Not necessarily. Admissions granted by the company to employees doesn't cost them anything. The attractions they might enjoy, were going to be operating anyway. So were the shows they might attend. The fireworks and parades would still be conducted whether of not they were there. There actual occupancy may have only increased lines for these things and very nominally at that.
If their actual attendance is only due to the admission being free in the first place, any dollar they spend inside the parks, they wouldn't have had in the second place. The people paying admission spent money to get in and may spend more money overall but the employee entering the park free, spends money inside that they (Disney) would or may not have gotten.
I refuse to look at people's presence at my wedding in a crass way. They would not have been there if I had not wanted them there. If I were soliciting them for money to start my married life, (which I wouldn't) I would ask them to contribute to that cause and get my license and simple ceremony at the courthouse. While I do get what you were trying to say, I would hope the motivation to invite family or friends to a wedding wasn't a financial grab.