Funniest Things Seen by CMs


Original Poster
For any of you out there who either are CMs or are friends of them, do you have any good stories to share about the funniest things they've witnessed or been part of while on the job?


It was raining, I jump from the Marmaid I to tie the boat at the Ft Wilderness Lodge dock and fell into the dock in front of about 50+ guest waiting in line to get into the boat, it was funny for them and painful for me. In watercraft you see a lot of funny and weird stuff.


Well-Known Member
I was working at AA and there was a MASSIVE DOWNPOUR. Well I had this guest tell me that she HAD to get to FW at a certain time. She didn't have an umbrella so she grabbed a clear bag (She had one in her purse). She took the bag, covered her head with it AND cinched it around her neck and told me how she looked. I demanded that she take it off and think of another solution! :rolleyes: I told her straight out that I didn't want to see her passed out in the middle of Germany :lol:.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by freaklarm
It was raining, I jump from the Marmaid I to tie the boat at the Ft Wilderness Lodge dock and fell into the dock in front of about 50+ guest waiting in line to get into the boat, it was funny for them and painful for me. In watercraft you see a lot of funny and weird stuff.

That's halarious! Very good one.

Also, the bag over the head is halarious, too, but also a little depressing that a grown woman actually thought of a bag over the head as a solution.:lol:


Originally posted by freaklarm
It was raining, I jump from the Marmaid I to tie the boat at the Ft Wilderness Lodge dock and fell into the dock in front of about 50+ guest waiting in line to get into the boat, it was funny for them and painful for me. In watercraft you see a lot of funny and weird stuff.

I heard you CMs would do just about anything to make the guests laugh! Took one for the team huh!!??

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
I have to many to count...This is one of my favorites.

I was working at Cinderella's Golden Carousel and a husband, wife and little girl enter the queue. The little girl begins to sit and swing on the chains. Her mom repeatedly tells her to stop but she continues to swing. Then her mom tells her again to stop, and at this time her father has had enough of the mother telling the daughter to stop. The dad then looks at the mom and says NOTHING WILL HAPPEN THESE CHAINS ARE SAFE and as he says that he leans against the chain and the chain pops. He falls flat on his back and the mother and daughter just start laughing. He was perfectly okay. It was just so funny to see this play out.


Oh dear lord, so many, I don't have enough time....

1) People trying to get FASTPASSes, and they are sticking their park tickets in the bottom tray, where the FASTPASS comes OUT, and not in the INSERT PARK TICKET HERE slot.

2) People looking for their seatbelts on Rock 'n' Roller Coaster with the shoulder harness firmly pulled down around themselves....

Guest- "Where's the seatbelt?"
Me- "Um, sir, if this big metal harness doesn't hold you in, a little piece of fabric isn't going to do much good either."

3)People asking if their are any drops on Rock 'n' Roller Coaster.

Guest- "Are there any drops on this?"
Me- "No sir, it's a perfectly LEVEL, FLAT roller coaster."

4) People trying to sit inbetween coaches, where there are no seats, or anything to sit on, at Coaster.

5) Stuffing toilet paper in a kids shoes to make them tall enough for a ride.

6) Asking where "that Jaws ride is"

7) Grossly messing up the name of rides....

ie. Hollywood Tower of Terror
ie. Hollywood Terror Hotel
ie. Rock and Roll Rollercoaster
ie. That Aerosmith ride
ie. Fast Track
ie. The big golfball
ie. Mickeyland (Asking about the Magic Kingdom, I deduced.)

8) Asking if rides are safe. That always made me laugh.

Guest- "Is it safe?"
Me- "Nope, you'll come out with at lease 2 broken bones, and usually the inability to blink. YES, it's safe, now step in line please..."

I'll post more as I think of 'em.



New Member
Originally posted by Coasterbp
7) Grossly messing up the name of rides....

ie. Hollywood Tower of Terror
ie. Hollywood Terror Hotel
ie. Rock and Roll Rollercoaster
ie. That Aerosmith ride
ie. Fast Track
ie. The big golfball
ie. Mickeyland (Asking about the Magic Kingdom, I deduced.)

lol...I've heard people mess up names all the time, especially the Fast Track one. "Hey honey, want to ride the Fast Track next?":p I get so agitated when someone messes up the name of a Disney ride that I have to force myself to correct them. I mean c'mon get it right!:hammer:


Well-Known Member
heres the best, (other than the "what time does the three o clock parade start)
talking with guests in Epcot/AK/MGM and they say, we are going to Disney World tomorrow, or we went to Disney World yesterday, and I AM ALWAYS WANTING TO CHOKE THEM AND SAY - YOU ARE IN DISNEY WORLD!!! (when they are just talking about the MK)


Well-Known Member
I was saw a couple of guests look puzzled. Since I was a cast member at the time I asked them if they needed help. They asked me where test track was and showed me thier park map. As soon as I saw the map I laughed. They were looking at the wrong map in the wrong park. They were in the Studio Animation courtyard with an Epcot map. :p


New Member
wow...there are way too many to count! a few that i can recall though:
~on space mtn, guests freaking out because their lapbar won't stay down. i always make an "uh oh" face and tell them that they had better hold on tight!
~at the tta, i was a greeter and a man came up with his park map and asked if the ride took him to downtown orlando!
~a man asked me out in front of alien encounter one day where the castle was! that scared me a little bit.
~guests unloading from space mtn and asking if they can go again cause there is no line. i always have to remind them that the line is upstairs....don't they notice that it looks different? hmmmm...:hammer:
~guests getting a fastpass and heading straight for the fast pass line. "yes sir thank you. please return at 3:00 with that ticket and i'll let you on through."
~a man dropping his bag on buzz and demanding that i stop the ride and run out to get it
~a man who got out on the tta in space mtn cause he thought he could get to the line from there:brick:
~families on the tta who run ahead to the train and leave the slowest member of their family standing on the comb plate..then get mad at me when they are not all in the same car. you only have 15 seconds before the door shuts!
~for those of you who know the tta is under the astro orbiter, guests constantly come up to me at tta greeter and ask if this is the "thing that goes around?" i answer them "the thing that goes around and around? or just around?" it's a big joke among t-land ops cast members.
~when i am at buzz load, guests ask once they are on the ride if it's a roller coaster. i wanna just ask them "you waited 1 hr in line and then ask if it's a roller coaster??"
~i'll never forget one little boy who got on the up ramp that takes you up to tta and i was behind him. he exclaimed excitedly "wow! an escalator with no stairs???!!! this really is the future!" too cute!

there are a million more i have had in the year i have been there..but these are the most common ones.
hope you guys enjoyed them.
suzie q


Originally posted by suzynstitch
~at the tta, i was a greeter and a man came up with his park map and asked if the ride took him to downtown orlando!

I'm not exactly a CM (It's my dream though :) ) but when I was there I heard a woman say (as we passed the switch to where they store the trains), "Look! There's the Amtrak connection!". She talked about it for a few minutes about how they use Main St. Station as an Amtrak station. Few problems:

1. How would people arriving by Amtrak go through the entrances?

2. Amtraks use a special kind of track.

3. It is my understanding that Amtrak trains can be up to two miles long, it wouldn't fit around the entire MK, much less in Main St. Station!

4. That would really detract from the magic.

Obviously she is one of those people who makes things up just to get a little attention.

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BenS

Obviously she is one of those people who makes things up just to get a little attention.

I really hate to say this, but she really is just one of those people who is that stupid


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