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Premium Member
I find it hilarious we have some people here mocking young people for trying to make their own path.
That’s the positive part. No problem there.

They just have to bring something interesting

For instance…offhand is great. A lot of personality.

This drew dude is useless…frankly.

See the difference?


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
With Starbucks as the option (and the way large employers treat employees these days in general) I hardly think trying to get by as an influencer is illogical or stupid. The employment environment when I got out of high school/college was so different from today and the options available due to social media and the internet didn't exist and were barely even imagined in sci-fi stories.

I find it kind of sad for people who grew up in such a different world to judge the decisions younger people make now assuming their world is the same one we came of age in. It's just a little "old man yells at clouds" and it prevents us from recognizing the real societal pressures that make vlogging a desirable option. Like, when I was in college, having tens of thousands of dollars in student loans was unimaginable if you weren't going to an Ivy.

Sorry, I know it's just a quick joke and I'm taking it too seriously, but evey older person complaining about "kids these days" seems to forget they were the target of the same complaints a generation or two or three ago. I'm Gen X and we were all slackers that just didn't want to work. It just feels like it's a lazy way older people have decided that they no longer have to recognize that the world changes and have just decided to stop engaging.

There is a significant shortage of workers in many fields and trades, yet so many "kids these days" are stuck on trying to become a social media influencer/star or other such no-skill things, or are still under the misguided belief that you need a college degree. But even still, the basic requirements for many medical jobs (RNs, for example) and trades require some college coursework, and those community/technical college systems are overwhelmed, backlogged, and understaffed, so they cannot get people into those fields fast enough to fill the available openings. Which just puts things further and further behind overall.


Premium Member
There is a significant shortage of workers in many fields and trades, yet so many "kids these days" are stuck on trying to become a social media influencer/star or other such no-skill things, or are still under the misguided belief that you need a college degree. But even still, the basic requirements for many medical jobs (RNs, for example) and trades require some college coursework, and those community/technical college systems are overwhelmed, backlogged, and understaffed, so they cannot get people into those fields fast enough to fill the available openings. Which just puts things further and further behind overall.
Are there "so many" though? There have always been more aspiring actors than working actors and more aspiring musicians than working musicians, influencing is just more of the same. And what teen/young adult wants to be told "hey, forget your dreams, you can be a cog!" My brother went to school to be an RN and he hated it; health companies have been bought up by venture capitalists who understaff their facilities and overwork those they have until they burn out and leave, all to maximize profits for themselves and shareholders. There are a lot of problems and shortages in key fields, yeah, it's absolutely an issue, but blaming it on kids with stars in their eyes who want to shoot their shot (and most likely end up in traditional employment down the line anyway!) instead of the economic and societal issues caused by greed is dishonest, ignorant, or both.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Original Poster
I'm in my 40s. 15 years ago I was a content creator on the side and made enough for things like a down payment on a house and paying for my wedding.

It's even easier now with all the tools and accessibility to different platforms. Twitch, YouTube Live, Patron etc.

If you have any passion and talent being a content creator is something you can do on the side while waiting tables until it takes off. I find it hilarious we have some people here mocking young people for trying to make their own path.

Vast majority of content people under 40 are consuming is not traditional media. Hello linear decline.
I want to let you know how much I enjoyed "Chocolate Rain"!!


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Are there "so many" though? There have always been more aspiring actors than working actors and more aspiring musicians than working musicians, influencing is just more of the same. And what teen/young adult wants to be told "hey, forget your dreams, you can be a cog!" My brother went to school to be an RN and he hated it; health companies have been bought up by venture capitalists who understaff their facilities and overwork those they have until they burn out and leave, all to maximize profits for themselves and shareholders. There are a lot of problems and shortages in key fields, yeah, it's absolutely an issue, but blaming it on kids with stars in their eyes who want to shoot their shot (and most likely end up in traditional employment down the line anyway!) instead of the economic and societal issues caused by greed is dishonest, ignorant, or both.
The problem I see is that many look at social media as a get-rich-quick scheme - "Just look at what x, y, and z make!!!", or in this case, "Look at what F, G, and H get from Disney, I can do that, too!". What percentage of those who get into social media actually make enough money to support themselves? 5%? 2%? 1%? No technical college cares that you were a social media persona if you're applying for a trade program, since, like you said, traditional employment is where many/most will likely end up eventually. Why encourage them to battle windmills when most know it's a fools errand? Too many adults think they're doing their kids a favor by telling them to "follow their muse" instead of telling them, "Do something productive with your life". Sometimes the life lessons learned 20-30+ years ago are still valid and should be passed along, not stuffed in a drawer. Yes, some need to make mistakes in order to learn from them and grow, but too many are ill-equipped to do even that.


Well-Known Member
a new version of the My Disney Experience App has been released for the new LL passes tomorrow which will likely be a trainwreck at MK (and other parks) so they will have more guest experience blue tents and folks to help

and it's probably hot there with low crowds
LOL I keep reading about Low Crowds, I dont know that I believe it. The crowds thread never discusses the crowds LOL. Is that for real or just Internet Hype about crowd levels?

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