Free Dining in December


Well-Known Member
I am currently looking into a December trip to the world. Around 12/10/13 - 12/16/13. Does anyone know if free dining has ever been offered around that time?


Well-Known Member
I have gone around that time a couple of times and I have gotten free dining. Just keep your eyes open for a PIN. Both times, my reservations were made and then a PIN came out. I called my TA and she added to PIN to my reservation and I got the free dining.
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Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
There was free dining last December...we were there 12/17-12/24 and had free dining for 12/17-12/20...

You should be fine assuming it is offered again. We are planning a “Non-Thanksgiving” November trip this year and hope it when be available then as well.
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Well-Known Member
Never been to WDW during December, but planning a trip for this year! Last December, free dining was offered from 10-20 December. I read an article about Disney cutting back on promotions, but I have my fingers crossed!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So that brings me to another question. I believe I have seen this question before, so forgive me if this is the case.

Say they offer it from the 10th thru the 23rd. If I went before the 10th, say I arrived the 8th, would I get free dining the entire trip or just from the 10th on?
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Well-Known Member
So that brings me to another question. I believe I have seen this question before, so forgive me if this is the case.

Say they offer it from the 10th thru the 23rd. If I went before the 10th, say I arrived the 8th, would I get free dining the entire trip or just from the 10th on?

This happened to me one of the years of free dining. The free dining only included the last day we were there but I chanced it and called my TA to apply my code and it was applied to my entire stay. I hope it happens to you as well!!
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Well-Known Member
We went during that time frame this past Dec and were able to take part in free dining, so if its offered there is a good chance it will fall with in those travel dates.
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I am thinking The "Free" Dining plan maybe a thing of the past or only pin codes from now on. I seem to remember the top brass saying they wanted to ween people off free dining. The Winter discount that historically has been free dining in the past wasn't this time it was offered, nor the current the spring time period when it has been offered historically. We can hope for it again.
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Well-Known Member
I am thinking The "Free" Dining plan maybe a thing of the past or only pin codes from now on. I seem to remember the top brass saying they wanted to ween people off free dining. The Winter discount that historically has been free dining in the past wasn't this time it was offered, nor the current the spring time period when it has been offered historically. We can hope for it again.
I hope your wrong on this but I have a feeling your not. We were really counting on the free dining for this coming winter and surprised that i haven't seen any offered for March this year yet. If this is the case we will either have to make our trip shorter or change hotels to get the price down to make up for the cost of food. :(
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Technically it has already been ditched if you look at what was discounted in 2012 and 2011. The current Spring room only Discount that is in effect was a Free Dining Promo in 2012. Trust me I enjoy the "free" dining and it happens in a time period when I prefer to travel.
"in early June Disney CEO Bog Iger very publicly announced the impending end of discounts and referenced a plan he talked about in December of 2009 to wean people off the free dining discounts."
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It does seem like they are cutting back. Here in the UK free dining at the beginning was for all resorts, then just the moderates and deluxe and now just the deluxe (moderates the quick service which you could upgrade).

The 'free' dining deals have now ended (5th February) and I've noticed the rates have reduced by £200 ($300) for our two week stay.
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Well-Known Member
We got the free dining when we went in Dec. We had to check in by Dec 20th to be eligable for it though. Soooo....checking in 2 days earlier than our original plan did end up saving us money in the end.
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Well-Known Member
How do we get pins numbers? Do we sign up for emails or something? Sorry kindof new to this. We are headed in oct but if free dining isnt an option we might have to cancel or stay off site to make up difference.
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Marie Shook

New Member
How do we get pins numbers? Do we sign up for emails or something
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