Figment Question


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Ok, what's the story with Figment? I remember it when it was the big elaborate ride with the scruffy fellow and the blimp. :) I remember the newer version with the whole upside down house, skunk smell which I assume is the current ride? What was the ride between the two of those versions? Apparently Figment was removed from one of the versions of the ride. Was that version the second one and was it the same ride as the current ride just without figment? Me so confoosed. Does that question even make sense? :'(

- Old Ride with Dreamfinder
- Then the New Ride. What was it? Figment there?
- Current Ride with the skunk and upside down house.

Were there other versions other than those three? :hammer:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
The second ride did NOT have Figment, BUT IMO was better than this third, ridiculous, "improvment." Black curtains hang from the ceiling throughout to cover the walls. What a freakin' joke. At least the second version had some sort of believability. Not to mention that this NEW Figment they've brought back only LOOKS like Figment....the personality of this new character is WAY to different for them to even use the same name.

OLD FIGMENT = Lovable, curious, helpful...
NEW FIGMENT = Mean spirited, Trouble-making, wisenheimer

UGH, it's sickening to think about it.......
Yeah, the second ride did have Figment, but his role in that version was reduced to a cameo.

The current version IS better than the second version. Sure, nothing will ever better than the original JII attraction, but the current one is something closer to it than the awful 1999 redo!

And I don't think that Figment's character is completely different. Sure, he behaves differently, but he's still the same character. Besides, with Dreamfinder no longer around to keep him in check...I hope you all get what I'm saying here.

That's my two cents.


New Member
disneyphilip said:
Yeah, the second ride did have Figment, but his role in that version was reduced to a cameo.

The current version IS better than the second version. Sure, nothing will ever better than the original JII attraction, but the current one is something closer to it than the awful 1999 redo!

And I don't think that Figment's character is completely different. Sure, he behaves differently, but he's still the same character. Besides, with Dreamfinder no longer around to keep him in check...I hope you all get what I'm saying here.

That's my two cents.
While this version is slightly better than the second, it's still awful. I remember the original version had a wonderful antique rose-smell through out the pavilion. Now we have skunk, which in my part of the world equals road kill.:hurl: This version is like a South Park redo of Mary Poppins. They took something sweet and beautiful and turned it into something obnoxious, slightly gross, and just plain wrong.:mad:

As for Figment, I disagree. His whole personality changed. There was a wonderful sense of innocence, curiosity, and enthusiasim about the real Figment. He was a playful companion who you felt was enjoying the trip as much as you did. At the end of the show you wanted Figment to come home with you. He was like a cute puppy.

This incarnation kept the enthusiasim and lost the innocence. IMHO, he comes across as a slightly annoying and obnoxious prankster. He's like Beans from Even Stevens, you want to love him, but you just can't because he has that edge to him.

And without the fatherly warmth of Dream Finder, the show seems cold and sterile, like your're touring a lab. Which I realise is the point, but I much prefer the more personal version. This one is very in-your-face. I used to describe the original to my kids as going over to Figment's house to play. This version is like going to the Doctor's office. Cold, impersonal, and occasionally painful.

Sorry, JII is my CoP. I get pretty worked up over this.:cry: :mad:


Well-Known Member
people were obviously upset by the lack of figment in version 2.0. So they decided to bring him back...
The only thing is...its a little overkill for me. He's in every scene which i suppose is because he's the theme. But in the last scene when there are MULTIPLE just too much for me.
It's almost missed figment?? well HERE YOU GO you'll never miss him again.

I miss the old ride. Why did the change it in the first place? I forgot.


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Original Poster
waltdisny said:
I remember the original version had a wonderful antique rose-smell through out the pavilion.

That's the smell! I could never figure out what it was or a word to describe it.

It's not like they rip it out and throw it into the garbage somewhere. I'm sure they have everything they need to "put it back together". That was one of the greatest rides. The first night we would get there we would go to EPCOT an hour before close, ride JIYI a few times, then go back to the hotel. That last few times it was like "Wanna keep tradition and go to EPCOT and ride JII?" "Nah, it's not there anymore. They replaced it with some crappy ride." It just doesn't feel like Disney World without it. :'( They could bring it back and put it in the Magic Kingdom if they have to. It goes better with EPCOT, but I'd rather have it at MK than nowhere at all. Do you think they will ever bring the original back? :cry: :cry: :cry:


New Member
Although I dealry miss the original Journey Into Imagination, I have to say the new ride has grown on me. (I never had the misfortune to see the first version of the new ride). I believe the reason it was changed was that Kodak (Imagination's sponsor) stipulated in their contract that the pavilion be changed every ten years. As far as why the change was so drastic, I would speculate that has to do with budget. (I would imagine that the original was very expensive to maintain. Also, I am sure the pavilion as a whole uses less manpower to staff than it did in the 1980's). Here's some trivia for you: the current ride's Figment is voiced by Dave Goelz, who plays the Great Gonzo.


