Friends say too old for Disney?!?!?!


spoiledmarie said:
My husband and myself are both 33 years old and are totally addicted to Walt Disney World, and love everything Disney. Our Friends say that we are "Too Old" for Disney and that we "need to go somewhere else when we go on vacation". When we get back from one trip, we can't wait to book the next one and mind you, we have gone quite a bit over the past 2 years... but when we do book the trips and are so excited about it, we are afraid to tell anyone because we know what the reaction will be. They say that we should be going to an all inclusive resort type vacation, especially since we have no children. They all say that Disney is for kids and aren't we getting bored of it yet. I could never get bored of Disney, and love it there, and we always have such a great time, with or without others travelling with us.. yes Disney is a different experience with children and it is wonderful to see the magic in their eyes.. but as adults don't we deserve the same magic? If it is what we love to do and we don't want to go anywhere else, what is wrong with that?
I was just wondering if there were others out there like us around, people over 30 that are addicted to Disney World.. and beileve that Disney is for everyone, especially the kid in all of us!!:) And if you have ever had a situation like this and how you dealt with it?

I haven't read any of the other posts, but LOL it sounds like you need some new friends!! :p

Seriously though... We've got friends who are starting on this "why dont you..." kick with us and we just roll our eyes & ignore them. Let them think what they want... they're not paying for our vacation. If they make a snide suggestion to go somewhere else I'll ask "are you gonna pay for it?" That pretty much shuts em up.

If you & your DH are into the magic without kids then more power to you. You're not alone. Dh & I are in league with you. Screw the nay sayers and do what makes you happy.


natalia1681 said:
I don't think that these people are *really* your friends:lookaroun


LOL You laugh but if you think about it... Don't friends usually support other friends choices (whether they agree with them or not) as long as they're not dangerous choices?


4friends4ever said:
You'll see lots of older couples just having a blast.

I love people watching. It's great seeing all of the silver couples having their sweet romantic moments...very early courting like. It's so sweet to see! I also love seeing them wearing their Disney gear & mickey hats.


New Member
You are never to old for Disney! I think your friends are just jeleous because they can not find the kid in themselves to enjoy the MAGIC we all know as Disney.


New Member
E-GADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too old for Disney??? :eek: :eek: My wife is 42...and I'm 47!!! TOO OLD FOR DISNEY??? NEVER!!!!!!!!!! (In fact, I'm looking for a Disney casket to be buried in!!! (too morbid???...sorry).... :drevil: :lol:


Active Member
Is there anyone out there that has a friend that always pounds you for going to disney and loving it because he goes to universal and then everyone else sides with him b/c hes the cool guy. That makes me mad.:fork:


Well-Known Member
manutdfan1 said:
Is there anyone out there that has a friend that always pounds you for going to disney and loving it because he goes to universal and then everyone else sides with him b/c hes the cool guy. That makes me mad.:fork:
The guy you're talking about was probably always the cool guy, some people just get that acknoledgement. Me, I've never been the cool guy, but you know what, I don't care. My smile comes from within knowing I'm doing what I want irregardless of what others may incorrectly think. Be cool to yourself.


Active Member
DisneyFanLS said:
E-GADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too old for Disney??? :eek: :eek: My wife is 42...and I'm 47!!! TOO OLD FOR DISNEY??? NEVER!!!!!!!!!! (In fact, I'm looking for a Disney casket to be buried in!!! (too morbid???...sorry).... :drevil: :lol:
:lol: LOL. I tell my DS(18) and DD(12) to dump my ashes in Seven Seas Lagoon while on the ferry!! They will probably be stopped at the bag check though:cry:


Well-Known Member
spoiledmarie said:
They say that we should be going to an all inclusive resort type vacation, especially since we have no children.

Isn't WDW the most "all-inclusive" resort there is?

Need beaches? check
Need spas? check
Need pools? check
Need golf? check (even a PGA-level course)
Need shopping? check
Need night-clubs? check
Need world-class restaurants? check
Need fast-food restaurants? check
Need accommodations with a kitchen? check
Need lakes and boating? check
Need camping? check
Need fishing? check
Need waterskiing and parasailing? check
Need theme parks? check
Need a speedway and a chance to race real racecars? check
Need a AAA car service center on-site? check
Need convenience marts and gas stations on-site? check
Need a wedding pavillion? check
Need a polynesian luau? check
Need horseback riding? check
Need walking trails? check
Need a nightly campfire? check
Need a savanna with zoo animals in a natural landscape? check

Hmm... how much more "all-inclusive" can you be?

