Frequency of trips


I'm starting to get a little embarassed to tell others that "Yes, we are going to WDW AGAIN." We tell ourselves each year that "Next year, we'll go somewhere different." But here we are - planning another trip. I just can't help it. My husband, 4 daughters, & I all love it and can't imagine spending our money on a different vacation.

I agree, it just seems to get more magical! I just wish others would get that!

The only way for people to understand how we feel is to go more than once. I know too many people who say "I went to Disney time." I think I feel more sorry for those people than for those who have never been!


I've been on a project for the past two months in orlando. i get 150/day for hotel expenses so I've been staying at the ASM. ive been hitting the parks almost every night. i usually go there to eat ride a few rides/shows then back to my hotel. its so much fun. gets kinda lonely, but my wife comes down every weekend though.


New Member
I'm lucky to have lived in Fla all my life. Most of that in Tampa, so Disney has been a huge part of everything I do. We waited until our son was 4 years old before getting our annual passes. I think it's better to wait until kids are old enough to remember their trips (plus I can't imagine taking a baby). :eek:

There are some blackout dates on our passes, but those are mostly times I wouldn't want to go anyway (Spring Break, the very hot summer months, and a few days around holidays).

We feel very fortunate to live so close and be able to go so often. I make sure my son appreciates every moment.

Here's our son after the Epcot Illuminations show, tired and ready to go home.



Well-Known Member
I live in Houston Texas, so Im about 18 maybe 20 hrs away. I go atleast 3 or 4 times a year. Last year, it was only 3, and so far this year, Ive been once with upcoming trips in April and July. But in like 05 and 06, it was about 5 times, so Ive been very blessed and fortunate. As far as a little bit of the magic going, I would say yes, but just a little. Back before me and my dad were APs, our family would go once a year in July. And believe you when it would come, it was just so great and amazing to be there, and it was like, "Oh I cant believe Im here" type feeling that was amazingly overwhelming. Now, I still get excited to go, I always have fun, and Ive gained alot of knowledge from going so much as far as getting on rides at the right time and avoiding long lines. But that once a year, I cant believe Im here feeling, I somewhat miss, and thats alittle bit of the magic thats gone. But, its a good enough substitute being able to be there more. :p


New Member
I live in Georgia about a 9 hour drive, but we can only afford to go once every 2-3 years. We went in June 2007, so I'm in the beginning planning stages of our next trip in 2009 or 2010.


Well-Known Member
I waited 16 years to go on my first trip, 6 years after my first trip, and I've gone at least once a year since I've been independant, usually as a reunion of friends. We can't help *is* the most magical place on Earth! :)


New Member
My wife and I live in Illinois and we try to go every other year. This is going to be my 4th visit and I don't see the magic wearing out any time soon.


Well-Known Member
We're taking 3 over night trips this year....2 of them are extended weekend Friday-Sunday...our December trip will probably be 5 days this year. But we go to Disney just about every other weekend... In January/Feb this year I think we hit the parks 7 times though.

each time we go up there we do something different...we don't always try to hit the same rides every time...or the same parks...or any parks sometimes...we might just go up to have dinner on the Boardwalk or because there's some passholder event going on or because we got the urge to go on a certain attraction! I remember a day in early march we just wanted to do the Hidden Mickey hunt through the world showcase...and another time I got the urge to see all the different educational videos that some of the countries have.


I was a CP for 4 months from August till Jan. Before then I went about every other year with my family. Since then I went in March for Spring Break and am going in July and October with friends & in December with my parents.

It still hasn't lost the magic. On Spring Break my friend (who also was a CP and is heading back in a week for FT) and I couldn't decide which park to go to first so we just got on the first bus that came. We didn't hit every ride, we didn't even ride my favorite ride but we've done everything so much that we were a lot more laid back.


Well-Known Member
I met my fiance in 2001 and his family has a timeshare in Disney. Since then we've been there 12 times.

So 12 times in 8 years - and no the magic has not been lost. We find new things to do each time whether it's a hidden mickey hunt, or a tour, or character dining, or just new secrets we've heard about. It helps to keep the magic alive!



New Member
Uh, My trips had been very infrequent. That was until this year I went in Jan. and stayed off-site and now I am going back with my friends in May to the Pop Century to celebrate my graduation from college. :sohappy: Ok and then I am going back with my parents and brother for labor day weekend cause they were jealous and decided they wanted to go. That trip they are paying for me and as of now we are staying at the Family Suites.

Prior trips included march 1990 where we went to MGM and MK and we stayed off-site. Then I went again in march 1996 and we stayed at the All Star Sports. Then there was a almost 12 year gap. :lookaroun In that time however I went to Disneyland and Californian Adventure in 2004.

I will say this I enjoy Disney World more at the age of 23 then I did at 12.


Well-Known Member
So, how often do you all get to WDW? I live in South Dakota, and I go once every couple of years... if I'm lucky. Anyone been there so often that it's lost a bit of it's magic? :(

We go between 2 to 4 times a year (this year it will be 4 times). As many times as we go, it never loses the magic. Each trip is different and with different sets of memories and magical moments.



New Member
Since 2004 we have been 7 times to WDW and once to Disneyland . 4 of those times since May of last year. We live 8 hours away from WDW.


Active Member
We go every 2 years . It hasn't lost its magic one bit.

First trip Wilderness Lodge 1997
Caribbean Beach 2003
Port Orleans -Riverside 2005
Wilderness Lodge 2007
Polynesian 2009


As a child i went in 93, 95, and 97, with my parents, I have an older sister who has 3 children but at the time they were too young to fly for 8-9 hours from the UK, When my nephew was 7 he had an accident and was unable to travel, so we were not able to go until 2004 and 2007 as up until then my mother didnt want to leave my sister alone to look after him,Thankfully he is now fully recovered (he just turned 14) I have now booked for 9 of the family to go and it will be his 1st time, Hopefully now that he is fully recovered he can go every year.


New Member
I live in Georgia about a 9 hour drive, but we can only afford to go once every 2-3 years. We went in June 2007, so I'm in the beginning planning stages of our next trip in 2009 or 2010.

This is our exact situation as well. I've only been to WDW twice so far and only once with my entire family. However, after one day of vacation, we all decided that we would have to make this a regular thing. :sohappy: I'm also hoping to do the CP in fall 2009, so I can get closer to the world!


You can never go too often to ruin the MAGIC...:) We try to go twice a year, usually for either Star Wars Weekend, or for the Food and Wine Fest, and also over Christmas/New Years.


Well-Known Member
I live in Ohio and we go once a year. We could go twice a year but we choose to go crazy and spend a lot of money once a year rather than spreading it out. Just our way of doing things...

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