First Trip Report - May 2007 with some uninvited guests...

I know it's a little late coming, but now is a better time than ever as my next trip is only 94 days away!! :xmas: and i can't contain my excitement...

Trip Date - May 18-24 2007

Original Cast:
Me - Kelly...disney fanatic. No one quite understands the pleasure i get out of going to disney. friends and family all think i'm crazy...because i am not happy if a disney trip is not in the near future. College student - wanting to become a biology/secondary education teacher

DBF - disney boyfriend. supports my crazy adventures. been my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years and best friend for 5. disney lover, too! college student - going to become a nurse

UNinvited Cast:
DBF's Mother - Anita...hates everything Disney! why she would even decide to follow beyond me...

DBF's little brother - Shjon (shawn) hes ten and well he's pretty cool, i guess.

Little bit of our DISNEY HISTORY...
ME - Deprived as a child, I was never taken to disney world for those young childhood memories many of you have. my parents couldnt afford it...(although i really just think they didn't realize how affordable it truly was). my first trip to the WORLD was during Jersey week (we are from jersey) for my 16th birthday in 2002. Fell in love the day i stepped foot onto the magic kingdom. second trip was my senior trip in high school (march 2005), and this time i had more of a blast than for the birthday. something about being there with your friends...i think. third trip was in June 2006 for my mom's 50th birthday -- had to have been the greatest trip ever.

DBF - Never experienced disney until we were seniors in high school. with that - his mom wouldnt let him go on the senior trip. instead she booked a trip for the same week the rest of us seniors would be there. him and i coordinated two parks together to be able to see each other - but he stayed off property and never really got the full disney experience. his mom and stepdad hate it, and they never stayed for the extra disney magic at park closing (illuminations, fantasmic, wishes) 1st disney experience for him was horrible. in June 2006, DBF went, too. but not with us. he went with his friend and their family - and because the family he went with goes to disney like twice a year, they didn't want to do much. mike, again didn't get the real disney feel...poor guy :(

So here we are February 2007 and DBF and I wake up and decide we are going away at the end of the spring semester. DISNEY - no other option - its where my <3 is and disney boyfriend needed to learn to love it as much as i do...haha. so we spontaneously book the trip that same morning...him knowing that i was itching to get to disney soon. (previous trip before that june 2006 w/ my momma = disney lover, too)

so here we are so very excited about our first trip, together, and here comes HIS mom, inviting herself and her youngest son along. UGH!!! this woman HATES disney world - actually calling it WALLY WORLD when she refers to it(National Lampoon's family vacation). yeah, so being the good little girlfriend i am...i let it big deal...i'll show her disney isn't a place to dispise.

so she decides that she isn't going to tell her youngest until the night before the trip - and surprise him. Oh my golly, there is some hope when she tells us she would only be staying for 3 nights...vs our 6. There really is a mickey heaven!! so you know what that means...right? she can't stay in the room with me and dbf, because everyone in the room must all have the same package!!! :sohappy:

She asks us to book her trip, and wants joining rooms. ugh...this woman. so i do it, because she likes me...and she isn't the nicest woman in the world.
So we are booked at POP - us for may 18-24 and her for may 18-21, with adjoining rooms.

we begin our countdown and everytime dbf and i talk about it - she groans and moans and rolls her eyes with "how can you be so excited?" -- she obviously doesn't know disney...or me....

so here we are at the end of the spring semester fininshing up exams and finals and all i have on my mind is this trip with my dbf. it is to be sooo much fun!


May 17th 2007
sleeping at boyfriends house so his stepdad can take us all to the airport in the early morning hours.

at dinner that evening - we are to surpirse shjon with the trip. so i print the airline tickets and place them under his placemat sticking out, just a bit. as oblivious as he is he doesnt notice them all dinner. i eat slowly waiting for him to notice and eventually we had to tell his to look under his place mat. he takes one look at it and walks away. "SHJON! where are ya going? doesn't that paper belong to you?" his stepdad says.