It's like many here have said... Many people, either who have never been or who have only been to the Magic Kingdom (calling it "Disney World"), just do not understand that it is, in fact, the world's largest complete resort.

(And I for one think that the company has not done a good job in recent years in their marketing to get beyond this perception. These days the TV ads would lead you to believe that the only things there are fairytales, castles, and Mickey Mouse.)

Maybe you should offer to bring them with you next time! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Well don't feel bad, I'm 29 years old and I still love WDW. If it were up to me I would go every year, but my wife doesn't enjoy the yearly Disney trips as much as I do (too much walking:p ), but at least shes a fan like me.

Don't worry what others say about you, as long as you enjoy your vacations who cares. Just tell them they would never understand, and leave it at that. Yes Disney is for kids, but its also for those who are kids at heart and want to experience the magic of Disney and relive that child like wonderment and excitement that is WDW.

So have at it, continue your WDW trips as much as you want, and be sure to ride HM an extra time for me.:wave:

Southern Lady

New Member
Friends say too old for Disney?

I have been reading the Forum every day, and only decided to post when this thread had so many answers. I am 70, went to WDW in 1972 with my two children. I went back in 1998 with my granddaughter. Now, I go by myself the last two times. There is something magical about WDW. I have been as others have said to London, and Paris, and Montacarlo. I have been to all the large cities in the USA, Mexico, and Canada. There is something about being in WDW that attracts all kinds of people. Just talk to them, they come from all over the world. I have ridden all the rides (including EE) except Space Mountain. I love it. You can't explain it to many other people. My son said you must go to Universal City. I did. It does not have the creativeness that WDW has. When I see Carousel of Progress and It's a Small World still the same thing I saw in the New York World's Fair, I know that WDW will keep what made them last this long. Don't worry about what others say, just "Have a Magical Day".


Well-Known Member
Southern Lady said:
I am 70, went to WDW in 1972 with my two children. ... When I see Carousel of Progress and It's a Small World still the same thing I saw in the New York World's Fair, I know that WDW will keep what made them last this long.

Wow, that is neat. I am 40; my parents saw the Carousel at the 1964 New York World's Fair also; and we also went to WDW in 1972!! I was hooked, even at six!

And I agree: It is great to see essentially the same thing at the Carousel that my parents did in New York in WDW as I was growing up. A feeling of continuity amidst all of the growth and change. (Isn't that what Walt intended, as evidenced by the balance of Frontierland and Tomorrowland in the parks and on TV....)

Thanks for your comments. Don't be a stranger. We can use your perspective.



New Member
Senderella said:
LOL You laugh but if you think about it... Don't friends usually support other friends choices (whether they agree with them or not) as long as they're not dangerous choices?

not necessarily true. u made me think of the friend who tells the friend she sould leave her "jerk boyfriend" who isn't dangerous but is a jerk, and the friend thinks he's a good guy. Good friends tend to force their opinions when they're convinced they're right...:D

It works both ways - it's like if u try to convince friends that Disneyworld is much better than Cancun...


Well-Known Member
DisneyFanLS said:
E-GADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too old for Disney??? :eek: :eek: My wife is 42...and I'm 47!!! TOO OLD FOR DISNEY??? NEVER!!!!!!!!!! (In fact, I'm looking for a Disney casket to be buried in!!! (too morbid???...sorry).... :drevil: :lol:

I'm 45 and my wife is 36 and we're on our way to WDW for the second time this year. There's no place on earth that treats you like they enjoy having you there and make you feel more relaxed. We always get what we paid for (and more), and never hesitate to tell freinds and acquaintances about what a great place it is.

