For the first time, I've finally seen the fabled mythical Brazillian Tour Groups

The Mighty Tim

Well-Known Member
I have to wonder, would it have been annoying to you if they were British kids singing God Save the Queen?

Slightly OT, but I have actually first hand experience of this (sort of):

In my first year at University, I was having a nice peaceful sleep in my Hall of Residence when a group of the posh, rich kids came back from a night out in the town. One of them thought it would be an absolute lark to crank up their stereo to full volume, and decided to sing "Land of Hope and Glory", waking the entire block up at 4 in the morning.

As I had lectures at 9am, I was not impressed.


Well-Known Member
Ya know if someone simply mentioned that a group was loud, or a group was rude I might simply accept it at face value... But when someone starts off by stating that "absolute nightmares! Matching t shirts, bag's even shoes, crazy stuff!" I have to wonder if the person is just trying to get upset. I don't care what people wear unless it is strong perfume. If everyone at Disney wore the same clothes, even if they were crazy clothes it really wouldn't bother me. I have to wonder, would it have been annoying to you if they were British kids singing God Save the Queen?
Yeah, you'd never see groups of British football fans chanting in unison, or wearing matching shirts in a public place. Crazy...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you'd never see groups of British football fans chanting in unison, or wearing matching shirts in a public place. Crazy...

I think I would take gangs of chanting Brasilian kids over football hooligans any time... but hey that's just me. Maybe some folk want to be molested by roving bands of drunk Leeds United fans.


Well-Known Member
Hey, here's an idea: The Summer Olympics will be in Rio in 2016. Howzabout a group of Brazilian-haters go down in a large group, wear matching shirts, chant "USA...USA", take photos during events, act rude and/or get drunk, speak in a foreign language and generally act-out. Oh wait...that's going to happen anyway. Never mind.


Well-Known Member
I love this thread, I cannot stand these Brazilian Tour Groups. Here is a story, even though some might get offended.

A couple of trips ago, as my wife, two kids and I were walking in Hollywood Studios, these 4 teenage Brazilian thug wannabees were walking towards us. As they got closer, they then held hands, as if it was to form a fence so we could not get by. It was so stupid, there was no were else for us to go.

So my wife walked in front of me, being I had the two kids in the stroller. They kept holding hands and clothe-lined my wife before they finally let go of each others hands, while their arms were right up on my wife's neck. All of this while laughing their butts off. So when my wife got through, she took her book bag she was carrying off her shoulder and swung it blasting the one girl in the head. She went down and when they saw me drop off the stroller to walk over to them, they all ran away. I was never so proud of my wife lol.

Disney needs to do something about these Brazilian tour groups.


Well-Known Member
Hey, here's an idea: The Summer Olympics will be in Rio in 2016. Howzabout a group of Brazilian-haters go down in a large group, wear matching shirts, chant "USA...USA", take photos during events, act rude and/or get drunk, speak in a foreign language and generally act-out. Oh wait...that's going to happen anyway.
If it does then anyone will be fully justified in complaining about it. One instance of bad behavior doesn't cancel out another.


Well-Known Member
I love this thread, I cannot stand these Brazilian Tour Groups. Here is a story, even though some might get offended.

A couple of trips ago, as my wife, two kids and I were walking in Hollywood Studios, these 4 teenage Brazilian thug wannabees were walking towards us. As they got closer, they then held hands, as if it was to form a fence so we could not get by. It was so stupid, there was no were else for us to go.

So my wife walked in front of me, being I had the two kids in the stroller. They kept holding hands and clothe-lined my wife before they finally let go of each others hands, while their arms were right up on my wife's neck. All of this while laughing their butts off. So when my wife got through, she took her book bag she was carrying off her shoulder and swung it blasting the one girl in the head. She went down and when they saw me drop off the stroller to walk over to them, they all ran away. I was never so proud of my wife lol.

Disney needs to do something about these Brazilian tour groups.

I won't blast you, but if they had complained your wife could have ended up in all kinds of trouble, even with cops involved and I don't know if it would have been worth it.


Well-Known Member
Unless there is an incident that get out of hand and violent, makes national headlines or even makes it to youtube, Disney will do nothing.

Individuals from any nationality are fine, it is when they are massed into groups that issues arise.

