For those who have been many times...


New Member
I have friend who seems to think that the only way one can go to Disney World is if they are quite wealthy. We have gone back and forth on this, and so I am calling on my WDWMagic friends for help. If you have been to Disney World multiple times (especially if you live a good distance from the World), please post with where you are from and the number of times you have visited WDW. If you have any other advice, that would be more than appreciated as well. Thanks for your help!


Hi there. :)

I'm from CT (about 1100 miles-ish from Orlando) and I've been 10 times. And, trust me, you do NOT need to be wealthy to go to the World!

Case in point: I'm in college and I'm paying for my next trip by myself, just working a few measly part time jobs, and I am not going broke by any means by doing it. But it's definitely worth it :)
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Well-Known Member
I have been to WDW at least sixty times and about forty of those trips were made from either N.Y. or D.C. I did live in florida for six years and so I will not count some of those trips. Unfortunately, I am by no means wealthy. The first question I ask people who ask for advice on planning for disney is, "How much do you want to spend". Disney can be done extravegantly or on the cheap. I have done both and have enjoyed both. Think about it, you can go and eat TS for every meal and buy tons of souvenirs and stay in the GF. However, you can go and eat CS and not buy much and stay at a value. There is a huge difference in spending there. Show your friend the free dining promotion. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
We live in Maryland and have gone for a week each year since 2003: 5 times, with a 6th coming up end of August. We're not wealthy.

People choose to spend their money in different ways. We don't own as much electronic or other stuff as a lot of people with similar incomes might. We spend almost no money on movies or music. We don't eat out as often as a lot of people do. We spend more on other things, including WDW.

Sure, if our income were suddenly cut in half, we wouldn't go to WDW as often. But we'd still find a way to go sometime.
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New Member
We have been 2x as a family and have 2 more trips planned this year. The DVC is an excellent way to go to disney on a regular basis at very little cost.
You buy the annual pass at a savings and the meal plan. For a family of 4 the meal plan is less than $100 a day. There is NO WAY to eat for less than that.

On top of everything else, we can fly Spirit Airlines. They run constant specials and if you join their club you can get flights for as low as $9 a person. We are flying in June for a total of $512 - for 4 people. You just need to be a little flexible in your travel (no weekends)

With a little control over the extra purchases (hats, shirts etc) it can be very affordable:sohappy:
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New Member
Having been numerous times with my parents/siblings as well as my do not need to be wealty at all. When you compare WDW to other travel areas in the US...they are competitive in all areas. The Value resorts offer prices that are lower or equal to most "shore" hotels, the are low cost alternatives for food in terms of counter service, as well as buffets that a little more expensive but let you get your fill. And the ticket prices....when all is said and done are a great value as long as you get more that a 3-4 day pass.

WDW is such a High Attraction rate because it it can be A trip where you can work on a budget or it can be trip where you go all out and end up spending what you would on other "High end Vacations"
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Well-Known Member
I'm from NJ and have visited Walt Disney World 12 times, twice in the 1970's, and 10 times between 1997 and this year.

We spend the same or more on our weeks at the Jersey beaches than our weeks at WDW.

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Active Member
Thats a good question! I have been to WDW 8 times since 1982, and 5 of those times have been with my husband. We plan a budget and stick to it. Disney has made it more affordable than ever now to plan a wonderful vacation. I say buy a good guide book, figure out how much $ you can spend and take it from there. It's surprising how far you can stretch a dollar!
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Well-Known Member
I am about 10 hours away from WDW and we are making our 5th trip this September. We were able to go twice last year which was great! I have also been lucky enough to take a short trip to DL a few years ago. I think alot of people think that you have to have alot of money to go to WDW but we spend almost as much to sit on the beach for a week as we do a 10 day trip to the world.
What the previous poster said about stretching a dollar is so true. Plan your spending money wisely ahead of time helps alot.
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From Green Bay, WI - we've been 17 times since 1987, and when we started going, we did NOT have a lot of money at all. But it was our once a year vacation and that's where we chose to spend it. At the beginning, we'd eat at one Table Service restaurant every other day, otherwise it was all counter service, off property, couple of random souviniers.

