This ride is down more than the usual hiccup. I tried going in Thursday, it was down almost all day until 3 when I finally left. Today, was there at 9AM. Ride was down by 10:30. Went back up at 11:50AM at which point we got in the fast pass line. Two boats later, down for two hours. We waited because we were the first to load in the que. Finally rode at 2:15. Twenty minutes after we got off, down again. It's now 6PM and it isn't back up. And it isn't just closed to stand by. It's closed to all guests. They were also only loading the middle two rows. No one could have the front. Cast members said the front row was an issue. 4-5 guests per boat. Disney was great though. They gave us a handful of fast passes, coloring pages and crayons, chips, waters. As much as we wanted. I have to say management handled it as best they could. I'm usually the first to complain about WDW recently, but I really applaud them. It was our decision to stay in the line so they really did not have to do anything for us. But from the issues I've personally witnessed in the park, this ride should not be open.