DAK Flight of Passage: People of size be warned


Well-Known Member
5'9" 270 # 42" shorts with big beer gut. Legs have been described as tree trunks, 18 1/2" around the thickest part of my calves. Rode it twice this weekend, was nervous the first time. Hope these numbers make it easier for ther rest of you. On my second ride I moved around a bit and there was no tension on my calves.


New Member
I rode last week twice (June 1 - 9, only a few days after official opening). I'm 5'10" and about 315 - I didn't have any problems. Don't trust the test chair. It showed me in the red and when I got on the actual ride the cast member didn't even have to touch my seat. It clicked just fine both times. No problems on the back or legs. The castmembers are definitely aware and doing a good job of calming people. My first ride I told my son as we were entering the ride room that if I couldn't get on he was supposed to ride with his aunt, who was with us, and I'd meet him outside. The cast member taking us in overheard me, looked back and said "we're getting you on!". It was very nice and made me feel a lot better. I wasn't going to be upset if I didn't make it but I'm glad I did - it was awesome.


New Member
5'9" 270 # 42" shorts with big beer gut. Legs have been described as tree trunks, 18 1/2" around the thickest part of my calves. Rode it twice this weekend, was nervous the first time. Hope these numbers make it easier for ther rest of you. On my second ride I moved around a bit and there was no tension on my calves.

Thank you for posting your calf measurements. Very helpful! Mine are 22 inches. Has anyone ridden successfully with calves that size?


Well-Known Member
I understand not all rides can accommodate everyone. Some rides could trigger epilepsy or PTSD, others might require the ability to move from loading dock to vehicle. So unfortunately some just ought not go on some for their safety or comfort.

But it's always best when people can appreciate all the attractions at a park with no issue. Thus I appreciate hearing they're figuring out how to get bigger people on. I'm trying to lose weight already, but it still doesn't solve my height problem, which is responsible for battered knees on the Matterhorn and Space Mountain. If a 6' 4" guy can get on, I sure can, as I'm sure a good chunk of people worried about their dimensions previously can as well.


Well-Known Member
I understand not all rides can accommodate everyone. Some rides could trigger epilepsy or PTSD, others might require the ability to move from loading dock to vehicle. So unfortunately some just ought not go on some for their safety or comfort.

But it's always best when people can appreciate all the attractions at a park with no issue. Thus I appreciate hearing they're figuring out how to get bigger people on. I'm trying to lose weight already, but it still doesn't solve my height problem, which is responsible for battered knees on the Matterhorn and Space Mountain. If a 6' 4" guy can get on, I sure can, as I'm sure a good chunk of people worried about their dimensions previously can as well.

Honestly. I think this turned out to be much ado about nothing. Once the ride staff understood what folks needed to do to fit, they have been able to coach folks on of many sizes. I admittedly panicked about the seat size. But after getting coached thru it by a great CM. I had no issues. And I saw other CMs doing the same to other folks in line who were concerned.

Not everyone is going to fit. But I totally believe they are probably getting 95-99% of everyone on at this point.


