Friends say too old for Disney?!?!?!

New Member
I'm 18 and my friends say I'm too old for disney, but it's impossible, you can never be too old... that's how Walt designed it, so that it could be fun for everyone no matter how old you are... "...It should be something big, some sort of amusment enterprise built, where the parents and the children can have fun together..."


New Member
I'm 32, my wife is 41, and we both love going to WDW. We both have had horrible years, and we know there are wonderful places to visit in the world (Paris, London, etc), but what we want right now is to go to Disney. There is nothing I love more that strolling on <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
><st1:City w:st=
Paris</st1:City>, <st1:City w:st=" /><st1:Street w:st="on"><st1:address w:st="on">Main St</st1:address></st1:Street>. It just lifts a giant weight off my shoulders. My family does not understand why I like the place so much, and every time I try to explain it, well...:brick: In the end, it is your vacation, enjoy every moment of it.


Well-Known Member
I am 52, my wife is 50.
We spent our honeymoon at Walt Disney World, our 5th, and 10th Anniversary at Walt Disney World, and in May of 2007, we will be spending our 15th Wedding anniverary at Walt Disney World.

Our kids are all grown (My kids from a previous marriage) so we go alone now, and we have just as much fun alone as we did when the kids went with us. (If not more)

When people ask me why we go back to Walt Disney World year after year I respond with this:

If your Doctor wrote out a prescription for you, one that would bring you and your family closer together, make you smile every day for a week straight, and could make all your worrys and problems seem to disappear, when that prescription ran out...wouldn't you ask for refills? :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Years ago, right after high school, I went on a x-country trip to see a lot of our Nat'l Parks with some friends. One of the conditions of me going was that I get to Disneyland, since I had been to WDW at least 10 times.

It's the night before our last day in California and they all wanted to go to Universal instead! That may have been planned all along or not. I'll never know.
I had 'em drop me off before DL opening time and pick me up at their convenience after DL closed. They were ticked because they had to go out of their way to do so, but they did it.

They didn't "get it" either. DL is for kids, they said.

The good news is that I was able to enjoy DL completely by myself for the first (and still only) time. Just the history alone. What a time.

I've seen a lot of this country as well as others. Aside from our favorite here, the only other places I can think to strongly suggest going if you haven't already been are some of our most famous natural parks.

Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Yosemite top my list.
But, they're not as easy to plan for or get to as WDW, it won't be cheap both in $ and time, and they never offer a free dining plan:lol:


Well-Known Member
My husband is 54 and I will be 52 next month. And if we aren't either at WDW or planning our next trip, we are at least talking about doing so on a daily basis. Let the eye-rollers roll away! They don't get it and they never will. Their loss!

Tim G

Well-Known Member
spoiledmarie said:
Friends say too old for Disney?!?!?!

Well... Are you??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Or... are you just a spoiled marie??? :lol: :lol:

Seriously... you're never too old for Disney... let them say what they want...

As long as you're enjoying yourself... :D


Active Member
My vacation time, My money, My choice, enough said. I hate laying on the beach as I burn like a french fry and after two days I'm ready to go home because I'm bored and can't stand it anymore. As far as those all inclusive resorts go, they are just one big drinking fest with no where to go, you are trapped in that resort because it is usually so far from civilization. At WDW, there is great dining and so much to do that I am never bored.


New Member
It's like when you're trying to get your kid to try a food. "You'll never know if you'll like it unless you've tried it."

Just tell people that.

Everest, Dinosaur, Kali River Rapids, Lights! Motors! Action!, Tower of Terror, Rock n' Roller Coaster, Mission: Space, Test Track, Space Mountain, Big Thunder, Splash...

For kids....right. :rolleyes:
My husband is 58 and myself 56. We try to go to Disney every year. We have children from 32, 24, 16 and 12. We take the 2 youngest with us but the 16 year old is doing one last time with us this Xmas. I love Disney just as much as a little kid. There is everything to do there. Tell the jealous folk they have no taste or they are old and not young at heart. My husband and I ride every ride. Now tell me we are too old. Only one thing, we are too tired to go all day so we go for 3 to 4 hours in the morning and then go back to the pool. We also go for 2 weeks so we don't do the theme parks everyday, it's every other day. So go and have fun they don't know what they are missing.:cry: :king: :hammer: :sohappy:

Rockin Roller

New Member
People say that because they go to Universal with all those big coasters, that have no cool scenery, and then they look at Disney and picture kid stuff. Well they dont realize that disney is a place where you create good memories. Whenever I look at Soarin for example I always say only Disney could think of an awesome idea like that.


New Member
I hate how Fantasyland is like 3% of the Walt Disney World experience, but that's what everyone stereotypes it as, and what Universal tries to exploit.


Active Member
DH (39) and I (40) go every year during Easter break! We take approx. 25 of our high school students 930 miles on a SCHOOL BUS and have a terrific time.:lol: We hear all year long from relatives, friends, AND co-workers that we are crazy to be doing "That Disney thing again!" We just smile and keep on plannin':D We are even trying to squeeze in a family-only trip during Thanksgiving break before our annual Easter trip. Go! Enjoy! Let the naysayers wallow in their ignorance of all things Disney! ºoº

DL off- site 1983, 1987, 1989
WDW off-site 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and counting......:sohappy:


Your friends are crazy -- You are never to old. My parents (66/61) still go to Disney and I'm there 34 and go at least 2 to 3 times a year if not more.

If someone told me I was to old to go I think I would cry. It's my happy place.


Well-Known Member
I've got a shave cream that has a similar scent to what everyone here knows as "Norway". If I told any non-Disney person they would give me a funny look, in the least case scenario and probably try to have me committed in the worse case scenario. I feel fairly confident that the majority, reading this post, gets-it and would say, yeah, I understand that perfectly well. Keep your old friends but be on the lookout for some new ones too.


New Member
As often as we go down there I'm convinced there's some sort of drug in the water that make's it so addicting. Any season pass holder knows the feeling around mid June to the end of August. Who doesn't get the shakes a week before the blackout period is over. You're never too old for Disney, besides what else would you do, go see the largest ball of twine somewhere.


I'm 37, my husband is 35... and we would spend every vacation possible at WDW if we were able to. We do go at least once a year, during the Christmas holidays, so that will at least satisfy our need for a Disney-fix for a while. Now, our daughter is 3 1/2, and she wants to go down there all the time. It's kind of a long ways away for us- we're in Minnesota... but we can always dream.

And... nobody is ever too old for Disney. Age is a state of mind, and those of us who love Disney will ALWAYS be young at heart!

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