First Animal KIngdom Visit


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We just got back from a 5 day trip to Orlando and I thought I'd offer my 2 cents on AK.

As we waited outside the "talking" palm tree was a riot. Very funny.

We started off with the Safari which was interesting but nothing too out of the ordinary for a zoo. The walking tour from the safari back to the main park was again interesting but nothing compelling. By then the kids (9 and 12) are getting restless and bored. They've been to the zoo so many times that they won't go anymore (National Zoo and Baltimore).

We entirely skip Asia as it's another walking tour and the Rapids are closed. Over to Dino Land which presents carnival rides plus the Dinosour attraction (we liked this one). No one was interested in much else there.

Wonder over to the Lion King show which we all agreed was the best live show we've ever seen at Dinsey.

We then decided to leave as there was really nothing else that was worth the time. Over all we spent 4 hours there.

IMHO, this park was a huge mistake. The Everest coaster they are putting in won't do much. It's just another coaster and misplaced as well.

It's not that we did not enjoy AK it's just that there's no real reason to visit. Epsecially if you have limited time in Florida. Again there's no compelling reason to stay very long.

I know people that have been there and loved it but they were huge animal people. But what's the difference between this park and a decent zoo?


Well-Known Member
We are actually big fans of animal kingdom, but I agree it doesn't take as long as other parks.

What makes it different from a zoo? The incredible theming. The whole atmosphere. The parade. The safari. The shows. The unmatched Lion King show. The Bug's life show (it's great, too bad you missed it). The Tarzan show is good, the bird show is good. Dinosaur is a great ride.

We have an incredible zoo here in Omaha but there is none of the above. Yep there's a ton of animals some in really great exhibits, but still, none of the above.

I understand where you're coming from. There are lot of people who agree with you.

But for me the Animal Kingdom is full of Disney Magic. Maybe you just have to look a little harder there.:)


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The theming is nice, I agree. I do wish we had seen the Bugs Life show. What we should have done was probably do MK the first day then AK the second. The kids were dying to do MK but, supposedly, Thursday's is the most crowded day for MK and that's why we did AK first.

When we go back, probably without the kids in a few years, we'll do the entire park. As well as everything in every other park too. I'd love to take 2 weeks and see it all.


New Member
Originally posted by Disneyfalcon

What makes it different from a zoo? The incredible theming. The whole atmosphere. The parade. The safari. The shows. The unmatched Lion King show. The Bug's life show (it's great, too bad you missed it). The Tarzan show is good, the bird show is good. Dinosaur is a great ride.


I generally agree with this perspective. I love the safari ride and the Pagani jungle trek (if that's the one that has the tigers). Kali River rapids is great (sorry it was closed). My kids love the Boneyard play area. I really like the overall look and feel of the park.

AK certainly has its shortcomings, but in my opinion, it is way, way more than just another zoo.


Account Suspended
dont like it

I have an annual pass and go to this park on a very rare ocassion. I know there is theming but it does just look like a zoo to me, no not physically but the idea. I love animals but, I go to parks looking for fun attractions and there's just not much here. Unfortunately when Everest is ready I'll spend a half day there waiting in line just to ride it and leave.


New Member
Animal Kingdom isnt as bad as you think. Its tough to be a bug, as well as the rapids make it worth it. Plus the rainforest cafe is an awesome place to eat. I would say the parks cultural atmosphere is what makes it a fun place. I feel that with the exception of primevil whirl the park is a great investment.


New Member
There is no way you can compare the AK to the National or Baltimore zoo!! Do either of those zoos have the lush landscaping, a safari ride, 3-d movie, rides, or attention to detail that you see at AK? Not even close.

I personally love the AK and am not a huge "animal" lover or anything like that. You should have done It's tought to be a bug- it's one of the best attractions in the park!

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
AK is amazing! It has amazing theming and it's very fun! Dinosaur is one of the best thrill rides ever!!! E:E will only improve that park! I can't understand why you claim EE is misplaced and, just to let you in on a little secret, EE isn't JUST a coaster! It's a heavily themed ride (not even including the mountain), with dark ride effects, high-tech AAs, new tracks, a whole story and a fast exciting thrill ride! If this is just a coaster then you my friend, have VERY high standards from a Disney ride! :animwink:


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Reply to bears163

I think I agree with you to some extent. The kids were definitely not into the park with a few exceptions. That's why, when we go back, we'll take our time and really explore it.