"No...that's Mike's airport paper for their trip tomorrow" he commented.

"You better come take a closer look that that, then" his stepdad says.

so he slowly comes back into the kitchen and he reads it..."why is my name on this?" [side note: He's blonde -- you will see that if i can ever figure out how to get the pictures posted to the threads...]

"Because we are going on the trip tomorrow, too, shjon" his mom replies.

"But you hate disney" he said.

"I know...but Kelly convinced me that it would be a good time" she finally said. [side note: i convinced her it would be a good time, i didnt convince her to come]

his mouth went agape, and he was soooo excited. i had been wanting to tell him for months, but couldn't. he was just so suprised and the wait to tell him made the trip even more exciting!

so off he goes to pack, and dbf and i try to find things to do to keep our excitement levels down. about 10:00 it was bedtime. i was sleeping on the couch - and i woke up fifteen minutes before my 3:45am alarm. we had to leave for the airport at 5am our flight being at 7:10 and philly international is pretty busy on a friday morning!

i went upstairs and woke dbf up and pretty soon the rest of the house was up and ready to go. DBF's mother...was not thrilled about leaving...this coming form a woman who loves to travel.

we pack up the truck (but not before attaching our disney ME yellow tags) and off to the airport we go. check in at the southwest desk was a breeze with our preprinted boarding passes.

we head to security...and now have i mentioned how insane my boyfriends mother is? so she has on flipflops and the security guy asked her to remove them to step trhough the metal dectector. now i amd in the opposite line and i hear her "i'm NOT putting my feet on this dirty floor" we go...i turn to my boyfriend and go "oh my god, mike, there is no way she is doing this." so security has to wand her shoes and it was just a mess.

we finally get to the terminal, grab some breakfast, and our flight was on time. did i mention the woman hates to fly, too? so she had to take a zanax before the flight took off. what drama...

shortly after arrival to the airport we were on our way to orlando, on an excellent flight...


Active Member
ok is it just me or is this sounding similar to JungleSkipper's Trip report from August. I think DBF's mom and JungleSkipper's sister would make a great duo.


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sorry this is so long started and needless to say calculus is kicking my butt.

i left off with the flight.

so we land in orlando, right on schedule 9:25 or so, and we head off the plane for the magical express. doing this the year before i knew exactly where to go, and i was in no mood to waste time. (and i love the smell of the orlando airport...weird, i know) so we make our way to the first floor to the magical express counter and we were boarded onto a bus within minutes. -- things running smoothly...just as i wanted. i needed to show dbf's mom that disney wasnt so bad.

so we were the first stop on the ME arriving to POP by eleven AM. check in went well, however our rooms were not ready. (which was to be expected) so we headed to the pool for shjon to take a dip. because SHE wanted her first day in Dinsney to be relaxing -- we sat poolside for most of the day.

lunch was in the food court and i don't think the food there is all that bad - contrary to others opinions. so around 4 o' clock we called for our room numbers.

how lucky could we be?!?! we got rooms next door to one another, in the 90's section, but they didn't have a connecting door on the inside!! though she didnt like this idea, dbf and i were thrilled. Dbf and i got a corner room - even better -- so we open our door...and there is our luggage, magically, waiting for us. dbf's mom opened her door - and guess what NO LUGGAGE for them! we had dinner reservations at the coral reef that night, for 7:40 and i wanted to shower and get over to epcot as quickly as we could, so we could hit a few rides before dinner.

we arrived on the same flight, at the same time, so we couldnt understand how her luggage was not there and ours was. so she immediately called luggage service, and started to complain. they said that the luggage wasn't yet delivered to the hotel --- we go *strike one*

so i start to panic because i just want things to go well, and here they are with only bathing suits and the clothes they came in and she is furious. dbf and i shower and get ready, letting her blow off some steam.

