From the Rumor Mill for Conversation

WDW Insider

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Original Poster
Here are a couple of rumors worth discussing here at WDWMagic forums:

- Attendance for the month of February has been beyond expectations. During the past week, the Magic Kingdom received extended hours beyond the posted hours due to heavy guest volume. Second performances of SpectroMagic were performed, even on days in which the parade was not scheduled to be shown at all. And before you say, "well, this is because it was President's Day week," please remember that the calendar planners knew this going in and park management chose to extend the hours due to an unforseen increase in the moving of turnstiles.

- A close friend of mine in WDW Entertainment says that something related to the film Enchanted is in the works. My own speculation is that the popularity of the film has been noticed via DVD sales and that we may be looking at an Enchanted parade on Streets of America or a permanent show in the Backlot Theater. According to my friend, casting may begin as early as late summer for whatever this new entertainment venue may be. She believes it to be more than just a Meet and Greet due to several of the characters being listed rather than just Giselle.

- Speaking with the head of curriculum for the Disney Y.E.S. Program, it appears that the Y.E.S. Program will be changing several of the programs offered for next year. The goal is to reduce the total number of programs while diversifying the programs so that they are applicable to a greater number of group needs. Examples she gave were programs more easily adapted to faith-based groups and language class groups... while cutting or combining some of the science programs.

- WDW Insider

Disneyson 1

New Member
Cool news, esp. the Enchanted stuff. So was the info given to you totally DHS, or is that speculation? Because that would actually make sence, as it DOES take place in Manhattan, and it would match the Streets of America. Too bad there's not a more realistic-looking "city" area in the parks...


Well-Known Member
Enchanted + WDW = good!

Still would rather have a dark ride than a show but it's a start. Any chance I could see Edward in the parks. :lookaroun


Active Member
I'm surprised about the Enchanted plans. I love the movie but I didn't think it was THAT big of a hit.

As for park attendance, a close person who has a pretty big job in resorts stated that the moderates are booked solid right now, in walking guests to other resorts, while the Yacht and Beach Club are not even at 40% occupancy and had 0 check-ins on 2/20! (that did not include the DVC units).

So I think we're going to see big crowds but from people staying on 192, I-Drive, 535, and the like but the Deluxe resorts are going to see a hit.


For some reason i don't see anything Enchanted coming. It feels like they missed the mark on it. Unless there will be an Enchanted 2 or spin off coming.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised about the Enchanted plans. I love the movie but I didn't think it was THAT big of a hit.

Domestic: $127,807,262 37.5% + Foreign: $212,680,390 62.5% = Worldwide: $340,487,652

^ from Box Office Mojo

+ a 93% approval rating on RT, 3 Oscar noms and strong DVD/Blu-ray sales. I think it's a hit.

Glad to see something might be done. DLRP had a fireworks sow themed to this movie (wasn't much but it was something), but this could be good too, especially since it might make good use of the not so much used Backlot theater now.


Active Member
I didn't think it did that much $$$. I remember it got some pretty good reviews though. I loved the movie and I think Giselle would be a great addition to the Disney Princess franchise. Don't know why they didn't capitalize on that sooner.


Well-Known Member
But wouldn't it be kind of hard to do merch. for it, seeing that they need Amy and Co's permission to use their likenesses?

They don't have to for cartoon Giselle and that didn't stop Disney from selling all kinds of stuff at D-Store for it (plushes, costumes, toys etc.) They probably have to pay big $ to make Pirates stuff so if Disney feels it's worth it they would probably pay the dough needed to do so.


New Member
As for park attendance, a close person who has a pretty big job in resorts stated that the moderates are booked solid right now, in walking guests to other resorts, while the Yacht and Beach Club are not even at 40% occupancy and had 0 check-ins on 2/20! (that did not include the DVC units).

Not true.

This week has been good for the resorts as have most weekends. All resorts are really down during the weeks just like park attendance has been for the past month until this past week.


New Member
The only reason that hours had to be extended is because they were scheduled to close at 9 pm. I don't remember what they were last year, but I don't think they had 9 pm closings at MK during Presidents week.

WDW Insider

New Member
Original Poster
Cool news, esp. the Enchanted stuff. So was the info given to you totally DHS, or is that speculation? Because that would actually make sence, as it DOES take place in Manhattan, and it would match the Streets of America. Too bad there's not a more realistic-looking "city" area in the parks...

I'm speculating about the Streets of America or Backlot Theater because they're the most logical locations for either a parade or a show. I can't think of any other good locations really.


Active Member
Not true.

This week has been good for the resorts as have most weekends. All resorts are really down during the weeks just like park attendance has been for the past month until this past week.

I saw the documentation that backed up my previous post. If you saw something that says different then I stand corrected.


Active Member
I was talking to one of the former Adventurers Club performers and he said that both he and Yvette will be involved in the Remy the Rat coming to Chefs de France. He said he saw it in action and its really cute and clever. Im looking forward to it!


New Member
You were looking at Edward when Patrick Dempsey was in the film??!!! Are you mad?? :ROFLOL:

I'll take Edward if you don't want him :kiss:

On that note - it does seem weird to be putting out Enchanted stuff now that the movie has been out for a while. Kids are fickle and have probably moved on to the next craze already! It seems like they should be starting to focus on their newer stuff (the princess and the frog or whatever it is called) unless they are indeed putting out an Enchanted sequel. I actually hope they don't. I liked the movie and think it ended nicely, no need to keep pumping them out.


New Member
^^^^ You are quite welcome to him!! I'll take McDreamy anyday!!

I know what you mean about it seeming late to do something about and attraction for Enchanted but when do they ever do something before it has been released? I think to do that would be too much of a risk so can understand this but it is a pity that they don't get them out a little quicker.


Well-Known Member
I'll take Edward if you don't want him.

Over my dead body! :fork:

Don't worry about Princess and the Frog, drew already said Tiana would show up in the parks alter this year and I'm sure lots of marketing will be in place for it (after all it is the first 2-D animated movie by them in 5 1/2 years).


Well-Known Member
The only reason that hours had to be extended is because they were scheduled to close at 9 pm. I don't remember what they were last year, but I don't think they had 9 pm closings at MK during Presidents week.

As someone just back from almost a week at WDW, I can concur the parks were quite busy at the tail end of the holiday weekend into the middle of the week when they noticeably fell.

As for hours, they were indeed pumped up just about two weeks ago to more traditional hours ... MK went from 10 p.m. closings on the weekend to midnight both nights with Prez Day moving from a 9 p.m. scheduled close to an 11 and Wednesday going from a 9 to a 10 with a second Spectro showing added at 10. ... DAK also saw hours added over the weekend with an 8 p.m. close on Sunday and 7 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday. Studios went from 7 closings right through to some 9 closings ... and on Weds. and Thurs. (nights with two Fantasmics at 7 and 8:15) they leave many of the top attractions like ToT, RnRC, TSMM etc ... open until 8.

All of these were again added just about two weeks ago and are much more inline with traditional hours for the period.

The one area that clearly is hurting is retail ... WoD merchandise is practically all on sale and resembles a Circuit City going out of business these days yet I watched and saw far fewer people carrying bags than I have EVER seen at WDW ... guests are there, but they're there on the 4/3 deal and I per capita spending is going to fall through the floor because even with sales like WoD (unprecendented) people just aren't buying like they used to.

From what I understand the next two weeks are expected to be relatively slow and then crowds are expected to pick up and be healthy through Easter.

The big concern/question mark is what will the summer be like ...

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