I think what's really bugging me is that WDW is not as leading edge as it was 20-25 years ago. I epected more of AK.

A visit to Universal Studios confirms this to me. Overall, MGM can't compete with US on an overall basis. MGM has been pretty stagnant since 1998. Some of the sim rides at US are just as good if not better in some cases than any at WDW.

Take a visit over to If it's even half as bad as they claim I don't expect much in the future from Disney.

That still won't stop me from returning though.


Well-Known Member
IMO...the ages of your children were the problem, not the park.

Kids their ages have short attention spans and get bored easily.

Since my kids have grown up and moved out, my wife and I visit Animal Kingdom regularly by ourselves and it is slowing becoming one of our favorite parks.

As adults with little or no time constrictions, we can stroll slowly through this park and absorb all the "Disney Magic" that is the theming. We Love the trails and always enjoy stopping at The Flame Tree Bar B Que for lunch and eat it at our leisure in one of the secluding seating areas.

My wife and I enjoy the Safari ride and get especially excited when the Giraffes walk right in front of the bus. You can't get that close to the animals in ANY zoo I have ever been to.

This Park is only what you make of it...if you are looking for thrill rides and rollercoasters, I would suggest going to Six Flags. Animal Kingdom is about Animals and conservation of our natural resources...not just about Rides and Rollercoasters.

This park is unlike any ZOO I have ever been to...but only if you take the time to stop and smell the roses. :animwink:


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You are correct

As we work down this thread my thinking is becoming better defined. The first time I went to WDW, in 1978 at age 21, I felt a complete sense of awe and wonderment. That's what I generally expect from Disney. Maybe I'm expeciting way too much.

I was definitely not on a coaster hunt but that's what the kids seemed to expect no matter how much I tried to dampen those expecatations. That's probably why they really liked MGM. We road ToT and RnRCoaster 4 times each.

AK to me is an incremental change and part of the problem is that, although I like animals, I find no real wonderment or amazement when I see them. I grew up in very rural PA and lived with wild animals on an almost daily basis. My wife says San Diego zoo is the best there is for seeing animals and that includes AK.

So, I'm still opened minded for the next trip though it will be a tough sell to get the kids to go back.

Jessie Johnson

New Member
I think I'm in a minority but I like animal kingdom It is more relaxing than the other parks but must confess the first time I went I didn't enjoy it but second time with no real expectations I really enjoyed it and now think it is great.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Ok, I've said it many times in the past, and I'll say it again.

If you want to say that you don't like Animal Kingdom, it's fine. BUT, you CAN'T say that you only spent 4 hours in the park in the next sentence. If that's the case, you've missed 75% of the park, and that's a fact.

Also, I'd like further explanation on how Kilimanjaro Safaris even SLIGHTLY resembles any part of a zoo. Let's make it more than "you see animals." Of course you see animals. However, KS is a classic Disney experience. It includes vast theming, story, and even a little music to round it out.

Rwdavis2, my advice would be to return to back to AK with a different attitude upon entering the park. It's a MUCH more relaxing place when you go in knowing you may actually learn something, and have a little fun in the meantime. A huge part of AK are stand alone exhibits which may take some time to stand and read something, or even watch video. It's a lot of fun, actually. You oughta take your time during your next visit. It'l be worth it.

Then again, this is just my advice, so it may mean nothing. Take it for what it's worth. :)


Originally posted by rwdavis2
We just got back from a 5 day trip to Orlando and I thought I'd offer my 2 cents on AK.

As we waited outside the "talking" palm tree was a riot. Very funny.

We started off with the Safari which was interesting but nothing too out of the ordinary for a zoo. The walking tour from the safari back to the main park was again interesting but nothing compelling. By then the kids (9 and 12) are getting restless and bored. They've been to the zoo so many times that they won't go anymore (National Zoo and Baltimore).

We entirely skip Asia as it's another walking tour and the Rapids are closed. Over to Dino Land which presents carnival rides plus the Dinosour attraction (we liked this one). No one was interested in much else there.

Wonder over to the Lion King show which we all agreed was the best live show we've ever seen at Dinsey.

We then decided to leave as there was really nothing else that was worth the time. Over all we spent 4 hours there.

