Figments Friend
Well-Known Member too!
I have loved the original JII since it first opened in 1983. Nothing comes close to the sheer stunning brillance this ride was Disney's finest ride-thru attraction EVER in my opinion. The concept, presentation, and engineering were first rate, and to this day has never been matched. It was a true MASTERPIECE of execution....appealing, inspiring, and fasinating all in one. To this day this ride inspires was indeed a very unique experience and it is perhaps one of Disney's greatest unforgivable acts for totally destroying it in one quick blow back in 99'. I will NEVER forgive the powers that be (or were) for signing the dotted line to gut it. What a tragety.....
Yes, i realize that a attaction THIS complex must have been a absolute nightmare to maintain and keep running. I am still stunned at the complexidy of the Original JII when i watch the various "tribute" videos of was so amazing how they created this ride!! JII was indeed a truly unique entity all it's own and was the perfect creation to express it's point.....creativity and the power of that "One Little Spark" that can lead to so much. Everything about it was fantastic, from the music, lightning effects, atmospheric sets, and animatronic animation. How they devised that amazing Dream Vehicle rotating stage still baffles me to this day...and i LOVE that!! I would love to see plans of the originals building layout...anyone have any info on this? Other posts/threads have some links listed but none of them seems to have any of the said plans. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think it's was a outright disgrace what they did to the place after the Original Show was gutted in 99'. The horrid "Institute" ride was absolutely pathectic to say the least!! I was SO incredibly dissapointed and shocked when i discovered the awful truth in the Summer of 2000 when i visited Epcot Center, my favorite of all the parks. Part of the reason Epcot ruled for me was Figment and his fabulous just imagine my utter disgust in discovering it was NO LONGER THERE!!! Worse, it was "replaced" by a cheaply executed acuse for a "attraction"....the WORST such effort i have ever experienced with the Disney name attached to it. I was LIVID and i let my voice be heard, but in a respectful way when i expressed my concerns to the CM's at that time. They all knew the new ride was awful themselves, and we had good chats about what to do about it. Thankfully, it was changed and although it is still a rather poor effort to me, at least they listened to the outcry of the paying public and brought two of the Originals highlights back...Figment and the wonderful theme song.
Now...if we can JUST convince them to stick Dremfinder in there somewhere...that would be even better! Surely, with all that open space in the current ride (which again shows you the lack of care and $$$ invested in "improving" it!) they can put in a couple of DF figures doing things. he could be outside of one of the lab doors perhaps...reacting to sounds or sights that are coming from them? Or holding some bubbling beakers if they so insist on pursuing the lame "Institute" theme. Just GET HIM IN THERE SOMEHOW OKAY????
Alright....i'm done ranting now....sorry, i just have such a passion for the Original that i can talk forever about it's past glories!
Final word that most here will agree with i'm sure...
They should have NEVER removed it in the first place!!
Shame on you...SHAME ON YOU!!!! You will never be forgiven!!
I have loved the original JII since it first opened in 1983. Nothing comes close to the sheer stunning brillance this ride was Disney's finest ride-thru attraction EVER in my opinion. The concept, presentation, and engineering were first rate, and to this day has never been matched. It was a true MASTERPIECE of execution....appealing, inspiring, and fasinating all in one. To this day this ride inspires was indeed a very unique experience and it is perhaps one of Disney's greatest unforgivable acts for totally destroying it in one quick blow back in 99'. I will NEVER forgive the powers that be (or were) for signing the dotted line to gut it. What a tragety.....
Yes, i realize that a attaction THIS complex must have been a absolute nightmare to maintain and keep running. I am still stunned at the complexidy of the Original JII when i watch the various "tribute" videos of was so amazing how they created this ride!! JII was indeed a truly unique entity all it's own and was the perfect creation to express it's point.....creativity and the power of that "One Little Spark" that can lead to so much. Everything about it was fantastic, from the music, lightning effects, atmospheric sets, and animatronic animation. How they devised that amazing Dream Vehicle rotating stage still baffles me to this day...and i LOVE that!! I would love to see plans of the originals building layout...anyone have any info on this? Other posts/threads have some links listed but none of them seems to have any of the said plans. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think it's was a outright disgrace what they did to the place after the Original Show was gutted in 99'. The horrid "Institute" ride was absolutely pathectic to say the least!! I was SO incredibly dissapointed and shocked when i discovered the awful truth in the Summer of 2000 when i visited Epcot Center, my favorite of all the parks. Part of the reason Epcot ruled for me was Figment and his fabulous just imagine my utter disgust in discovering it was NO LONGER THERE!!! Worse, it was "replaced" by a cheaply executed acuse for a "attraction"....the WORST such effort i have ever experienced with the Disney name attached to it. I was LIVID and i let my voice be heard, but in a respectful way when i expressed my concerns to the CM's at that time. They all knew the new ride was awful themselves, and we had good chats about what to do about it. Thankfully, it was changed and although it is still a rather poor effort to me, at least they listened to the outcry of the paying public and brought two of the Originals highlights back...Figment and the wonderful theme song.
Now...if we can JUST convince them to stick Dremfinder in there somewhere...that would be even better! Surely, with all that open space in the current ride (which again shows you the lack of care and $$$ invested in "improving" it!) they can put in a couple of DF figures doing things. he could be outside of one of the lab doors perhaps...reacting to sounds or sights that are coming from them? Or holding some bubbling beakers if they so insist on pursuing the lame "Institute" theme. Just GET HIM IN THERE SOMEHOW OKAY????
Alright....i'm done ranting now....sorry, i just have such a passion for the Original that i can talk forever about it's past glories!
Final word that most here will agree with i'm sure...
They should have NEVER removed it in the first place!!
Shame on you...SHAME ON YOU!!!! You will never be forgiven!!