Active Member
5 7" 285lbs. calfs 19": The problem with Flights of Passage is NOT access, it is the ride chairs failure to accommodate all guests. There is NO reason for the ride chair to be so unaccommodating since the ride itself is basically going NOWHERE. All the chair needs to do is to be able to secure the guest, however, the method used is very restricted (inflexible) and needs to be modified/replaced. After enjoying Pandora for 2 previous days, and loving the river ride 3 times, I was looking forward to Flights of Passage, but when I told (using the 'sample' chair out front in the middle of the congestion) that I couldn't ride due to my big feet, big (not fat, muscular) calf muscles, as well as my OBESE torso (285lbs), I was depressed and didn't return to the parks for the remainder of my vacation. The ride has NO accommodation for your feet so you need to go on your tippy-toes to secure your legs, however when I do that my calf muscles bunch up and get BIGGER, so even if I had sucked it in (which I could have done) the pressure on my knotted up calf muscles would probably have been excruciating. Odds are I might have found the ride nauseating (?), but I wanted to at least ride it once. I've never been turned away from a ride like this. THE PROBLEM ISN'T WITH THE PEOPLE, IT IS WITH THE POORLY DESIGNED RIDE CHAIR...they could consider having different size chairs and/or chairs that are much more flexible and accommodating. And for you 'perfect' people out there who blame us, if the shoe was on the other foot and YOU couldn't ride because you were too tall, too thin, didn't bend right, head was too small so the visor didn't stay on (like it doesn't for the kids) THEN YOU'D BE COMPLAINING TOO.
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Well-Known Member
5 7" 285lbs. big calfs/feet. The problem with Flights of Passage is NOT access, it is the ride chairs failure to accommodate all guests. There is NO reason for the ride chair to be so unaccommodating since the ride itself is basically going NOWHERE. All the chair needs to do is to be able to secure the guest, however, the method used is very restricted (inflexible) and needs to be modified/replaced. After enjoying Pandora for 2 previous days, and loving the river ride 3 times, I was looking forward to Flights of Passage, but when I told (using the 'sample' chair out front in the middle of the congestion) that I couldn't ride due to my big feet, big (not fat, muscular) calf muscles, as well as my OBESE torso (285lbs), I was depressed and didn't return to the parks for the remainder of my vacation. The ride has NO accommodation for your feet so you need to go on your tippy-toes to secure your legs, however when I do that my calf muscles bunch up and get BIGGER, so even if I had sucked it in (which I could have done) the pressure on my knotted up calf muscles would probably have been excruciating. Odds are I might have found the ride nauseating (?), but I wanted to at least ride it once. I've never been turned away from a ride like this. THE PROBLEM ISN'T WITH THE PEOPLE, IT IS WITH THE POORLY DESIGNED RIDE CHAIR...they could consider having different size chairs and/or chairs that are much more flexible and accommodating. And for you 'perfect' people out there who blame us, if the shoe was on the other foot and YOU couldn't ride because you were too tall, too thin, didn't bend right, head was too small so the visor didn't stay on (like it doesn't for the kids) THEN YOU'D BE COMPLAINING TOO.

I think you got some bad guidance. At your height you should had enough leg room to manipulate your legs and feet. Unless your calves are the same thickness from your thighs to your ankles, you should have fit. And bellies aren't a big issue if you sit up straight and tuck your belly into the open space.

My biggest issue is that my size 13 foot takes up too much space in the chair. But I'm able to manipulate them enough to close the restraints. But I wouldn't had known that from the test seat person.


Active Member
I think you got some bad guidance..
I agree, the attendants outside were not so 'positive' and almost seemed to be resistant to my riding (I would have been happy to simply enjoy the queue line on my scooter even if I didn't fit). The discomfort with the legs concerned me and I 'lost my enthusiasm' for the 'adventure' (and trying to suck in my gut to fit). I'm losing some weight now and I will try again next time, but hopefully the ride vehicle will be more comfortable by then, as well. I normally have 'problems' with having my feet 'hemmed' in (restricted) (I always ride in the back seat of Spaceship Earth because I find the front seat foot room uncomfortable). Note: I added that my calfs are almost 19".
One thing that 'got me' was how I was quickly singled out from getting in the line, while it seems others as big or bigger walked (or scooted) right on in, including a big old lady, then, as others pointed out, the test chair is right out were kids are playing on it (one had to be shooed away) in the middle of the congestion, which made working with the cast member difficult and a bit embarrassing (I seemed unjustifiably singled out). I have to assume that they've just gotten very good at spotting 'problems', or maybe they were looking for someone to train a new cast member?
I also noticed, after watching the video of the ride a the other day that the ride is actually pretty (impressively) long, so if I had had 'pain' and/or discomfort, I would have been locked in for quite a while.


Active Member
I can chime in with my recent experiences. I'm 6'1" 325lbs (all gut no butt). I was nervous on our trip that I wouldn't fit.

Ride #1: Restraints came up fine, but Cast Member had to click the back restraint once to really lock me in. It was a little tight, but they asked nicely if I was ok for 4 1/2 minutes like this. When the ride ended it was the funniest thing as the back restraint was stuck. They had to come push it a little to unlock.

Ride #2: No back issues. I learned with a gut you really need to sit up super straight and pull yourself in. The back restraint came up with no adjustments needed. It also opened fine at the end of the ride.

Rides #3, #4, #5 and #6 were all similar. Squeeze in tight and up and usually no issues. More often then not they fiddled with the leg restraints more than the back. I think one other time the back didn't come down at the end.

Great ride....we loved it. Only had the 1 fastpass going into the vacation, but managed to get 5 more but constantly checking (usually some opened up later in the afternoon) and this was with getting 6 people on!


