Final Performance of 'Illuminations : RoE' Fan Meetup - Imagination Pavilion Gardens : Sept-30th 2pm-3pm


Well-Known Member
Still debating on location. But I think I’m gonna stick with near the ADA section near the friendship boat dock

I have the most good memories watching from here.



Well-Known Member
Any space left front row in Canada and/or Mexico? I'm getting supplies and then settling in.
You might be able to squeeze in. There were a bunch of campers there an hour ago.

Last night we walked into the FastPass area at 8:45. Once everyone stood up there was plenty of room. We ended up 4 rows back from the rope. I’m going to try that again tonight and hope everyone else doesn’t realize there is no FastPass tonight.


Well-Known Member
So glad I got to see it twice Sept 20/21. I was camping out two hours early for my spots (by Italy and then to get into the FP zone). Gives me warm fuzzies to see so many coming for its send off. I hope one of the good YouTube channels gets a good recording of its last hurrah. I recognize it’s time for a change but I’ll miss Illuminations.


Well-Known Member
People are starting to line up in France but you could easily squeeze in. According to security Italy and the lower level of France will have private parties.

Japan had lots of space left 30-45 minutes ago.
The Japan section has a very good view of the show. I remember seeing ROE from that section when I visited back in 2006 with my parents.


Well-Known Member
As we are approaching the final hours until the very last showing of ROE. I think it would be the perfect time to pay tribute to the pre show music. Now would be the final time to pull out the beautiful and memorable 30 minute pre show music for Reflections of Earth.

Usually pre show music don't catch attention with most guests. But the ROE's pre show actually caught guests attention once the flames first show up. I remember seeing some children dancing or moving to the beat of the preshow music. I will never forget hearing the preshow music playing as it starts getting darker and darker.

And yes I'm aware they would usually select different music for each night such as this one.

I also found this short clip of a Cast Member dancing to the Pre Show music from 2015. I love moments like this when even the Cast Members are having fun.

This is something I think HarmonioUS won't be able to replicate. Maybe Epcot Forever if we're lucky.

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