New Member
Sledge said:
That's the smell! I could never figure out what it was or a word to describe it.

Do you think they will ever bring the original back? :cry: :cry: :cry:
Yes, I even bought a popporri ring and some antique rose oil so I could have that smell at home! :D

I hope they do resurrect the orignal someday, or something closer to it. The last time I was down, this version wasn't packing them in. Sooner or later Kodak is going to figure out they're not getting much return on their investment.

There was some pretty draconian budget hacking going on during the overhaul. Some very bitter in-fighting at WDI as well. The overhaul took place at the height of the Pressler Reign of Terror, so any such project was fordoomed to failure.

Why exactly it was changed, and who paid for it, is a point of some controversy. Some camps (my self included) say that Pressler was looking to cut the operating budget at EPCOT, and eliminating the maintenance on JII's numerous audioanimatronics and other effects, as well as the Image Works staff, was an easy target. Kodak just went along for the ride, conned by the "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" propaganda. They were very unhappy with the surge of hate mail they got when the first overhaul came out. It was Kodak's pressure, created by fan backlash, that forced Disney to spring for the second overhaul. Total budget for the overhaul has been pegged at 6.4 to 7 million. The second version cost an additional 2 million. Not a lot of money.

As for the Disney cover story, I never bought it. After all, Captain Eo played to packed houses for years and you didn't see Disney scrambling to add Michael Jackson to the ride did you? No, something bigger was afoot, and this story jibes nicely with Pressler's money squeezing philosophy.

I also don't think Kodak called the shots because of their reaction throughout the process, even denying that the show was going to change as little as a month before the ride closed.

An I agree with you Alicia. The final seen does seem like an after thought. Doesn't it?

Visit and for more of the details on this travesty.


Well-Known Member
What I want to know is who are they trying to fool with the cheap "back of the giftshop" version of Image Works. With the original ride, the entire upstairs was devoted to the Image WOrks play area. There were countless things to do and see. Now they have 3 or 4 different things in the back of the gift shop and thats it, which most people ignore I might add. What the hell are they doing with the second floor?

Also, is it just me or is the new ride like 1/3 of the length of the orginal?

Sorry, to get so worked up!! As you can tell by my name, avatar, and signature, I am an avid fan of the original incarnation of this ride, and to this day it still upsets me that they took it away.


Well-Known Member
waltdisny said:
Yes, I even bought a popporri ring and some antique rose oil so I could have that smell at home! :D

I hope they do resurrect the orignal someday, or something closer to it. The last time I was down, this version wasn't packing them in. Sooner or later Kodak is going to figure out they're not getting much return on their investment.

There was some pretty draconian budget hacking going on during the overhaul. Some very bitter in-fighting at WDI as well. The overhaul took place at the height of the Pressler Reign of Terror, so any such project was fordoomed to failure.

Why exactly it was changed, and who paid for it, is a point of some controversy. Some camps (my self included) say that Pressler was looking to cut the operating budget at EPCOT, and eliminating the maintenance on JII's numerous audioanimatronics and other effects, as well as the Image Works staff, was an easy target. Kodak just went along for the ride, conned by the "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" propaganda. They were very unhappy with the surge of hate mail they got when the first overhaul came out. It was Kodak's pressure, created by fan backlash, that forced Disney to spring for the second overhaul. Total budget for the overhaul has been pegged at 6.4 to 7 million. The second version cost an additional 2 million. Not a lot of money.

As for the Disney cover story, I never bought it. After all, Captain Eo played to packed houses for years and you didn't see Disney scrambling to add Michael Jackson to the ride did you? No, something bigger was afoot, and this story jibes nicely with Pressler's money squeezing philosophy.

I also don't think Kodak called the shots because of their reaction throughout the process, even denying that the show was going to change as little as a month before the ride closed.

An I agree with you Alicia. The final seen does seem like an after thought. Doesn't it?

