Free Dining 2013?


Hello my wife and I are waiting on the free dining option before booking as we have done this the past 2 years. Has there been any evidence of them offering free dining before the year is over?


Well-Known Member
The one thing that seems kind of mixed up though is that at first he said it was just for South America and the UK (I forget where, not US), and then changed it to US. We shall see.

I'm going at the last week of August and honestly, this free dining stuff ticks me off so much I feel like canceling. So I go a week ahead and have to pay a huge amount more for food, if this is true. I dunno, just puts a bad taste in my mouth.

Off to find some cheese to go with this whine lol!
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Active Member
That dude seems to have a good rep on DIS, and they seem pretty sure about it. This is exactly why I took the chance of moving our trip from early/mid October to mid-September. I knew the chances of FD were the best during September, when families are headed back home for the beginning of school.
Yes Danny has not been wrong in the last 3 yrs.. He apparently gets it straight from the horses mouth so to speak..I for one am greatly relieved!
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Well-Known Member
I am a little sceptical that they will have no promotion from August 17 - September 1 (when this rumor of free dining begins). See my previous post from page 1 of this thread...

The current Disney discount promotion (room only discount) which runs April 2 - June 4 has to be booked by Sunday, March 31. http://bookwdw.reservations.disney....romotionCode=fy13q2q3room&market=fy13q2q3room

So I would expect the next discount offer to be out shortly (as early as Monday April 1). What the discount will be is anyone's guess, but it generally it is for the begining of the next "Valu" season at WDW which starts this year on August 18 (When southern school go back in session). The bounceback offers last year give you an indication of the next period (See image below). Generally this is the time of year they annouce the Fall "Value" season offer (see for historical release dates). So keep your eyes open. Anything can happen at anytime at this point. Rest assured that the boards will be a buzz if Free Dining is offered. You won't miss it if you are looking.
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Well-Known Member
That's interesting. The dates of the rumor do seem odd. Actually, I think that this is going to turn out to be an international promotion, and not for the U.S.
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Active Member
That's interesting because I have my heart set on Oct. 20th... I want to do the MNSSHP and dress up and all that stuff... but free dining??? Let's wait til the details come out, but I may have to change my trip plans
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Active Member
So never mind on that last post.. I didn't realize MNSSHP started in early September (or at least it did last year) so I guess I can change plans and still do it! SWEET! :D
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Active Member
Wow. There are those of us who can't afford a Disney Trip without Free Dining. I priced out the same package with and without...the difference?? over $1500 for a family of 4!! So that isn't wanting something for nothing. That is the difference between a $2600 trip and a $4500 trip. And the thing is, if you want to stay in the parks all day, there aren't many to choose from that won't cost a heap of money. Even if you split meals (like my husband and I generally do). Disney has made a total of about $20,000 off of my family just on vacations alone over the past few years. I know you said that you didn't want to offend anyone but I can't see how that statement wouldn't offend anyone who can't go without Free Dining.
Saying it like that makes it sound like you feel as though you are entilted to a Disney vacation.
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Preston Jemmott

New Member
Trip 9/30/2013-10/7/2013 with one set of Grand Kids that have never been to WDW. This is when wife and I have gotten free dining our last trip and am hoping so again. Will still go but with the 3 grandkids and the parents the trip will be much more affordable if the dining is offered.:rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Well, Danny has a stellar track record and I figured that if they offered it this year it would only be for September before they completely cut the strings. So, this seems legit to me.

We are booked for our first ever September trip, and are wondering if the free dining offers for U.S., typically extend to Canadians booking as well.
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Well-Known Member
Going to book tomorrow and hoping free dining comes out on travel agent laughs because I know well in advance of her finding out. If clients have questions she emails me or asks while I am there. She always tells me I addicted to Disney wait til she finds out I'm going solo this
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Active Member
update, rumored announcement date is May 9th for travel Sep 2-25, I wouldn't be surprised if it includes the last 2 weeks of Aug, but we will have to wait and see:)
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