Well-Known Member
Well aren't you just a negative Nelly...I've already explained several ways this will give abusers an edge over regular guests
1 - There are no 'all the FPs are gone' like there is for regular users. They can opt to use a FP-style wait all day long on all attractions if they chose.
2 - You are not limited to 3-4 per day like you are with a FP+ system. They can opt to use a FP-style wait all day long on all attractions if they chose.
3 - FP+ holders are limited to one FP-style wait per attraction per day - a DAS holder can re-ride an attraction multiple times per day with FP-style waits.
4 - By having multiple DAS cards in your group, you can increase the # of FP-style waits you can stack and effectively reduce the amount of wait between attractions.
5 - By having multiple DAS cards in your group, you can end-around the limit of holding one return time at once, and ride an attraction multiple times consecutively
6 - You can use a FP-style wait on any attraction, not just those with FP (tho of course in WDW, FPs were greatly expanded for MM+)
Now if Disney were to enforce a strict return time on the DAS holders... that would limit the effectiveness of stacking and other tricks. But I'm guessing at this point Disney will NOT have a strict return time on these passes, or a big window (say 2hrs) because of the very nature of the guests these passes are trying to serve. I actually expect no enforcement on return times because the limit of one return-time per pass is effective in isolation and return-times are not rationed out based on how many other DAS holders are out there (like FP is).