fear of flying in commercial jet?


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Does anyone out there have fear of flying? I will be flying down to Orlando in a few weeks. I used to fly a lot but in my old age I have developed a fear of flying. Anyone have any suggestions or cures? Thanks


Does anyone out there have fear of flying? I will be flying down to Orlando in a few weeks. I used to fly a lot but in my old age I have developed a fear of flying. Anyone have any suggestions or cures? Thanks

Stay hydrated. You can't take a bottle of water through security with you but you can purchase one before you get on the plane

Tell the Flight Attendant you have a fear of flying...in my experience they have always been reassuring and very attentive

Dress comfortably. Don't think about fashion (to an extent...no pajamas or anything) :animwink: but you want to be as comfortable as possible so wear light, loose clothing, nothing binding or restrictive as it will feel worse when you're on the plane.

Request a seat...if you think sitting near the window or aisle would be better for you make that request...often you can do that when you book the tickets...if not contact your travel agent or the airline and do it now. I prefer window seats because I'm very day dreamy and like to look out the window, this also gives me the option to close the shade if I choose to.

Take some entertainment...don't expect the movie or radio onboard will keep you enetertained. Take a book, puzzle book, mp3 player a few things to switch between to take your mind off the flight....my suggestion, buy a book about Disney like a vacation planning guide, maybe you'll find something new to try for your trip and if not at least you'll always be reminded that the flight will be worth it!!!

good luck and have fun :wave:


Naturally Grumpy
Don't have a good answer for you as I luckily don't have that issue with flying. If anything I find it very boring...but can catch up on some reading.
Mostly wanted to say Hi to a fellow Tiger!


Active Member
I was the same way. I used to fly ALOT (in the summer of 2000 alone I had 27 take offs). But I slowly started developing a phobia, and 9/11 and having kids put me over the edge and I swore I'd never fly again.
But I REALLY wanted to go to Disney, and the thought of more than 24 hours in a car with my 12 month old and four year old finally convinced me to fly.
I spent weeks panicking everytime I even THOUGHT about it.
I found this online course and it helped. It did not cure me, but it helped me alot. It is free, and you do not have to give out any personal info. I've taken it several times. I promise there is no gimmick involved.

I also do deep breathing and pray as soon as I get buckled in until we reach cruising altitude. I've found that once we reach cruising altitude and the captain comes on the speaker and takes the seatbelt sign off, I feel alot better!
The worse parts for me are the days and hours before the flight, and the take off.
I still get a little nervous during turbulence and landing, but I just do the deep breathing and praying again!


New Member
Valium always works!!! Although you may not be able to get yourself off the plane when the time comes.:ROFLOL:


There's a reason there are bars in airports . . . . :D

Since we had our daughter, I've been rather apprehensive about flying. I used to fly a bunch for work, and am about to start up again, and I'm with you on the apprehension. Flying with people you know helps. Make sure you have something to do, from a book to a laptop, headphones, magazine, newspapers, sudoku, crosswords, solitare on your cell phone . . . whatever. That's what I have always found was helpful.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
*raises hand*

I'm afraid of flying. :eek: Sitting by the window really helps me. I feel like if I can see out, it's all ok. Also, relaxing music on my iPod. And if it gets really bumpy I'll get a mid-flight glass of red wine. Just one though, so I don't get dehydrated.


New Member
I'm afraid of flying.
In preparation for my last trip to Disney, I took a free online fear of flying course. It was great. They talked about statistics of things actually going wrong, they talked about how the plane works, and there were videos and audio clips to help you get used to the feelings during a flight.
One of my big scares was always landing... there's always so many strange noises and sensations during landing I always felt in the past that something was going wrong. After the course, on my latest flight, I knew everything was happening for a reason and knew what all the sounds and feelings were... it really helped.
I would totally suggest an online course.


New Member
This book might help...


Well-Known Member
Its not really a fear, its just that I hate being in a confined space for such a long time (3 hours for me). I've learned to take a mild sedative beforehand, but I still don't want to be bothered and I can't eat. :hurl:
We flew JetBlue and they had tv's at each seat so I watched the food channel the entire time, made it a bit easier. :lol:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Just accept that the meter of life is running and theres nowt you can do about it except when the faire is due to have made sure you have had your moneys worth.

Worked for me.


New Member
Does anyone out there have fear of flying? I will be flying down to Orlando in a few weeks. I used to fly a lot but in my old age I have developed a fear of flying. Anyone have any suggestions or cures? Thanks
YES! I hate flying. I'm leaving this Sat. morning and unfortunately, I can't get as excited as I would like because I despise it so much! I'm trying to decide if I should take a benedryl or have a couple of glasses of wine to get me through it??? Neither really works, but they calm me down a tiny bit?!? I wish I could give you some suggestions. I also put up this same thread about a month ago, and many people had great suggestions, but I don't think any would work for me at this point!! I'm that bad!! Good luck!!


Active Member
Before my trip to WDW in Oct. 2006, my last flight had been in May 2000 for a trip to WDW. I freaked on the plane in 2000, but in 2006, I tried not to think about what could go wrong & instead I thought about the reward at the end of the flight- a Disney vacation. I also took sudoku & my mp3 player with me to keep busy. I always take a small pillow or a stuffed animal that can be used as a pillow & I try to take at least a little nap.


New Member
I have always had a huge fear of flying since a couple of years ago when the plane that my sister and I were flying in had to almost make a crash landing. It didn't help that when we finally did land, that there were police cars, firetrucks and ambulances lining the runway. Since then I have had the doctor give me a light sedative and it helps a little, but I still get really nervous. Last time I took a little too much by accident and just slept the whole time. Hopefully when I go to disney in August it won't be so bad since my husband will be with me when we go for our honeymoon.


Active Member
I have the fear of being in a confined space. Since I live in Wichita , Ks pretty much the only planes that fly out of here are small. If you can, sit by the window. I can't my daughter always grabs that seat. Another thing that helps allot is to close you eyes for a few minutes and just breath and think about all the fun your going to have. I would not recomend seditives personally mainly because if they are to stong your family will have to take care of you and this can ruin their trip. My mom took some and was passed out before we left Wichita. I had to navigate through the Alanta airport with her, 2 children, and only a 30 minute lay over. NOT FUN! If you must have a travel med I suggest trying it out in the comfort of your own home a couple of weeks before your trip to make sure the dosage is right and you don't have a reaction to it.


Active Member
I used to love to fly, but since I've had kids, I get more worried. I know you are more likely to die in a car crash, but the chances of surviving a car crash are higher than a plane crash!

Anyway, I just try to keep myself busy. I also just close my eyes at take off and landing, as that's what I have the hardest time with myself. I have to stay sane around the kids so that they don't get scared, so that helps, too. I try to book a flight on the largest plane I can.

It didn't help last night that I had a dream involving a plane crash. I wasn't on it, just saw it happen, but still I guess it's in the back of my mind.

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