Well-Known Member
If Disney should try to be therapeutic for this family... why shouldn't they do the same for me as well? I have things that would make my stressful life easier.. and make my vacation more enjoyable. Hell, for anyone if you gave them free run of the park and put them above everyone else.. who wouldn't find that enjoyable and welcoming?
The reality is Disney can't do that for everyone... so who do you offer that to? Currently Disney does charity for that with terminally ill children and other special cases. But you can't offer that to everyone with a disability nor should anyone EXPECT to be put above everyone else all the time.
Well, the issue isn't that Disney can't do this for everyone -- they can't. The issue is always one of why can't they do it for me? I have a special needs violent teen who won't wait in lines and must ride Splash Mountain 21 times in a row without getting off and I've even bullied or paid a doctor to say so, so I MUST get special treatment.
The only special treatment that folks like this should be given is a stern warning that the abuse of the past is just that and if they do not like things this way they can always try another company. Very simple.