Five Worst Attractions at the Magic Kingdom

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
6' 6", athletic build for a middle-aged guy. That puts me in the 99th percentile of height for American men.

The two main problems with the light cycle for me:
  • The length of my shin. It JUST fit between where my thigh presses on the vehicle and the rear wheel.
  • The length of my torso. Where most people are pictured resting their chest, that's more or less in my solar plexus.
I'm sure Disney sizes attractions to the 95th percentile just like automobile manufacturers, airlines, etc. Not a complaint, just a reality of life for someone my size.
Maybe even higher than 99%. I'm 6'3" and I'm almost always the tallest person in a room, ride, attraction at Disney, etc. I was asking bc I feel like I just barely fit comfortably an I totally get the torso thing.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
I keep hearing people saying it's because American's are fat. It's not that, they lifted it from an Asian park, and it's just reality. American's are just larger boned, taller, bigger.... some are fat, but that's the wrong reason.
In general, Americans are fat/overweight at a drastically higher level than Japanese, as one example. That's undeniable.

Anyone under about 6'3 can easily ride comfortably. The issue is, most people (over 50%) are obese and/or so unathletic, they can't get on a vehicle like Tron. That's why it takes ages to load the attraction.

DW Aficionado

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In general, Americans are fat/overweight at a drastically higher level than Japanese, as one example. That's undeniable.

Anyone under about 6'3 can easily ride comfortably. The issue is, most people (over 50%) are obese and/or so unathletic, they can't get on a vehicle like Tron. That's why it takes ages to load the attraction.
They really should have thought about that.... not a comment about people, just reality


My 5 least adored attractions
1. Vomit Cups
2. Small World. Please never again. Thank you. I’m pretty sure they use this song to get information out of the enemy.
3. Stairs up a tree. So. many. stairs. But very well thought out and interesting. The one thing I didn’t need on my 10-mile marching all over the park day was more exercise.
4. Carousel of Depressing Weird Felted robots… but it’s a nice cool off and break from the sun where I can catch a quick snooze and I also like the song, so it’s not the torturous misery that is #2
5. Carpet Dumbo. Where’s the climbing structure with air-conditioned seating for parents while we wait for the ride that elephant dumbo has?


Well-Known Member
1. Tomorrowland Speedway
2. Peter Pan — because of the stark contrast between its wait time and quaint, outdated experience
3. Space Mountain — because my back still hurts
4. Small World — hum the song or the dolls will get you while you sleep
5. Astro Orbiter — not gonna catch me being the guy who finally plummets from up high (kidding, I’m sure Disney keeps it safe)


Well-Known Member
Maybe even higher than 99%. I'm 6'3" and I'm almost always the tallest person in a room, ride, attraction at Disney, etc. I was asking bc I feel like I just barely fit comfortably an I totally get the torso thing.

According to this calculator, I guess I'm more accurately taller than 99.96% of American males. I imagine Disney targets a range from 5' 5" to 6", anything outside of that range is a bonus.

Again, not complaining. My size is my problem, not Disney's.

Mr. Sullivan

Well-Known Member
Anyway, my answers.

1. Magic Carpets - None of the spinners are great rides but this one is the worst of the four WDW. It isn’t as iconic as Dumbo, as cute as Triceratop Spin, or as fun to look at as Astro Orbiter. It might also have the worst placement of any ride at the resort.

2. Tomorrowland Speedway - Big old smelly waste of space. The only justification for its continued survival is kids like it but even that is invalidated by the idea that a kid will love any car ride just the same if not more. Once the Cars stuff opens in Frontierland, this needs to go.

3. The Barnstormer - Once upon a time this was a great first coaster. But as family and children’s coasters have improved over the years, this one sticks out more and more as antiquated. Could stand to disappear and be replaced by a better, more modern starter coaster.

4. Tom Sawyer Island - Old, falling apart, inaccessible to handicap guests, and mostly ignored. Sad that maybe Liberty Belle is going in the Frontierland overhaul but I’m happy to say goodbye to the island.

