Former disney world cast member


New Member
that sounds like fun!!!! mayb they want to keep it all hush hush and then it'll be much better. i loved those pins btw. wen my boyfriend came over at christmas last year, i got him a first visit pin, cus he's never bn before, just married lol and happy anniversary and we both wore them lol was fun, actually confused one of the cast members outside the gates of epcot lol i stole them of course cus we had loads behind podium wer i worked :) still have them :D never new wat honorary citizen was :S

When did u get married? and congratulations. i hope the two of u r very happy and may you have a long happy marriage :)

Thanks! We got married on 8/8/08 and because the wife is a teacher, she had to return to work the following Monday which is why we delayed it until she could take a week off. =)


New Member
Original Poster
who writes lol me? lol i always do oops sorry if it bugs ya :S

and thanks sarabi, i've learnt to deal with stupid things like that. if he doesn't believe i'm a former cast member, look up my profile, i uploaded a pic of me in my costume at one of our orlando school visits last year. so :p mite even give him an adress of a few contacts i have,theyd be happy to tell u i've been a cast member :)

and awww well congrats, i can't wait to get married lol been goin out for a year nearly. goin to disney paris kind of for our one year anniversary. was meant to be christmas shopping in paris, but we both love disney so decided to do disney paris just for the weekend :) maybe proposal?? lol i duno

i like the sounds of that new celebration thing. we mite go in july end of next year if this credit crunch stops lol


New Member

Well, Jane1 has taken that jab really well, and for that I give a hearty welcome.

I agree with you that she took it well. For the record, it wasn't intended as a "jab" at all, and I apologize if that was how she or anyone else took it. The post seemed suspicious to me for the reasons I mentioned. I've seen it happen here many times before, where someone creates an account and then makes pseudo-posts that are designed just to sell something (like a variation on spam, basically). So I'm probably a bit sensitive to noticing some of the common signs. Her post appeared to have some of those characteristics. Clearly though, I was mistaken. And for that I apologize. In re-reading my post, I realize I probably came across a bit obnoxious and that was not intentional. It was a poor attempt at making light of what I suspected was a fake post. Again, my apologies to the OP and anyone else who may have been put off by it.


New Member
Original Poster
well, i forgive you, and as a consumer studies student i guess i understand where you're coming from, other businesses posing as normal disney fans or something and 'selling' things on here to get more consumers as a marketing tool, i know it happens all the time. stupid marketers lol (I hate studying marketing lol)

yeh you can go bak to work again, but we had to go home first for a few months, then get another visa to work and reapply again. but i'm not sure if i could go back, i left my placement a month early, i wuda left earlier, say christmas but thanks to my parents and boyfriend, they gave me the strength to stay on, it's a tough, tough year. you're away from all your friends and family. you make new friends, but then one day that all clams up on you, and your so called friends say to everyone that your trying to get them termed (fired) so yeh, i had no friends and no one to talk to for nearly the whole year! it wasn't nice - and no, i would never do that to any friend or any person, never, try and get you fired - get lost! sorry, bad memories. lol

but yeh, me and my housemate mite see about goin there for a year together cus it could be better. have to look into it


Well-Known Member
well, i forgive you, and as a consumer studies student i guess i understand where you're coming from, other businesses posing as normal disney fans or something and 'selling' things on here to get more consumers as a marketing tool, i know it happens all the time. stupid marketers lol (I hate studying marketing lol)

yeh you can go bak to work again, but we had to go home first for a few months, then get another visa to work and reapply again. but i'm not sure if i could go back, i left my placement a month early, i wuda left earlier, say christmas but thanks to my parents and boyfriend, they gave me the strength to stay on, it's a tough, tough year. you're away from all your friends and family. you make new friends, but then one day that all clams up on you, and your so called friends say to everyone that your trying to get them termed (fired) so yeh, i had no friends and no one to talk to for nearly the whole year! it wasn't nice - and no, i would never do that to any friend or any person, never, try and get you fired - get lost! sorry, bad memories. lol

but yeh, me and my housemate mite see about goin there for a year together cus it could be better. have to look into it

Jane, I think the person that commented on "text talk" was less bothered by "lol"s than they were by the fact that you choose to purposely mispell words and leave out capitals. Texting one on one to a friend is one thing. Leaving a message on a board is another. And why would you lol bad memories? It is always better to give the impression of being a mature adult than being a teenager.


New Member
Original Poster
excuse me?????!

This is not my first time using one of these boards, i've been on michael jackson forums and em, yeh no one else has ever said anything as nasty as what u said to me, and i don't care, but em, i'm using whatever language or text i want, free country !!!!!!! if you're not willing to be nice - and stay on topic!!! ure completly goin off topic!!! then please, don't comment in here, thanks!

and i'll be whoever i want to be too, i'm sure u're a kid inside. so please, keep quiet


New Member
Jane, I think the person that commented on "text talk" was less bothered by "lol"s than they were by the fact that you choose to purposely mispell words and leave out capitals. Texting one on one to a friend is one thing. Leaving a message on a board is another. And why would you lol bad memories? It is always better to give the impression of being a mature adult than being a teenager.

And If you knew anything about Northern Ireland you'd realise what the dialect sounds like.


Jane, I think the person that commented on "text talk" was less bothered by "lol"s than they were by the fact that you choose to purposely mispell words and leave out capitals. Texting one on one to a friend is one thing. Leaving a message on a board is another. And why would you lol bad memories? It is always better to give the impression of being a mature adult than being a teenager.
That was a little much. Do people tell you when you walk you have to lead with your left or stop picking your nose in public. No, I did'nt think so.
Go get a dole whip and shut your mouth....

Oh yea welcome jane

The Mom

Premium Member
Could we please stay on topic?

And yes, I can see both sides of the issue of "text speak." It does, IMO, make you sound less mature, but it also is becoming more acceptable, especially among younger posters.

So, when I see it, I assume a poster is young. That does not automatically mean that he/she has nothing worthwhile to share. So, I am willing to read between the lines, as it were, as long as I can follow the general drift. I advise others to do the same.


New Member
Original Poster
well thank you very much everyone else for a nice welcome. :) i was about to leave it to be honest becus of that 'person' or thing should i say. if i could and had the authority to, i would ask him to leave this thread.

and yes, it has gone quite off topic.

and yes i'm a younger poster, i'm 21. i like being young too! and i'll post however i like but within the rules of course!
i'm a very independent woman and i will do what i want when i want and no one can stop me or tell me otherwise :)


New Member
Hello Jane -

Actually .. (getting back on topic) I DO have a question about the college program .. my daughter is set to start Jan 7 (Woo-Hoo!) and is planning on living in the Chatham Square housing complex. Because we are flying across the country, we were hoping to purchase linens, toiletries and towels somewhere near there. Are there any retail stores close to the housing complex?

And ... oooh Ireland .. it is so very beautiful there - as a desert rat, I am quite jealous of you at the moment :)


Well-Known Member
Hi Jane......

Sorry, that you had difficulties finding friends at WDW. I am glad you still got a strong appreciation for it, even if some people might not have made it as pleasurable experience as it could have been.

Also, sorry about your welcometo the boards. I think some people can be a bit overly sensitive to how people type messages. To me though, you did nothing wrong and seem very nice. I hope you stay on the boards a long time, and hope you find some friends here you can find happiness with.


Well-Known Member
This is no way to treat a new recruit - lets see if we can remain on the topic of welcoming Jane or discussing her Disney experieces without frightening her off

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