After Dad got promoted, etc. we now eat all our meals at TS Restaurants and buy lots more souveniers, but we still stay at the All-Star resorts and look for good deals. You DON'T have to spend a lot of $$ to visit WDW - hope you have good luck convincing your friend! :wave:
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Active Member
I have been numerous times to the world. 3 Time in my youth and at least once a year since 1993. Staying on the park since 1994. Both me and my wifes parents live in FL. So I have had numerous drop in and not stay there visits also. I am by no means wealthy. I would say average at best. In all fairness if you want to stayon the monorail or other deluxe resorts it is certainly pricey. The moderate and values resorts are very reasonable by comparison. Like anything else you need to make choices about where to spend your money. We save with the goal in mind. Just saving all our spare change grows to a surprisingly large amount. We cut down on extras like how frequently we go out to eat or buying a Nintendo Wii. The Disney comercials themselves show you can get a wek for a familyof 4 with park tickets and room for what $1800. That to me is not unreasonable. We just have to remember that we can't have our cake and eat it to. You can't save for a vacation, while spending every penny you have coming in each week. This has been to long of a reply so I will cut it short. We as a country have to break the mind set of what is deserved. Everyone seems to think that they deserve a 70" plasma flat screen in their room and a $40,000 car in the garage. Then they wonder why there is no money left over for vacation. Then instead of taking responsibility for over spending and realizing that is why they have to go into debt to take a vacation. They keep the same old habits and say, "only the Rich can do it". That is just not so. I'm sorry, It seems my reply turned into a rant.
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Well-Known Member
I live in NY and we've been dozens of times over the past 16 years. WDW can be done on just about any budget with a good time being had by all. :wave:
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Well-Known Member

I live in MA and im 17 and have already been to disney 20 times. Trust me you do not have to be wealthy if you do it the right way. Im even paying for most of the trip in june.
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I have been to WDW every year since the year I was born, and in recent years, twice a year. We stay at the Fort Wilderness resort- much cheaper, plus, you can cook most of your food at your camper. We do the parks and all, and usually come back to the resort for lunch. Also, we figure, if we don't see something this time, we will just catch it when we are there next time. :-)
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Edisto Pluto

New Member
We will visit for the 17th time in December. You can spend a lot or you can take an economical trip. We've done both but I must say the return on investment is higher than any vacation we have ever taken as it relates to things to do,quality and just plain fun.
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Active Member
We will visit for the 17th time in December. You can spend a lot or you can take an economical trip. We've done both but I must say the return on investment is higher than any vacation we have ever taken as it relates to things to do,quality and just plain fun.

Great Point!!!! I have never gone home and said, "I wish there was more to do there."
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New Member
DH & I are far from wealthy, but we LOVE WDW and we save our money specifically for that. We live in Michigan and we go about once every 9 or 12 months. First of all, we shop around for the cheapest prices we can. There are people out there who will look for airfare and think that the first price they see is what they have to pay. We know that if you are flexible with dates and really look around frequently, you can find some great rates. You just have to take the time to do it. And it's like that with everything. You have to be smart about it and if you really want to go on a budget, you can still have a fantastic trip. DH & I don't really go to the movies, or out drinking, etc. We would rather put money away for Disney because that's what makes us happy and that's what we look forward to. It's hard to get that idea across to someone who just doesn't "get it". Especially a first timer who doesn't have that same desire and love for it.

Another way we find it easy to pay for the trips is to plan ahead and pay for things as you plan. We don't book a gigantic package at once that includes airfare, car rental, room, etc all at once and then try to pay it all at once. We usually start with airfare then pay it off. Then we search for somewhere to stay. We love to stay on site and we go during the off season so you can get decent rates. We've also stayed offsite in a condo when we wanted to go for less $$. Sometimes we book the room/ticket packages and sometimes we will just book the room and then get the tickets from the Disney Store locally and pay for them separately. That way it's not a huge blow all at once. Also if you book a package through Disney you can make payments whenever you want. I feel like if you do it that way, it's almost like you never really missed that money.

Sorry I wrote a novel but I just love Disney and it makes me mad when people who haven't been there makes assumptions without doing the research. Hope that helps!
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Well-Known Member
I am only 22 years old, and have been to WDW 17 times, coming from New Jersey. I am not wealthy by any means, and I still go every single year. Of course when I was a kid, I didnt pay for my trips, but my parents were not wealthy either and we still made it a point to go every year.
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New Member
I've been 7 times since my first time in '95 and then I had no children but now I have 3 and we live paycheck to paycheck like most people but I use bonus checks and income tax money so my trip is paid for and take advantage of free dining or other offers and we do sometimes stay in moderate accomodations and sometimes in value and have even splurged and stayed in Deluxe and we usually go for two weeks and we are not making 6 figures but it is a priority for us to give our children a fun, wholesome vacation
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Active Member
We will be traveling from Dallas Tx. We are staying at POFQ, total out of pocket(Hotel 4 nights/5day park hopper and airfare) for 6 adults $4320. That comes to $144 per day per person. I am by no means wealthy...My family does not own the rights to the color blue!!!!.
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