Active Member
I tried the test chair again a few weeks ago 8/8 and had NO problems fitting. I think the main difference was the attitude of the Cast Member...the first cast member seemed to have a negative attitude that fed my worries which interfered with my adaptation to the ride chair. However this time I had a POSITIVE friendly Cast Member who, together we had NO problem fitting into the chair...wasn't even close. After I told him of my disappointment last time and how afterwards I left the park and stayed in my room the next/last day (boo hoo), he gave me a fastpass to ride, bypassing the 255 minute standby queue. Again I fit no problem, comfortably into the ride chair. The only worry I had were the ride glasses slipping off and a slight tinge of nausea/anticipation which did not develop. Looking forward to riding it again...He wanted to know how I did, but he was gone when I returned. I waited around for him but I guess it was the end of his shift.


New Member
I'm a 6'1 300lb muscular dude, most of my weight seems to be in my 'tree trunk' legs. The cast member at the ride had some trouble getting the restraints to snap, but I think it was mostly because my feet (size 13) were totally against the front of the platform and she wanted me to move more. After a minute or so of trying she got it though. I would recommend tall people with girthy legs to possibly take your shoes off preemptively. A little uncomfortable, but otherwise no problems. Worth the wait!


Active Member
I can chime in with my recent experiences. I'm 6'1" 325lbs (all gut no butt). I was nervous on our trip that I wouldn't fit.

Ride #1: Restraints came up fine, but Cast Member had to click the back restraint once to really lock me in. It was a little tight, but they asked nicely if I was ok for 4 1/2 minutes like this. When the ride ended it was the funniest thing as the back restraint was stuck. They had to come push it a little to unlock.

Ride #2: No back issues. I learned with a gut you really need to sit up super straight and pull yourself in. The back restraint came up with no adjustments needed. It also opened fine at the end of the ride.

Rides #3, #4, #5 and #6 were all similar. Squeeze in tight and up and usually no issues. More often then not they fiddled with the leg restraints more than the back. I think one other time the back didn't come down at the end.

Great ride....we loved it. Only had the 1 fastpass going into the vacation, but managed to get 5 more but constantly checking (usually some opened up later in the afternoon) and this was with getting 6 people on!

Thanks for this report, I am really glad to see this. My trip is on 12/13 (just one day, we are doing Very Merry the night before). I am similar in size to you (6'1"). I am down to about 303 lbs from 354, and will freely admit my main motivation has been to ride this ride. Glad to hear I am likely to be OK. One question, if you don't mind my asking, I am very long in the torso, which is where I carry most of my height (I wear 30" inseam pants, for example). Does it seem like the ride restraints would cause a special problem for folks like me? (As another example, on mission space I fit just fine, but i have to scrunch me head down to have the video screen in a good view because my torso is so long).


Active Member
Thanks for this report, I am really glad to see this. My trip is on 12/13 (just one day, we are doing Very Merry the night before). I am similar in size to you (6'1"). I am down to about 303 lbs from 354, and will freely admit my main motivation has been to ride this ride. Glad to hear I am likely to be OK. One question, if you don't mind my asking, I am very long in the torso, which is where I carry most of my height (I wear 30" inseam pants, for example). Does it seem like the ride restraints would cause a special problem for folks like me? (As another example, on mission space I fit just fine, but i have to scrunch me head down to have the video screen in a good view because my torso is so long).

Congrats on the weight loss!! I think you should be fine. The cast members each time were really nice to everyone in the party to have people adjust either their midsection or legs to get everything to fit. I would think the smaller inseam would help the leg restraints fit better.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for this report, I am really glad to see this. My trip is on 12/13 (just one day, we are doing Very Merry the night before). I am similar in size to you (6'1"). I am down to about 303 lbs from 354, and will freely admit my main motivation has been to ride this ride. Glad to hear I am likely to be OK. One question, if you don't mind my asking, I am very long in the torso, which is where I carry most of my height (I wear 30" inseam pants, for example). Does it seem like the ride restraints would cause a special problem for folks like me? (As another example, on mission space I fit just fine, but i have to scrunch me head down to have the video screen in a good view because my torso is so long).

From what I have experienced, your actual height does not make a difference, it is more how "round" you are. the ride pretty much pushes you in with 1 spot on your lower back and the other at the back of your legs by your calves. So I would think that people with longer legs would have more of an issue than taller people.

RSD Part Deux

Well-Known Member
I’m 6’4 350 pounds size 13 shoes. I got normal sized legs and calves. I carry all my fat in my belly and chest. I tried the test car out front. Not even close. The CM said I won’t be able to ride. I said I wanted to try anyways. At the actual ride I took off my shoes and put them in the little compartments. The CM had issues getting the back part to lock in. He kept trying about 4-5 times. I told him he can push hard. He would count 1-2-3 I would suck in and push and he pushed on the back. I heard it click and I could ride! It was close though. It was his last attempt. I was grateful and now on a mission to lose weight.

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