it might have been worse..... just playing devils advocate. We know how the Kodak story goes. But what if Kodak pulled out. We know how epcot and sponsorship goes. Do we get Horizons (bs on the sinkhole), or WOL. Or do we get a complete redo Energy or WOM. Figment could be gone entirely or the building even razed. As an architecture fan, someone who was there in 83 and a huge figment fan (i was 8 when i first saw him, he was cooler than mickey in my eyes) as much as what we have is a travesty and waste (the two rides after the original, no dream finder, the entire top floor and the building not being loved as it should be), part of me hopes that since we have any semblance of figment (esp with new popularity) and they building still stands.. thats theres hope. In another multiverse maybe theres a festival tent where JII was and figment is long dead.