Funny stories about cast members.


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We just got back (and I miss it already ): ) and I only remember two, both from the Tower of Terror.

1) Ed. Funny story dealing with my mom.

She really liked Ed so when she saw him standing at the front gate she went up to him and said, "Why are you out here? That's boring, they should let you back in." He stared at her and she started walking away and he followed her until you get to the covered area of the outside line.

We ended up going again that night and he was our bellhop. We were about two elevator's away from getting on so my mom went, "Hey Ed!". He turned around and slowly made his way back to my mom and just stood staring at her forever, until he of course needed to let people onto the ride. He also tried it with me once but I just kept laughing.

2) Jeremy. We had him for the bellhop a few times, but then (the same day as the thing with Ed) he was standing at the place were you direct people into the library. We came up to him and he asked where we were from and vice versa. He said he was from Iowa, and the next time we got in line for some reason it was brought up again (maybe about 10-15 ft away from him) and my dad said that he lived in Iowa. My mom said (sort of loudly) "Where nothing ever happens." And he turned around and looked at us. She said, "I guess he heard that."

We waited in line, again. This time my mom ran up and said, "Heeeeeeyyy, it's Jeremy!" He said "Yes, I'm here all night."

Sorry if it's the wrong thread, but anyone else have any stories to share? Or if you remember any of their names, etc.


Active Member
Unfortunately I don't know the CM's name. This was June of 2003 and Pal Mickey was brand new. During the week-long trip, many CM's asked us about him since he was new and they were interested in our opinion and also how well he worked. Anyway, we had just left the stretching room at the HM and were moving slowly to the doom buggy load area. My son was carrying him as we walked. An HM CM saw the Pal Mickey and said to my son, "Hey, is the My Pal Mickey" and my son replied, "No, he's mine". The CM blinked, dropped out of character for a minute and said, "that's not what I meant." We all cracked up. My son was 16 at the time and had always said he wanted to be a CM at either the HM or ToT cause he thought they were the best as staying in character.

Since then, everytime we go to the HM, somebody brings up the story..."remember the time when Bobby had My Pal Mickey..."


Active Member
Well this is not as funny as yours. But the last time that I went I was on the resort monorail to do some shoping with my mom and my sister.The driver(I don't know her name) was taking the ramp for the handycap people and she droped it. And I was looking at her. I could stop laughing. Her face was all red.


Well-Known Member
In June my mom and I got the opportunity with my two kids to sit in the front of the monorail and our Driver recited the whole Figment Ride (the old one with the dream finder) and used different voices for each one...It was great but funny at the same time because of the voices and my daughter's face because she never got to see the original Journey into Imagination. What a great CM he was!! I got some pictures of him and my kids so that I wouldn't forget- plus I was able to get a shot with his name badge so I can write Disney a letter about how great he was


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Last time I was at Space Mountain there was a CM (can't remember name), and I was talking to some friends about DL's Space being re-done and re-opened. We were waiting for our FP time. He then said "are you talking bad about our space mountain?", and I just explained I wasn't, except that we needed some of thier new Tech. We then continued talking about the different Space Mountains, it was great fun.


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relloron said:
We had a crappy driver last time at the front of the monorail. He didn't say ONE word to us. :(

I rode a while back with a CM and an off-duty (and pregnant) CM. The two of them talked to each other the whole time. I didn't really mind that, since I was really along for the scenery. But I thought about telling them afterward that some of what they were saying probably wasn't appropriate to say in front of guests. Because guests aren't supposed to hear CMs complaining to each other about working conditions!


New Member
On our most recent trip last week, the bellhop brang my sister's suitcase to our room from Magical Express in the morning on Wednesday (she came down Tuesday night, we had been there since Sunday). I was still in my pjs, which were an old Mike Piazza Mets shirt, and a pair of sweatpants. The guy sees me and is like "Where are you guys from that you're Mets fans?!" He said it like ridiculously excitingly that it almost sounded accusatory, but we were like "New Jersey". And then he was like, "Well I'm from Long Island, and I wore my Mets shirt to work today." And then he was like "Where's your Mets hat?" And I pointed to where it was, and then he seemed content to leave.

On Friday we were at Character Connection in Epcot. I was wearing my David Wright shirt and I saw the racoon from Pocahontas so I figured I'd have him sign my book. At the time, me and my mom didn't even know his name since Pocahontas isn't one of my favorite movies. Then after I met him, me and my mom are walking away, and my mom was like, "So what was his name" and I was like "Meeko". And then an older cm came along and was like "Is he your favorite?", and I was like "uh, no?" because I mean it's just the raccoon from Pocahontas. And my mom was like "Oh, no, she's just trying to fill up her autograph book." And the cm kind of stared at us and then was like "No, I mean David Wright." And then me and my mom were just like ohhhh. And then we continued talking to the woman about David Wright and how much we all love him and the Mets. But it was pretty funny at the time.


