I'm sorry to say this, but I'm sure the rescue teams gave up hope within minutes of starting the search last night. An alligator, a two year old and a deep body of water leave almost no chance for the poor child's survival.
I was on this board last night when the news broke. As a father of three grown adults, as hard as I tried, I could not and still cannot get the image of a child in the grasp of an alligator while the father tries desperately to pull his son back.
We've stayed at the GF and the CR. Not once that I can remember did the front desk person or anyone for that matter specifically say "stay out of the lagoon or lake, there are alligators in there". The signs as I remember them say no swimming, but we have relatives in Florida (no alligators here in Chicago), so I knew to keep my family out of the water. I firmly believe that individuals are responsible for learning about the environment in which they live or vacation. I also firmly believe that if a resort, charter boat captain, knows there is some type of native animal, reptile, insect, etc. that can kill a person, it is their moral duty to inform their customers.
There is the concept of the "Disney Bubble" where nothing bad can happen to you. It's quiet, peaceful, an almost complete break from reality and easy to see how anyone can and sometimes do let their guard down. This is a horrible tragedy. One from which this family will do their best to move on, but never fully recover.
Perhaps the signs should have been more specific about not entering the lagoon at all. Perhaps there should have been some type of fencing or wall to prevent people from even attempting to walk into the lagoon. Perhaps the parents should have not let the toddler near the water. Sometime in the future legal blame will be assigned to one party or the other or both parties will be held jointly responsible to some percentage, but for today, is there really a reason for us to go on and on for almost 40 pages on who is to blame?