IMHO, this park was a huge mistake. The Everest coaster they are putting in won't do much. It's just another coaster and misplaced as well.

It's not that we did not enjoy AK it's just that there's no real reason to visit. Epsecially if you have limited time in Florida. Again there's no compelling reason to stay very long.

I know people that have been there and loved it but they were huge animal people. But what's the difference between this park and a decent zoo?
In fairness to AK, you missed a lot of the park. Please tell me you stopped by the Tree of Life. Also, It's Tough to be a Bug and Tarzan are more than worth the time. Bummer that you missed Kali. Having said that, this is not my favorite park either. There is not as much to do and some of the attractions can be quite ho-hum. The Safari is a good example. I have gone when we didn't see much in terms of wildlife. On other occassions, it has been non-stop oohs and aahs


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I'll stand corrected

I agree we needed more time in the park and missed large parts of it. We will spend the time next visit, without the kids. They;re getting too old to miss a week or two of school. Possibly in 2012 when the youngest is out of high school.

Even an average day at WDW beats a great day anywhere else.

I really appreciate the civility and constructuve nature of the replies here as I know how uncivil a disagreement in cyberspace can become. Great group and I'll try to stay current beween now and the next visit!


New Member
Re: I'll stand corrected

Originally posted by rwdavis2
I agree we needed more time in the park and missed large parts of it. We will spend the time next visit, without the kids.

Now that's a plan! :D

I'll also echo what other fans of the park have said - it's a great change of pace from the other parks and one you just immerse yourself in rather than dashing from one ride to the next. It's a place that really grows on you.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: First Animal KIngdom Visit

Originally posted by johnvree
The Safari is a good example. I have gone when we didn't see much in terms of wildlife. On other occassions, it has been non-stop oohs and aahs

As should be expected in a ride where what you see can actually move and hide. That is why the Safari is probably the best ride in terms of actually NEEDING to do repeat runs on it. The safari areas are huge and sometimes you will go on it and the hippos will be up walking on the banks, Giraffes will walk right in front of the vehicles (causing a mighty backlog...he just wouldn't move until 'rangers' came out and "persuaded" him to get off the roadway :lol: ), all the Elephants will be playing near the water, the cheetahs will be up and walking around, and the Lion will stand a top his rock and actually roar...I've seen all this. I've also been on it when all you could see were the ears of the hippos, some giraffes hiding amongst the trees, the elephants way off in the distance in the enormous roaming grounds, the cheetahs sleeping and looking like a spot of dirt they are so far away and the Lion sleeping so that all that could be seen is the very top of his mane....since you can't control these animals and the environment that was provided was designed to foster their behavior in the wild...only taking this trip once cannot do it justice...and again it is because what you are seeing are real, 'freely' roaming wildlife.

I have never been to a zoo with the themeing that AK might even say it is some of Disney's best themeing. Take for instance the ruins that make up the path for the Maharajah Jungle Trek and the queue for Kali...they're almost an attraction in themselves. I've been to some nice zoos, but AK is probably one of the best in the "zoo" department I've seen, and it also provides attractions/rides/shows, etc. that all 'ordinary' theme park have...Everest will only help that.


I go to AK every time I'm in the world and I only go for a few things. I don't like how difficult it is to navigate through or how little there is to do. I see the themeing and know how peaceful it can be, I just don't like it.


Well-Known Member
Re: I'll stand corrected

Originally posted by rwdavis2
I agree we needed more time in the park and missed large parts of it. We will spend the time next visit, without the kids. They;re getting too old to miss a week or two of school. Possibly in 2012 when the youngest is out of high school.

Even an average day at WDW beats a great day anywhere else.

I really appreciate the civility and constructuve nature of the replies here as I know how uncivil a disagreement in cyberspace can become. Great group and I'll try to stay current beween now and the next visit!
Good attitude on your part.

First time we went, we hated it and swore we wouldn't do it again. The only reason we went back a second time was for FotL. This got us in again, and we said we would go again, but not at the end of our trip when we were tired. On our last trip, we went on the first day, had a positive attitude and really enjoyed ourselves. We tried new things (DO NOT miss Flights of Wonder next time) and began to see the beauty of AK.

So, try it again, keep an open mind, do some things that you missed, do your favorites again, eat lunch at Flame Tree BBQ and come back and tell us what you think. :wave:

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