I have nothing in my heart but profound grief for everyone involved. Reading through this thread, as a "northerner" who has no experience with gators or crocs besides our local zoo, I have learned quite a bit this morning. I remember my very first trip to WDW in '99 with my preteen kids, and we had just finished playing mini golf at Fantasia Gardens. We wanted to go to DHS, and we could see Tower of Terror not far away, so we decided to WALK! I know . . . it sounded like a good idea at the time! Part of that walk was along a canal, and thought nothing of it at the time. After all, that was the same vacation where we went swimming at River Country, which was right on the shores of Bay Lake. Now, I would NEVER walk that close to water down there! My point being that many of us who don't live down there, while we understand we're in gator country, we really don't grasp the reality of that. And, as ignorant as it sounds, assume that while at a resort I don't have to worrying about encountering an alligator. Ignorantly thinking "I'm sure the resort people take care of them so their guests are safe." While I am not blaming Disney - this was a horrible, tragic accidental encounter with wildlife native to the area - I have to wonder that there would be better places to have a movie screening than on a beach at night. And, if you really want to keep people away from the water, then the signs need to say "Stay out of the water." That is different than "No swimming." And, I think there are ways to calmly remind guests to be viligant of the wildlife native to the area without scaring them to death. It is a reality of being if Florida, that many of us on a magical vacation can lose sight of.