However it came to be, they made HUGE improvements to that show. The fireworks were already mesmerizing but now they are unbelievable. Also did supplier issues also perfect the timing issues they were having?? Forgive me for saying, but if the pace of the show and the emotional factor that ROE has on people changes, I think the new show (if the rumors are indeed true) is going to fail, regardless of it's new effects. What goes on in ROE is something that most people don't even realize, the pacing. The music has it's ups and downs but what is not commonly known is that it keeps building and building very subtly, so that by the time the finale happens I've actually seen people start to cry just from being so emotionally overwhelmed! I'm all in favor of a few changes if they're needed..let me repeat, IF THEY'RE NEEDED, ROE could benefit from a few minor changes but revamping the whole show to a new concept is a bad idea plain and simple. At least now the current show emcompasses the whole park World Showcase and Futureworld in it's story, obviously WS with all it's cultural history and the finale with a look toward the future. What other show that DIsney has ever had done that?! It's the perfect show for a park like EPCOT, and they came as close to perfection when they created it that I don't see how you could replace it. Like I'm very fond of saying..if it ain't broke yet, be very careful with it!