Visit and for more of the details on this travesty.
Not only does it seem like an afterthought, but a good example of "be careful what you wish for".
PurpleDragon said:
What I want to know is who are they trying to fool with the cheap "back of the giftshop" version of Image Works. With the original ride, the entire upstairs was devoted to the Image WOrks play area. There were countless things to do and see. Now they have 3 or 4 different things in the back of the gift shop and thats it, which most people ignore I might add. What the hell are they doing with the second floor?

Also, is it just me or is the new ride like 1/3 of the length of the orginal?

Sorry, to get so worked up!! As you can tell by my name, avatar, and signature, I am an avid fan of the original incarnation of this ride, and to this day it still upsets me that they took it away.

It allmost appears like WDW management were expecting smaller crowds to the attraction............hmmmmmmmmmm............. :cool:


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
It allmost appears like WDW management were expecting smaller crowds to the attraction............hmmmmmmmmmm............. :cool:
yeah, so what are they doing with all that extra space?:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
I dont think they'll ever bring it back, after two incarnations of the ride trying to display the same message in both of the 2 current editions, and then closing down the pavillion just to announce that the old ride is coming back. I dont know, it would be nice though.

I somewaht agree with what some of yall are saying, but I think that the current edition is trying to be just like what the second one was, only thing they just sprinkled figment ALL through the ride, hoping to get the same respect the original JII had. I think the reason why WDI wanted to change the original is because of HISTA right next door, and to get like the same kinda chemistry going between the two attractions. But I do agree that the current edition is a real cheap way of bringing Figment back.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Sorry but this is the epitome of an Eisner generation ride, great idea, poorly executed paying lip service to fans and done at the minimum of expense.

But at leats its a bit better than another seasonal or closed area


Well-Known Member
the-reason14 said:
I think the reason why WDI wanted to change the original is because of HISTA right next door, and to get like the same kinda chemistry going between the two attractions.
A simple change would have achieved that. They could have made Dreamfinder an employee of the Imagination Institute. Put a lab coat on him, give him an office door out in the HISTA lobby and VOILA!

I just think WDI underestimated how much the public loved the original ride, and so after completely overhauling it, as the-reason14 said, they just sprinkle figment all throughout the ride hoping to apease the masses, but it didn't seem to help much(i.e. this thread):cry:


New Member
PurpleDragon said:
yeah, so what are they doing with all that extra space?:veryconfu

Training and other small stuff.

The upper part of Imagination was closed due to a spike in the cost of insurance for the upper floor. I guess that is because if there were a fire, there would be 3 small escape areas for guests. The elevator, the escalator, and the stairs. All of them though are low capacity. I guess if Disney were to reopen the upper floor, a new wide pathed wheel-chair ramp would need to be built up there, but that is only speculation.

About the original Imagination. I believe Kodak wanted Figment and Dreamfinder out of the attraction after the run of the original ride. Like several other Future World pavilians, there was a plan set in stone to replace the original ride after a set number of years. The thing is though that when the time came to replace Imagination, it was a bad time for Imagineering.

Management gave Imagineering a shoe-string budget to work with for redesigning the new ride. (I should note though that the track was shortened but all of the lower floor is still used, the new Imageworks is where the cut part of the ride is).

After Journey Into Your Imagination opened, there was an outrage from guests. I would say that because the ride was so bad that it made guests have a strong urge for Figment to return. Another problem was that Figment was still sold in the giftshop and was in the preshow for the ride.

From the outrage, Imagineering was forced to redesign the ride again with figment this time. Of course the Budget did not improve at all and most of the old sets from Journey Into Your Imagination were still of use with some minor alterations.

The Problem with the newest version of the ride came probably from Figment himself. He lacked Dreamfinder which was probably his better half. Also, the tune "One Little Spark" returned which yet catchy, came to an annoying context which probably helped kill the attraction even more.

I wouldn't expect to see though a new Imagination for a while. First of all, several other Pavilians are above Imagination on the list to improve. Both The Land and The Living Seas are right now being updated and well, if Imagination was closed, even when The Land is open, it could be bad.

I wouldn't expect to see anything happen with Imagination though until 2011. But I still think that a change is unlikely.


Well-Known Member
DarkMeasures said:
I wouldn't expect to see anything happen with Imagination though until 2011. But I still think that a change is unlikely.
If it means bringing JIYI back to something similar to its original incarnation (i.e. bringing back Dreamfinder and something that would actually spark your imagination and not turn your stomach), then I'd be willing to wait that long.:D

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