so dbf and i are ready, and when we head over to her room, still no luggage. about 5:30ish we got a call to the room, stating that the luggage was delivered on the truck that just came in, and she would have it within fifteen minutes. -- well thank goodness because i didn't know if i could handle lost luggage drama. she made her sons chase down the bell hop - so she could get her luggage even sooner.

so we finally head over to Epcot about 6:15ish and only have time to ride The seas with Nemo and Friends and explore the living seas before dinner.
we arrive at our reservations about ten minutes early, and are seated about ten minutes after the reservations time (which again is to be expected). i'm thinking, this woman has never seen illuminations, and dinner (which is usually hour at most?) will be done right as that is beginning, so we will be able to head over to the lagoon to see that show -- boy was i ever wrong.

now i will NEVER talk down about disney, and this just ruined the whole night. we get seated and don't see a waitress for at least ten minutes - okay she is busy - (i'm a waitress, i know how it goes). no big deal, shrug it off, hope she apologizes and move on. well our meals were excellent! one of the better dinners we had for the week. the waitress again, didnt manage to come back to our table to check how things were. we asked for refills on our drinks and it took about ten minutes. bad...just bad. like i said i am a waitress so i tend to notice what is happening in the dining area. I noticed a family of four, also on the dining plan, got seated after us, and left before we even got our bill. just made me a little angry, because i knew our service was slow. i also noticed that the server only had two tables. so how she was wrapped up on the other table was beyond me. great. so we ask for our checks (seperate ones for her and shjon and for me and dbf, because we had seperate dining plans) it took her ten minutes to bring the check back to us. the time on the check was 9:01 - and we didn't get it until 9:10. -- so illuminations was out of the question for the night -- anyway -- so we gave her two room keys, one for our check and one for their check. she looked at them, acknowledged what each card was for, and brought back the bill to sign.

i looked at our check (and since this was our first table service i wanted to make sure there were no problems) i looked down at the check and it said 0 TS credits left. she ran her card twice eliminating all the TS credits she were to have left for the week *strike two*. shjon was on the kids it didnt matter for him. so i tell her about her error - 9:20. and she says o i'm sorry, i will go fix it right now. by this time i'm angry. and i don't ever get angry in resturants. (dbf and i tip 20-30% everytime we are out, and no matter what i won't tip under 18%. i know the stuff servers go through...i understand their pain so i believe even poor service requires a tip. the patrons don't always understand what is happening at the next table over or back in the kitchen) i had just never had service like that -- ever -- anywhere. i was upset. i think it was just the pressure to make the night good, and then our server messing up - it was just frustrating. so she comes back with it "all fixed" i look it over again and it is STILL wrong. she says "okay, i will have my manager come over and speak with you"

now dbf's mom is complaing about how complicated this dining thing is, why can't it just be all inclusive like the islands, and yada, yada, yada... ooo by this time i'm just like fed up. i was tired - i didnt want to hear her complain anymore, and i just wanted things to be right...ugh!!!

so the manager comes over - really nice guy - and he seemed to already know what was going on. he intially wants to apologize to dbf's mom and instead she said "listen, shes the one in charge here," and pointed her finger at me. "you need to be talking to her, because i don't even understand what is going on or how this dining plan is supposed to work." so the manager looks at me and he just knows i am irritated.

he leaves and it takes ten minutes to fix, but he finally got it right. it was a mess and we didnt leave the coral reef until 9:50 that night. a two hour dining experience, was not one i hoped for.

so epcot had extra magic hours, and we went and stood in line for soarin', rode spaceship earth, and headed back to POP for a good nights rest. it had been quite a long and exhausting day.

wake up call for the next day was 7:30 AM so we could make to to animal kingdom at park open.

oo i have so many pictures!!!! but i still dont know how to post directly into the thread - if anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated -- thank you and i promise to keep more coming if you are interested.


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if you click on the wdw photo album at the bottom of the thread -- it will take you to some i uploaded -- so you can see us!!


Well-Known Member
Kelly will you please post more about the rest of your trip. I'm curios how BF's mom did the next few days.

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