A few things here. Managing your child should not be my responsibility nor should it be disney's. if you've got a child that can't handle waiting while being distracted with another attraction or distraction (something us non-GAC/DAS folk wont get to do, btw), that shouldnt be anyone elses problem. having a child that is physically difficult to control - I question whether going to disney or any theme park is the right vacation for you. Regardless, if you chose to do that, the responsibility to manage the expectations of the child is not anyone's but yours. Complaining about an assistance system that forces you to give up an advantage and accept equality (or close to it) is ludicrous.
And it *is* an advantage. One that literally has a financial benefit derived from it. If I can experience 20 attractions in the Mk without the GAC, but 30-40 with, your park ticket with the GAC has at least a 50% greater value than mine. The fact that people were actually paying disabled GAC/AP holders to escort them throughout the park proves a financial advantage. You claim it's a race, like I'm trying to beat you to something. No sir. It's not a race. But its abuse is tantamount to theft. Theft from both disney and theft from those that don't abuse a GAC...because for each realized abuse, the derived and realized value of my park admission goes down. Moreover, By you trying to minimize the importance of this by flippantly saying "it's not a race" suggests you realize exactly what I am talking about but just don't care.
I also take serious exception with the "you don't know my burden like I do". At best, it speaks of selfish entitlement (I have to deal with my special needs child all year, so therefore, you have to let me cut you on line during my week vacation while disney takes care of my child). At worst, downright ignorance, as you don't know what burdens other people on lines deal with but chose *not* to use a GAC. *PLENTY* of families have individual challenges. Holding a GAC card shouldn't be the definition of whose challenges are more important.
I, for one, applaud disney for shifting to a system that encourages equality without encouraging advantage....and I'm glad you will now have to approach the theme parks without your advantage.