Mercedes strongly disagrees hence theIr rightful protest going to appeals. The team with their lawyers are protesting also against Article 48 which prevents drivers from passing any other car when under safety car conditions . With that, Max could be seen narrowly running along side Lewis before the final lap got underway. Max got an early Holiday present from the Race Director , a gift to win . " Interfere?", my foot.. The RD gave the race to Max.Uh, no…they didn’t. First it was Masi that made the decision but it was the stewards that upheld the decision.
I stand by my earlier point.
“The Race Director stated that the purpose of Article 48.12 was to remove those lapped cars that would “interfere” in the racing between the leaders and that in his view Article 48.13 was the one that applied in this case.
“The Race Director also stated that it had long been agreed by all the Teams that where possible it was highly desirable for the race to end in a “green” condition (i.e. not under a Safety Car).