Yah..I was terrified of having one of my trips marred by these Tour Groups based on what I had read on these forums and being a newcomer to the WDW vacation experience. Well we did encounter them that summer and we did find some of the FP kiosks backed up when they were up there getting 25 at a time, and we did hear some of them chanting in line at a couple of attractions, but we didn't run into a group of them that were cutting or pushing.
However once while we were waiting in line and a group started chanting so I told them in Tex-Mex to shut their mouths...I don't know the "be quiet words" only the shut your f!@#ing mouth words...anyways they did...then one of them spoke up in English and told me that was their way of celebrating and passing the time and showing their pride..I just told them they were bothering me and everyone else waiting in the line and the chanters should get out of line and wait elsewhere to make that kind of noise or I was getting management to make them...I guess I sounded official enough because there was no more chanting while we waited.


Well-Known Member
I won't blast you, but if they had complained your wife could have ended up in all kinds of trouble, even with cops involved and I don't know if it would have been worth it.

There were a bunch of workers around to see it. If the cops came and looked at the cameras, they would see my wife pretty much being strangled. The only thing I was scared about, was that my kids saw the whole thing and I have always sheltered them away from being around things like this.


Well-Known Member
There were a bunch of workers around to see it. If the cops came and looked at the cameras, they would see my wife pretty much being strangled. The only thing I was scared about, was that my kids saw the whole thing and I have always sheltered them away from being around things like this.

Would not matter if you had a camera recording the whole thing. Once they had passed and were no longer a threat of any kind to your wife her actions would have been viewed as battery and could have gotten her arrested... had she hit or pushed them while they were in the act of clothes-lining her then it would have been completely within her rights.... I doubt your kids would have enjoyed seeing mom in handcuffs and that is what she risked.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I figured this is the way it would go as soon as I shared the story, especially with all the keyboard lawyers and policeman around. However, the first act of aggression would be two people, with locked hands, swinging their hands and arms at my wife's neck. Everything that happened after would be considered self defense. I m not going to debate this any further with people who never saw it, but in the eyes of the law, what the 4 Brazilian people did would be considered an act of violence.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I figured this is the way it would go as soon as I shared the story, especially with all the keyboard lawyers and policeman around. However, the first act of aggression would be two people, with locked hands, swinging their hands and arms at my wife's neck. Everything that happened after would be considered self defense. I m not going to debate this any further with people who never saw it, but in the eyes of the law, what the 4 Brazilian people did would be considered an act of violence.
Someone is forgetting Florida's laws on self defense. She would have been fine. They would have been in trouble. Hell you can kill in Florida with less provocation then that.


Well-Known Member
Someone is forgetting Florida's laws on self defense. She would have been fine. They would have been in trouble. Hell you can kill in Florida with less provocation then that.

She's a woman, though, that's not in her favor. Remember that lady who got 20 years for the warning shot despite the fact that her boyfriend (ex-husband) said if she hadn't done that he would have killed her? Stand Your Ground only seems to apply to men who actually kill their "attackers".


Well-Known Member
All I know, is I can totally understand the fury of a mother with children in tow being approached by 4 teenagers attempting a blockade. And the minute one of their body parts touched mine, it would be all over too. I'm glad their family didn't have to pay a terrible legal consequence for refusing to be manhandled or intimidated by a group that thought those kind of bully techniques were funny.


Well-Known Member
I encountered a new group this past President's Day weekend that gives the Brasilians a run for their money: Enjoy Quince from Argentina (pink fleece pull-overs w/ purple backpacks). Absolutely swarmed the All-Star resorts. Took up every table for breakfast (even though they all seemed to have the same food that could have been distributed elsewhere: pre-packaged muffin and 2 slices of bread), wouldn't move on even after they finished their food.

At night, they'd parade in and around the whole property in literal conga lines, signing and dancing and keeping my 13 mo-old up.


I encountered a new group this past President's Day weekend that gives the Brasilians a run for their money: Enjoy Quince from Argentina (pink fleece pull-overs w/ purple backpacks). Absolutely swarmed the All-Star resorts. Took up every table for breakfast (even though they all seemed to have the same food that could have been distributed elsewhere: pre-packaged muffin and 2 slices of bread), wouldn't move on even after they finished their food.

At night, they'd parade in and around the whole property in literal conga lines, signing and dancing and keeping my 13 mo-old up.

Yup, that's another group that could give anyone nightmares.

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