5. Smellephants on Parade - I really am unsure of what the thought process behind this even was.
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Well-Known Member
I don't know I'd call them 'worst,' but we often skip some. The ones we most often skip are:

1. Storytime w/ Belle.
2. HoP- but it is a little fun to see the very last showing of the night.
3. Speedway- It could be fun with a little revamping: better steering and swap to electric cars to get rid of the fumes.
4. Monsters, INC. It is cute, but takes a while to get through the queue. It always ends up in the, 'we'll see it later' category, but then we don't.
5. Barnstomer. Universal has similar Vekoma Junior coasters, but theirs have better theming. Disney should do a retheme.
6. CoP. I like it, but it is also always in the 'we'll see it later/never get around to seeing it' category.

Since someone listed the Smellephants, I agree they are skippable. I mean I usually try to see even small additions at least once. The gold statues were kinda fun, but the scents aren't very appealing.

Eric Graham

Well-Known Member
In general, Americans are fat/overweight at a drastically higher level than Japanese, as one example. That's undeniable.

Anyone under about 6'3 can easily ride comfortably. The issue is, most people (over 50%) are obese and/or so unathletic, they can't get on a vehicle like Tron. That's why it takes ages to load the attraction.
Wait, you say Americans are fatter than normal. But your name is very similar to an all you can eat buffet at Disney...Just saying. I thought I read somewhere where the vehicles in the Tron ride were not modified in the United States to the original ride in Shanghai. Off to the buffet table at Golden Corral. Yum...or is that gross?


Well-Known Member
I would not be upset if I do don’t visit these attractions on a trip to MK. In no particular order:

1) The Magic Carpets of Aladdin – Same as Dumbo the Flying Elephant
2) Swiss Family Treehouse – Lot’s of stairs for this attraction and I’m not big of this walkthrough.
3) Tom Sawyer Island – I never been a fan of spending time to wait on the boat then crossing the river to see this abandon fort!
4) Mickey's PhilharMagic – I once received a fastpass for this and still didn’t go. I wouldn’t remove it but I'm not standing in any type of line for it.
5) Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room – One of these Attractions that I can miss on a visit to Magic Kingdom but would be upset if they removed it.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Wait, you say Americans are fatter than normal. But your name is very similar to an all you can eat buffet at Disney...Just saying. I thought I read somewhere where the vehicles in the Tron ride were not modified in the United States to the original ride in Shanghai. Off to the buffet table at Golden Corral. Yum...or is that gross?
You want me to post a picture of my physique?


Well-Known Member
Tomorrowland Speedway, no doubt. Loud, obnoxious, not themed well, really nothing good to say for it. Should be updated to sleek, futuristic looking electric vehicles or just replaced entirely.

Aladdin deserves much more than a run of the mill spinner, so let's add that to my list.

Monsters Inc, no relevance to Tomorrowland, pretty boring to me, mildly entertaining here and there but far from a must do attraction.

TSI as it stands now, unfortunately. Run down, no love being given to it, shuttered Aunt Polly's wasted potential with a beautiful waterfront setting.

I'm not sure about "worst" but I don't get the Peter Pan hype. It's a cute dark ride, but not in any way worth the usual wait times, and can be a bit nauseating for those of us with motion sickness due to the swaying above the sets.

The smellephants, meh. They didn't replace anything, they don't take up any space that could otherwise be used for something else, so to me it's just a net addition, kind of cute, I'm indifferent towards it. They're essentially just a bonus "attraction" / diversion, so to me, doesn't make my "worst" list.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I feel like people are taking this too seriously and the OP used words too harshly. Everyone has some least favorite attractions. Mine-

1). Magic Carpets of Aladdin
2). Hall of Presidents
3). Peter Pan's Flight
4). Tiana's Bayou Adventure
5). Any Parade in Hot Weather Ever.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I keep hearing people saying it's because American's are fat. It's not that, they lifted it from an Asian park, and it's just reality. American's are just larger boned, taller, bigger.... some are fat, but that's the wrong reason.
Ehhhhh..... Americans also dont like facts and statistics about body weight lol. Its not our people's fault. Its the poison pumped in fast food and frozen meals, convenience, affordability, depression/mental health, whats readily available, bad education systems, the south, whats advertised down our throats, corporate america, ect.

But, as an American. Yes. We are mostly fat/obese. Im at Disney World right now and it is... mind boggling. Compared to when i visit healthier countries.

But ALSO, yes to your other post. Disney should be aware of reality in America and make rides that can accomodate plus sized people... to an extent. There IS a limit.

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