Fuel Shortage


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I am a longtime reader...first time "post-er".

My wife and I are headed to WDW this weekend. I am wondering how a gas shortage will affect resort transportation and park operation.

Also, I am worried that we will have plenty of gas to get there...but will not have enough to get back home (darn!). We were there during Charlie last year and it was a little nuts at the Care Care Center.

I know, I know...not a big deal when compared to the devastation of Kristina, but it's still a concern.

Miss Bell

New Member
I saw everything from $2.69 to $2.89 on my way home today in Austin, Texas. This is up from $2.49 this weekend--who knew I actually had cheap gas comparatively?
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Well-Known Member
In Atlanta area we had gas all the way up to $5.89 for regular and 6.09 for hi-test (yesterday). Not all stations were that high, many were in the 2.89 area and lots in the 3.49 region. This morning many of the the stations that had the cheap (less than $3.00) were out of gas, but they should be getting more overnight. If you are driving through Georgia keep an eye out for what seems to be a good price then fill up. Don't get to empty and have to pay a very high price because you are almost empty. In perspective high gas prices is nothing, compaired to what the citizens that were hit by Katrina have and are going through.
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Active Member
I live in northern New Jersey and I just filled up my gas tank at A gulf station(which is usually the cheapest around here), and I paid $3.25 a gallon. :eek: It cost me a total of $42.oo to fill up my tank that wasn't even on E, I almost had a heart attack! Oh, that was for the cheap stuff. Premium was just under $4.oo a gal. Looks like I'm staying home this weekend!
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Well-Known Member
In spite of rising gas prices....

So, the average price of gas based on what I've seen is pretty comparable (depending on where you live in the US). In Southwest Florida (Naples, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Sanibel Island, Capitva Island), the average down here is higher than the national average! I personally think the reason why that is is because the people who own the gas stations down here are all about the higher profit margins and jack the price of gas up just enough so that their profit is a little more than what gas station owners around the country is. Hey.. and I quote the old Depeche Mode song "Everything Counts" - "The Grabbing Hands Grab All They Can...." ;)

But in spite of rising gas prices, anyone going to Disney this weekend? ;)
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Where I live, we have been at $3.09 the last couple of days. I have heard that in the Columbus area, some have been as high as $4.00/gal. I know we will be doing less traveling right now.
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bigorangeandy said:
In Atlanta area we had gas all the way up to $5.89 for regular and 6.09 for hi-test (yesterday). Not all stations were that high, many were in the 2.89 area and lots in the 3.49 region. This morning many of the the stations that had the cheap (less than $3.00) were out of gas, but they should be getting more overnight. If you are driving through Georgia keep an eye out for what seems to be a good price then fill up. Don't get to empty and have to pay a very high price because you are almost empty. In perspective high gas prices is nothing, compaired to what the citizens that were hit by Katrina have and are going through.
The ones in the 5 to 6 dollar range were definitely gouging. If you see any more like that you should report them.
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Price Gouging(sp?)

Last year when Charlie hit several arrests were made for price gouging (i think that's how it's spelled).

People were selling hard to find items such as generators, plywood etc. for high prices...basically ripping people off. They were simply taking advantage of the situation for profit.

Why is it ok for gas companies/retailers to do it?
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Active Member
Phigment said:
Last year when Charlie hit several arrests were made for price gouging (i think that's how it's spelled).

People were selling hard to find items such as generators, plywood etc. for high prices...basically ripping people off. They were simply taking advantage of the situation for profit.

