Funny stories about cast members.


Well-Known Member
The best CM I remember was one at HM. We were walking through the door to the stretching room, and the line had stalled slightly. She walked in behind my wife and I and said, "Please move your decrepit bodies into the center of the room". We turned around and saw that she never cracked a smile or even showed any emotion. We loved it, and still tell each other to move our decrepit bodies...


Active Member
YAY my 1st post!

The funniest CM experience I can remember was at Haunted Mansion, firstly becuase my brither is disabled we are entitled to the pass that takes us through the special access entrance, it's marked staff quarters or something! Anyway I'm still suge a kid and that ride terrifies me and the staff there SCARE me half to death and im always really tense when we go near there:lookaroun Anyway this one time, I was pushing Josh's wheelchair and this CM just opened a door halfway down the creepy corridor there and I was so scared I just screamed J*E*S*U*S at him (sorry!) and he turned round looked at me and was like no not jesus, rob. I've never laughed so much! the one time i wasn't scared on the ride!
Anyway that same holiday, josh decided to walk through and we were the first ones in the stretching room, and josh trying to be brave kept looking at the scary CM saying you dont scare me then just as the lights went off the man looked at us and clapped his hand like split second timing, i was terrified as usual then when the lights came on he had come right into our faces and just looked at us and went this way pleasssssseeeee....

sorry long post but i was excited and trying to get the funniness of the situation across!:veryconfu


I used to love messing with guests on the Haunted Mansion. The second biggest reaction I ever got was one time in the stretching room a group of girls kept chattering, laughing, and pointing at me during the ghost host's narration while I remained absolutely still, with an emotionless stare directly at them. Then the second the lights went out I took one very quick step towards them away from the wall and they just went nuts. They were screaming and scrambling in such a panic in the dark that a couple of them nearly ended up on the floor.

Hm. I guess that's more of a funny guest story.


Well-Known Member
BCNHF said:
I was in the seat behind the driver seat on GMR and the the ride broke down, so the CM started talking to us and saying "Uhhhh this wasn't supposed to happen :( ". Was a good day :p.
was this in July? I was going to say the exact same thing. When it happened when I was there, i heard another cm tell him good luck because it was the first time he did it and it broke down, I felt bad for him.


Well-Known Member
Disneygirl86 said:
This reminded me of a time I was riding beside the driver's seat and the ride stalled in the Wizard of Oz scene. The driver was really cute, though. He said the reason why we weren't moving was because we didn't sing along to the "yellow brick road" song lol! (He had tried to get us to sing along while the munchkins were singing and he was cheerfully belting it out himself!) So he told us that if we wanted to continue our journey through film, we would all have to sing along. A few folks tentatively started to join in and the car began to move! hmm... I'm not sure what his name was. I'll try to look it up on the video to see if any of you know him. (It was May 2005.)

Another funny castmember story happened at the Carousel of Progress a few years ago (I think spring 02). The CoP had broken down a couple of times while we were waiting in line and when we were finally able to load, a castmember named Brad gave us a unique opening spiel, including comments about it being a "three and a half hour journey through time" and "we would hardly notice when the theater went upside down but please fasten your seatbelt. If you cannot locate your seatbelt, please raise your hand." *several frantic hands went up.* Then he informed the people in the front two rows that they were in the splash zone and they will get wet. *some people got up and moved further back* It was so funny.

I always enjoy it when castmembers creatively handle unexpected situations.

Those are two examples of exceptional CMs who went above and beyond the norm to create magic! How awesome!

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