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I was on the way back from MGM and the bus driver I had was a really huge ToT fan. So he made up his own ride called Bobs bus ride of terror and he would flicker the lights on and off. And he would always make ToT references. It was funny and it kept us awake.


Active Member
I was in the seat behind the driver seat on GMR and the the ride broke down, so the CM started talking to us and saying "Uhhhh this wasn't supposed to happen :( ". Was a good day :p.


Active Member
BCNHF said:
I was in the seat behind the driver seat on GMR and the the ride broke down, so the CM started talking to us and saying "Uhhhh this wasn't supposed to happen :( ". Was a good day :p.
Where were you when this happen. Was it before or after you "lose you driver".


relloron said:
We had a crappy driver last time at the front of the monorail. He didn't say ONE word to us. :(

Well, at least he did not drive into any flowerbeds like one Disney Transport bus driver I had did once.


New Member
hey BCNHF the avatar is CCCCOOOOOOOOOOLLLLL, any way, i was in HM one time and i knew, like alot of people, the stretching room spiel by heart, well as it was going i started saying softly, well the CM came around and said, "please be quiet" well i waited for a sec let him go by started again well he came around again and he said now louder and more angry, please be quiet, i just laughed at him. cause i knew nobody really cared, it was off peak season and most of them are reciting it too, whats gonna happen im gonna get kicked out for reciting the speil
BCNHF said:
I was in the seat behind the driver seat on GMR and the the ride broke down, so the CM started talking to us and saying "Uhhhh this wasn't supposed to happen :( ". Was a good day :p.

This reminded me of a time I was riding beside the driver's seat and the ride stalled in the Wizard of Oz scene. The driver was really cute, though. He said the reason why we weren't moving was because we didn't sing along to the "yellow brick road" song lol! (He had tried to get us to sing along while the munchkins were singing and he was cheerfully belting it out himself!) So he told us that if we wanted to continue our journey through film, we would all have to sing along. A few folks tentatively started to join in and the car began to move! hmm... I'm not sure what his name was. I'll try to look it up on the video to see if any of you know him. (It was May 2005.)

Another funny castmember story happened at the Carousel of Progress a few years ago (I think spring 02). The CoP had broken down a couple of times while we were waiting in line and when we were finally able to load, a castmember named Brad gave us a unique opening spiel, including comments about it being a "three and a half hour journey through time" and "we would hardly notice when the theater went upside down but please fasten your seatbelt. If you cannot locate your seatbelt, please raise your hand." *several frantic hands went up.* Then he informed the people in the front two rows that they were in the splash zone and they will get wet. *some people got up and moved further back* It was so funny.

I always enjoy it when castmembers creatively handle unexpected situations.


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Disneygirl86 said:
Another funny castmember story happened at the Carousel of Progress a few years ago (I think spring 02). The CoP had broken down a couple of times while we were waiting in line and when we were finally able to load, a castmember named Brad gave us a unique opening spiel, including comments about it being a "three and a half hour journey through time" and "we would hardly notice when the theater went upside down but please fasten your seatbelt. If you cannot locate your seatbelt, please raise your hand." *several frantic hands went up.* Then he informed the people in the front two rows that they were in the splash zone and they will get wet. *some people got up and moved further back* It was so funny.

Ah, yes. The CMs at CoP are notorious for tossing in jokes like. One time we got the intro "During the presentation, your theater will spin.....turn upside down, and then fill with water. Lifevests can be found under your seatbottom. If you don't have a lifevest, please raise your hand..." :lol:



New Member
oh god i HATE it when people say the sayings on the rides along with the announcers. its so annoying. we're on the ride to hear the actual person saying it, not you. haha sorry i just really hate that


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metscool said:
Where were you when this happen. Was it before or after you "lose you driver".

It was at the Mafia scene door (We had the Western rider stealer ride) and the car hit the door really hard and he said "________". :lol: So another cast member comes out and opens the door manually for us. Was fun, but scary. You never realize how scary the GMR is until you have gangsters shooting over your head for 20 minutes :lol:

EDIT: Yeah this avatar is real cool, so I won't spit in the face of it ^_^. I grabbed it over on some Carlito fan site :p.


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XNightmaresX said:
oh god i HATE it when people say the sayings on the rides along with the announcers. its so annoying. we're on the ride to hear the actual person saying it, not you. haha sorry i just really hate that

I agree. Very rude. And bad show.

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