Why is it ok for gas companies/retailers to do it?
i totally agree with you the pres comes on and says he will take action to people price gouging gas. hello it is happening but like normal nothing will be done. gasin pa went from 2.49 to 3.19 in 2 days where i live. that is bull____. it is the same gas that was in the storage tank the day before it went up. and yet the price of oil per barrel has stayed the same. well oil companies i guess you will get every sent i have to spend. i am sure glad that the are making double profits since last year at this time. :sohappy: :snore: :snore: pres :snore: :snore: wake up and smell what is going on. sorry i am just so sed
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Southern Indiana is at $3.39 a gallon. Up from 2.69 the day before. Nothing to laugh at. My husband I are commuting together and considering riding our bikes to work...where there are no showers :lol:
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Actually right now 3.19 would not be considered gouging. I am not defending the oil companies though. At years end the will still be at the top of the list when it comes to profit.
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ntn_haqqer said:
Where in New York? One of my co-workers today was telling me that some of the gas stations in the Bronx and Queens are at $6/gallon already? I told her to shut her mouth and show me some sources where she got that. She goes, "My husband told me." And then I said, "Your husband better start showing me some sources."

Stop making up rumors... this is what throws people in a frenzy! All I know is that because of the rumors, the gas stations down here in Naples are busier than normal. Luckily, I was able to get gas.

Oh, by the way -- I'm not going to let any gas price hike destroy my weekend plans at Disney. :)

I agree to the stop with the rumors. But in our case it was actually the media circulating the rumors. The radio stations had reports every 15 minutes about who did and didn't have gas. By time I left the restaurant last night only three stations in the Naples/ Ft. myers area suposedly had gas left. But on my drive home every station I passed, which is six of them all had gas. I wish the media would be held accountable for creating such a panic.
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Original Poster

When government officials go on TV and tell people to not buy gas what do you think the average American is going to do?...that's right...BUY GAS.

Also, the SW Florida media (TV and Print) always blows things out of proportion...

Breaking News! (cue cheesy music)...

Update at 11! (cue more cheesy music)...
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New Member
Phigment said:
When government officials go on TV and tell people to not buy gas what do you think the average American is going to do?...that's right...BUY GAS.

Also, the SW Florida media (TV and Print) always blows things out of proportion...

Breaking News! (cue cheesy music)...

Update at 11! (cue more cheesy music)...
Is ther such a thing as a media outlet that does not blow things out of proportion? :lol:
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disneyisbest said:
Is ther such a thing as a media outlet that does not blow things out of proportion? :lol:
Unfortunately, very little.

While this is a very worthwhile story to report, the various news agencies can't seem to stop overstating everything.

As I posted elsewhere, this shortage of fuel is largely panic induced by people filling every container they can lay their hands on with gasoline. While the situation definately calls for prudence and conservation, we should all keep in mind that this was largely media induced. Yes , there is concern about supply, however if everyone USES THEIR HEAD, this situation could be minimalized.
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Well-Known Member
gasin pa went from 2.49 to 3.19 in 2 days where i live. that is bull____. it is the same gas that was in the storage tank the day before it went up. and yet the price of oil per barrel has stayed the same.
Actually, they are within their rights to raise the price. Yes, the same gas is in the storage tank from before the prices rose, but think about the cost to replace the gas. Think like a business owner who sells something that people are always going to buy:

The gas cost me two bucks a gallon, so I sell it for two-fifty. But it will now cost me three dollars a gallon to replace what I sell. So now I will sell it for three-fifty so I can afford to buy the replacement gas.

And the shortages are driven by panic. If everyone wasn't going out and topping off the tank they filled up four days ago and is still three-quarters full, then we wouldn't be running out of gas. No shortages up here in NY. But $4 a gallon isn't bull - it's truth. $3.59 for regular, $3.89 for premuim is the worst I've seen on Long Island.
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New Member
You think you've got it bad.

I have read this thread with great interest....Here in the UK, average prices are around 95p per litre. This is approximately £3.90 per GALLON !!! Which, at todays exchange rates, equals $7.00 ( And the closer to London you go, the more expensive it becomes). It's been many years since we paid the equivalent of $3 for a Gallon of fuel........ Boy do i wish we had to pay that now :)
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I'm actually kind of wondering what's going to happen to the price of airfare. If anything is associated with Disney is going to change, I would think that would be it.

As for where I am here in Connecticut, it was $2.55 here Wednesday, now it's $3.29. Some places are up to almost $4, and since CT has no regulation on fuel prices, it's going to get worse.
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