Star Wars history.

I completely agree with you. I want nothing to do with pod racing.

Worst. Concept. Ever.

Now the space battle above Corusant from Episode III, that would be a cool ride.

Although, if the vehicle ran down Jar Jar...THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. I sure hope he dies in Episode III. :D


Active Member
As others have noted here and in different posts and sites, Lucas did confirm that an overhaul will be done at the Celebration III convention this past weekend.

"Also, George Lucas said that the "Star Tours" thrill ride at Disney-MGM Studios will be getting an overhaul soon."

I'd bet that it happens relatively soon because he then talked about the Live Action Star Wars TV show and how he'd like to get that started in a year after taking care of a few things, which I would think would be this ride overhaul amongst others. My only question is will Disney duplicate both updates on both coasts or will we get park specific trips??? If so, which park will get what?


ctwhalerman said:
This may be the cynical young idealist in me, but Mr. Lucas sure knows what he's doing.

He is about to release his last Star Wars film, meaning he will not ever see another instantaneous massive intake from the films, except in re-releases, which historically do not do as well as the original release.
However, Georgie-boy is re-releasing all of the Star Wars films in a few years, but in 3D. Now, what is a way to give roughly 20-30 million theme park goers a sneak peak at the new possibilities of the Star Wars franchise. Completely redo Star Tours and maybe show the public why they should fork over 15 bucks to see the films they've seen 20 times already, but now in 3D. This redo of Star Tours just makes complete financial sense for Lucas, as he can use it to his advantage whenever he wants in the near future, and of course Iger is kissing up to everyone so he'll let Lucas do whatever he wants.

Also, does George or his companies recieve any money for either making of contributing in making the new Star Tours films? Because that would be the perfect way to not only line his pockets of some insurance cash, but would also give his ILM people some work in what could possibly be a dry spell after "Episode 3" is finished. And with the way George has been treated by Disney for the last decade, you know he will charge a pretty penny (if he does charge I really don't know)...

Sorry for the ramble or the completely incoherent idea, but its 4 am, and its saturday night, and im in college....:p

Actually ILM is getting ready to begin work on 2 tv series for the Star Wars franchise one animated and one live action so they have plenty of work and I'm sure the networks are all willing to fork over some real cash for the broadcast rigts to that (even if it sucked the 1st season would do good numbers) so I see this as more of a way for Iger to lock in the relationship with Lucas to have an edge in those negotiations. BTW I agree it is a great vehicle for Lucas to preview his new stuff but couldn't it be great corporate synergy for Disney to have this new ride to promote their new television show?


KevinPage said:
Give me Wookie AA's!!!!!!

Would you be as happy if it was a Jar Jar AA guiding you through the SW universe?? :hurl:

Or how about they decide to go kiddie on us and decide to give you a track with ride in pod racers for teh little ones?? :hammer:

Just be careful what you wish for.


Well-Known Member
But Lucas also wants to update the technology. I don't know how much you can update a motion suimulator without is still just being a "motion simulator".

Maybe his new obsession with 3D will play into this?

As a Star Wars fan I will be dearly disappointed if Star Tours is just a new film with some new motion effects.


Well-Known Member
tazhughes said:
Would you be as happy if it was a Jar Jar AA guiding you through the SW universe?? :hurl:

Or how about they decide to go kiddie on us and decide to give you a track with ride in pod racers for teh little ones?? :hammer:

Just be careful what you wish for.

I'm quite sure the bashlash on Jar Jar that occurred and his almost non existence in Episode II is a good sign that he'd play little if any role in a new attraction.

:D :D :D


New Member
Maybe they could use different films for each simulator. Six films, six simulators. Think of it...
1. Tatooine podrace or Naboo battle
2. Geonosis
3. Kashyyk (sp?) or other major Episode III battle (I don't know too much about the movie yet)
4. Death Star (update of the current film)
5. Hoth
6. Endor speederbike chase or Death Star II

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