To Old..... That will never happen. I don't care if I'm 100. I'm going to WDW!!!!! :D


Well-Known Member
Southern Lady said:
I have been reading the Forum every day, and only decided to post when this thread had so many answers. I am 70, went to WDW in 1972 with my two children. I went back in 1998 with my granddaughter. Now, I go by myself the last two times. There is something magical about WDW. I have been as others have said to London, and Paris, and Montacarlo. I have been to all the large cities in the USA, Mexico, and Canada. There is something about being in WDW that attracts all kinds of people. Just talk to them, they come from all over the world. I have ridden all the rides (including EE) except Space Mountain. I love it. You can't explain it to many other people. My son said you must go to Universal City. I did. It does not have the creativeness that WDW has. When I see Carousel of Progress and It's a Small World still the same thing I saw in the New York World's Fair, I know that WDW will keep what made them last this long. Don't worry about what others say, just "Have a Magical Day".
That's so neat!
When we were waiting for our FP time for Everest back in February, we decided to ride Kali Rapids shile we were waiting since there was no line. An elderly gentleman was in line with us, and rode on our raft. When we got off we talked to him for a few minutes. He was 81, and having an absolute blast! He too had ridden Everest once and was waiting for his FP time. When we got to the exit, his wife met up with him and they both joined us in line for Everest.


Well-Known Member
I am 45 and have visited WDW every year for the last 8, and then several times back in the '70s and '80s. I got hooked on Disneyland in 1967, and remember my first visit (I was six).

My daughter has completely caught the magic (she is 17). My older son is doing an internship at Disney this fall. My wife has back problems, but loves the place too. (She sits out many attractions). We are completely hooked.

I am a business executive who spends his time at work with people who play golf, talk about investments, and gamble at the 50.00 dollar tables. I chase pirates and look for gold at BTMR.

I am considering the DVC next year.

My daughter says that when she has kids that she won't ever visit Disney without me there to "spread the magic". I hope that I have many years of "magic spreading" ahead of me.

Where else can a middle aged chubby business dude slap on a pair of ears, carry a balloon, ride a train under the fireworks, shop in many countries in the same afternoon, search for the YETI, and dance behind the parade? And I have never even been to Pleasure Island or the waterparks. Gotta do that next trip! Right after..................

I plan on doing this until I expire.



Active Member
Disneyfanman said:
And I have never even been to Pleasure Island or the waterparks. Gotta do that next trip! Right after..................

I plan on doing this until I expire.


I always find things to do that I haven't done yet too. This time when I go in 28 days woohooo, we will be doing the behind the seeds tour and having dinner at the concourse steak house. I, too, have never been to a waterpark there, but may next year, since this year is already booked for labor day weekend, the end of september and december (which it's too cold usually then).


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
I always find things to do that I haven't done yet too. This time when I go in 28 days woohooo, we will be doing the behind the seeds tour and having dinner at the concourse steak house. I, too, have never been to a waterpark there, but may next year, since this year is already booked for labor day weekend, the end of september and december (which it's too cold usually then).

There is more to do there than people realize. You can spend a full week there and still have things left you didnt do. For your average family it takes about a day per park, and then at least a half day or so for each water park. Then you have things like DisneyQuest, DTD, Marketplace, Cirque De Sole, etc... There are tons and tons of things to do. Thats what makes WDW so great.

Okay now see, the wife and I were not gonna do WDW this year. But now after reading this thread, we may have to schedule a weekend sometime this fall or something. I wanna go now. :lol:


Active Member
I am probably one of the only people (if not the only) on this forum that as a child, didn't really enjoy Disney or any other theme park. When I was younger, our family from Ft. Lauderdale would come up and visit and 4 out of the 5 days we would go to Disney. Back then, I was still afraid of thrill rides like Space Mountain and Tower of Terror, so I would only ride the slow rides, and Mr. Toad. The sad part is, that back then, I enjoyed Seaworld more than Disney.

Nowadays, I am a huge Disney fan, but I also still like the other parks. I can officially say that I will ride ANYTHING in Walt Disney World. Soon, I will be able to say that I have experienced every opportunity available at the Walt Disney World Resort.

So, the moral of this story is, no one is too old for Disney, because Disney is timeless and fun for all. If others don't agree, it is just because they have moved on to other things, while the Disney fans like us will never give up on one of the Happiest Places on Earth.

(Plus, being a stockholder, you really can't give up on Disney :lol:)

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